Last couple of hours!
It indicates the End Time is 11:59 P.M. EST!!! Is that not correct? SS/BW…mister
According to this it should be “your local timezone” if setup properly in your profile
That’s what it’s showing for me. Just wondering if it set up properly in the Intro. We’ll see. Better yet, how many hours until the end? SS/BW…mister
Sorry fellas,
You are correct @misterbee
Congratz everyone with your seeds. Thank you so much for the help! Now it’s fase 2. Pictures will be coming up and then it will be send to @santero.
A big bow to you OG,
Is it over? SS/BW…mister
So no more bidding?
The first post looks to me like it closes in about 16hrs 17min from now.
Guess it depends time zone. Lol. Closes in 15hrs in eastern time zone.
NOT POSSIBLE!! It ends Worldwide at the SAME time. Or, rather…SHOULD!! SS/BW…mister
I’m not sure it’s set correctly. It also says it should show other timezones if you hover the cursor over the time, which it’s not doing here. Is it possible it was just copied and pasted from other auctions with the same text, but the code didn’t make it through?
That does appear to be the case.
oh I had this big strategy. Congrats everyone!!!
Yep my sniping turned into wiping…. 🥲
And by that, the auction is closed. (EDIT) OR NOT?
Congrats everyone! From now on it will be administration. I will contact each winner for the address.
This made me so happy. Thanks for all the help to made this possible! San and his wife really need help and you guys nailed it! Much love,
All my seeds are packed and ready to go !!!
Woo hoo thanks to everyone
I am sorry bro.
You may be shorting yourself by closing this abruptly bud, the snipers always show up right at the end. Totally your call but if it were me I would announce the closing in say 1.5 hours.
Well, I don’t want to do that…
Are there people against this proposal? If not,
Thanks @DougDawson, let’s have a sniper festival. Campers ready?