God might not be invisible

laying in bed in a hospitl with stress, the nurse gave me a valium.

I had thoughts of God and the universe and big bang theory.

I figured in my relaxed state a few theories, the one i remember most is that God might not be a living invisible man in the sky that is preached by religions but god being the universe itself.
Controls laws of physics, astro physics, gravity, expanding or shrinking universe…

The big bang if true could be the birth of the universe but also the birth of God.

This theory had me wondering as an ex atheist now agnostic— if it was doors of perception being cleansed by a relaxing moment of medication…

“when the doors of perception are cleansed, things will be seen as they truly are”

William Blake 1794

Anyway just a thought.

On a rethink and re-edit- i dont want flame wars and this thread was hidden to stop debates getting molativ cocktailed into hatred dissagreements and wars…religion and dissagreements can cause things like 9/11 catastrophies so please refrain from heated words or vitriol…even if you completely dissagree with some one or think they are dense with different beliefs to your own…

now hopefully this thread can go on a few posts more or a few pages, you can state your beliefs without judgement hopefully…

Also i will say, since aboriginals (Australian indigenous people) were the first known humans in the world 50k - 60 000 years ago, since then we have been trying to work it out…still no hard facts for atheists or religious people of any sort so we can not be 100% certain and hate on differing beliefs imo…

i personally agree with Flowers, that “agnosticism is sensible way” and also Chill- “each to their own”

also by chill “I take the view that the universe and God are so complex (not to mention what was there before the big bang), that humans won’t understand. There are too many conflicting beliefs, views, and theories to be certain whether yours is right or not”

Carry on the discussion if you feel fit without vitriol or disrespect and as little divisive or ridiculing statements as possible…

this edit was suggested to me to be edited from moderators and staff of OG to fix it up myself in a less divisive path and a way of less acrimony causing war starting flame session of disagreements ,something overgrow doesn’t have that THCFARMER the shitty sight has is way too many petty pointless arguments that get nowhere…i hate that website…
I think moderators are trying to avoid OG to become like them…or worse than them…petty arguments over nonsense no one can prove or if it even really matters in the end…this site is peaceful so much as ive seen…



Out of the top ten or one hundred smartest people in the world
Not one of them believe there is a god
: )


i dont either it was just a thought had in a hospital on valium…

I dont believe any dogma and bible quran orreligious written by shepards and goat fuckers…but the universe is in control of everything, the laws of physics gravity astro physics…

Also you can with a powerful microscope see atoms but you can not see the forces that hold atoms togethor. you can also not see the forces that hold living creatures cells together,…or what started life in the first place…chemical chance? i dont think so…yet im a doubting god exists person doubt bibles etc
especially since there are about 1800 religions, indiginous religions all being exterminated by dumb christians or muslims that want everyone to be “civilised” and believe in their own religion

chemical chance seems like a long shot of starting life on planets…even though im mostly atheist well now confused. and more agnostic.

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All these things were invented by mankind to make life and death easier

Like if bird shits on you , that’s good luck
Lose a tooth , it’s ok fairy will give you money
When you die you go to afterlife

Believe in yourself , is the best advice

In the end I suppose , believe in whatever makes you happy , that’s the main thing …………. being happy
: )


The Big Bang. Tennis ball sized infinite mass containing everything needed to build a universe. Just sat there in nothingness waiting to explode. Now if you believe that but don’t make time for an actual creator then I don’t know what to say about that.


How you define ‘God’ is key. Don’t let organised religion gate-keep asking questions! Agnosticism is the only sensible position imo!


Agreed. Bin the word God and replace it with Creator. I’m not saying there is one after all no one knows. But to paraphrase a quote. Big bang theorists are also asking us to believe in a miracle not just the religious amongst us.


Drug induced , pay no mind to it.

Get educated first to Gods own doctrine.
God has always been, he was not created.

Spend some time learning theories and you will
Inevitably get to the bane of most atheists.
Infinite regression.
Well what exists before the big bang and who created it
And before that?
Onto infinity.
Smartest folks are atheists?
I call them educated idiots.
Particle Physics, quantum entanglemt
You can’t help but notice some ones fucking
With the “smart” people lolol.
Truthfully I find most atheist to be stupid
They are like folks here, intellectual sprinters
They crap out soon and go eat doritos.

The truth is atheism is a religion. One of self
It takes God to proclaim there is no God
To belive what others say and claim
Well that takes faith
Faith in Dawson that he’s right
Faith in whomever they are right
And then they all have faith in each other.
And each other’s observations.
If you look up the definition of religion
It’s a belief held by?
You got it Faith.
So not even recognizing the “smart” atheist
Has set himself up to be His own God
He has proclaimed there is no God
He has Faith in this, therefore
Its a religion


Amen brother really good points. lol Tesla believed in God and so did Albert Einstein who was a Jew by the way.


If I don’t believe in a god then that means I automatically believe in the big bang? What about accepting that we don’t know how things started, and never will. Spend mental energy on things that are happening now.


I say to each his own…but
Choose wisely


I wouldn’t have thought 5mg of valium would be enough?

Interesting thread.


Ignorance of the Word of God had a hand In it to.


Aint it a beautiful thing. Creation was created in such a way God can be explained out of the equation because God never intellectually corners you to force you to believe in it. Instead you are given the opportunity to take birth after birth to come to the realization yourself.

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I take the view that the universe and God are so complex (not to mention what was there before the big bang), that humans won’t understand. There are too many conflicting beliefs, views, and theories to be certain whether yours is right or not.


That’s right God gave man free will and in so doing people say why does God send people to hell if he’s loving? Well actually he could have made us like robots ( like slaves) but gave us free will ( example Adam and Eve who chose to NOT heed Gods warning) so people choose hell by not accepting his sacrifice for man’s sins ( his ONLY begotten SON Jesus Christ , Yashua) spending eternity separated from God by their own choice . Might I add God said “ Man shall know by my creation alone there is a GOD” so there will be NO excuse. My 2 cents take it or leave it I’m out.


No there isn’t

There the scriptures God claims he had wrote
There’s a book of his that has no copyright
So it’s free to all men
Out of all the “gods” on earth
Only one Claims to be the True God.
Anyway pm me any
We can debate there, this thread will go boom
By the end of the day if not sooner
Some dweeb will get offended

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That’s the God of Abraham, Issiac, and , Jacob ( The One true God) if anyone has read the Holy Bible the oldest book in existence, you would know that most of the Old Testament was written by Moses ( I believe when he spent all that time up on Mt. Sanai God told him how he created the earth and how everything came to be) also if you want to get chills watch on YouTube the real mt Sinai Jabel Alawz <~~~~~~~~ real mountain the word of God is accurate to the tittle.


Yes and Saint Paul wrote 75 percent of the New Testament

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Out of interest which one claims to be the True God like which path / text?

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