Fast curing method 🤔

So I came across this article…and figured I’d share it with the community.

…looking to see what u guys think of this rush job, being that the waiting game is the hardest part of growing these beauties, but yeah what’s your thoughts on this?


“If taste and aroma are low on your list of priorities…” Their words not mine.

There is no substitute for time. Ive quick dried before and it’s always subpar.

Your mileage may vary.


I agree with @Foreigner. We wait months to grow these beautiful plants, why rush the last part? A proper dry is only an additional 7-10 days.

When they said temperatures of 90° F, my first thought was that some if the more volatile aromatic compounds will evaporate as low as 70° F.

Finally, they suggested baking buds at 200° F. Maybe if you were going to eat the buds or make capsules. But even if baking, the green flavor may be over powering.


trash article IMO.


I’m not as worried about warm temp drying as some people. Outdoor weed often sees 100F temps or higher during flowering, but outdoor is also considered by many to be the best tasting, so I can’t see any logical reason why warmer temps during drying would make a marked difference than the outdoor environment itself. I’m sure there’s some impact and likely also a point of diminishing returns, but I haven’t seen any data-driven examination or comparison - though I’d love to! Why aren’t testing labs or big legal producers conducting and documenting this kind of easy analysis? Maybe they have?

However, that said, I think the article is pretty poorly written and I wouldn’t trust their advice on anything. As Reiko said, why wait months to grow the plant only to fuck it up during the 2 or 3 weeks required for a basic dry/cure? People gotta control their impulses. :wink:


I wouldn’t say it’s a trash article…I mean they’re pretty much saying what the deal is if u decide to fast cure ya bud…its not like they’re recommending it, it’s more of laying out the pros n cons I guess. The way I interpret it is “hey if u wanna cure fast expect ya shit to be bunk, if that’s ya thing” I figured I post it for the new growers here so they can see there’s really no shortcut to curing bud to a quality status.

I remember my very 1st successful grow…and I knew nothing about curing…man I threw that bud in the toaster oven at its lowest setting and when it was dry enough to smoke…it tasted like I was smoking wheat had my kitchen smelling like the woods.


IMO, garbage in, garbage out. I’m not singling you out but as elaborately explained by those with more experience than I…the info presented is hardly “advanced techniques”


Agree completely

The longer the process the better the cure


Cheap, fast, and high quality, you only get to pick two.

Cheap and fast? Sure, but it’s gonna be lower quality

Fast and high quality? Pony up the dough for that freeze dryer!

Cheap and high quality? Slow down, smell the roses, and enjoy the process


I once dried weed by putting it in a Pringles can and blasting it with a hair dryer.


I didn’t agree with the “advanced techniques” myself but I’m not hung up on it, aside from that…I feel the info in the article was pretty solid and non-misleading.

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How’d that turn out? lol


It was total shit.


HAHAHAHAHAHA…I bet it was!


Once you pop you can’t stop. He’s been smoking ever since.


Shoulda been hitting it off the other end, probably almost hit vaporization levels :laughing:


I remember my dad drying homegrown in the oven when I was a kid :joy: made the house smell kinda awful, like he mowed the grass and dumped the bag in the house.

The whole point of curing, be it weed or meat, or whatever. . … is SLOW and LOW.


Oh shit! :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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What terrible marketing. You’ll become addicted with only one hit! I’ve heard that somewhere before…

It’s funny you mention this because we did pop holes in the bottom for airflow but only after blasting all the weed out the top a couple of times.

We were so stupid.


Maan tell me about it…my toaster did the same thing had my kitchen and dining room smelling like WTF. good thing mom dukes worked long hours back then, if she would’ve walked in and smelled that, I probably wouldn’t be here. Thank God for overtime!

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