God might not be invisible

Time there is another one.
is time linear?

is not Buddha older than jesus, would not the bible be the counter fit or copy or knock off.

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best and most public warning by God to date. warned him to watch what the hell he was doing and if he messed up next time he wouldnā€™t turn his head. warned him that those who are paid to protect him may not be doing just that as well as they need to. or however you perceive it which i am sure is not the way i do but we better stop hereā€¦

No budda is Not because Jesus has always been with the father read Gen Chapter 3:22.

ughā€¦thatā€™s not true The Diamond SÅ«tra people call bs on that :slight_smile:


oh OK? so it was written. you can not possible be pushing that forward as some sort of proof. means zero to me.
is faith just the volunteered suspension of critical thinking cus I am not down with that.

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Every time I hear ā€œthe smartest people in the worldā€, Iā€™m reminded of this comic by Gary Larsen.


I appreciate your response. I have a belief that this is a simulation of some description. At least what we see is not 100% ā€˜realā€™ or complete. Other than that Iā€™m wide open. I was making the god/science point in so as that this is the talking point in general terms and as such gatekeeps anything of substance reaching the mainstream.

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how else would the ruling class keep their wealth/power? if we were all really christians we wouldnā€™t have any war, homelessness, hunger, disease, etc left. but we (man in general as a species) have a pretty good gift for mucking things up pretty quickly. took almost 200 years to corrupt the early church but they started having problems soon after the resurrection.

and i will refrain from posting my observation of yourself, based upon the brief summary of the posts on this page, for the befit of all involved. have a great day as well.


If it were not for my Christian ancestors ( majority) founding the greatest most powerful nation in ALL of history :us: your welcome

And to be quite honest everything started going to crap when we allowed atheists to take God out of schools and allowed ALL the other 3rd world in bring their false gods into our country.

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any thoughts on BRICS or the global move to abandon the petrodollar?

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This topic is inherently too divisive. Inevitably creating resentment and acrimony.