God might not be invisible

The Catholic Church claims Mt Sinai is at st Cathrineā€™s ( itā€™s NOT because God brought the children OUT of Egypt) the Bible is clear itā€™s in ARABIA. The Saudi government has built a fence around the mount in years past NOT wanting the info to get out.

All books can be considered written by ā€˜Godā€™ just like the bible and no more or less so. Most books werenā€™t written by a group and translated by the ruling elite, the bible was no?!
How Christianity took on all the old pagan beliefs and continues to evolve with society suggests to me that itā€™s a work in progress, not the truth. The bible is like an ancient guide book.

The church has come to enshrine in-equality and property rights etc into its belief system which personally insults my intelligence and also my instinct for what is right and wrong.
(But of course thereā€™s tons of good stuff in there too)

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In anycase Pic your religion
One of self and faith based on others beliefs
Or one based on Holy Scripture.
Be your own God
Or seek out the True one.

I can not prove God exists, that right he reserves for himself to all men.
I can not prove what happned 16 billion years ago
No one can.
Iā€™m only required By God to give a good account
Of why I have faith in Him.

The issue of time warps the minds of men.
General relativity may be helpful to Folks
Imagine your a photon
You travel at the speed of light
Time has stopped from an outside observers
Yet time in your space proton clicks on normally.
Start to pick apart these things
Itā€™s obvious
"GOD does not play dice with the universe "


God cannot be both all knowing and good.

Think about it.


They just seem to be the two options on the table is all. Iā€™m not pinning beliefs to anyone. But it does seem to be a binary argument. God or science?

If it looked like i attributed beliefs to people that they donā€™t hold then accept my apologies.

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Thatā€™s assuming that the material world is real and not an illusion - In the hindu conception we call it Maya which is where the idea of the Matrix was sampled from but we view it as you are the spirit soul and you have taken birth in this material world due to your desire to enjoy separately from God.

Eventhough all the evil and suffering in the world the soul is never harmed or injured and goes through body after body similarly to how you would change your clothes. So while there is bad and evil things that happen in this world it doesnā€™t actually matter because the world is an illusion and your goal should be too remember you original position of being part and parcel of God but you are also free to live in these material creations

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Science PROVES God exists. The question is WILL they admit it

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this is where youā€™re messing up. there are many options besides that. i was shown visions that reconciled that science and religion are merely different interpretations of the same thing. does that mean they were right and i am the purveyor of the truth? far from it, and i concede it could have been lack of sleep and not visions at all, but the things that have happened to me physically since my conversion and attempt at being a devout catholic convinced me that not only is God real but there is no religion that has any sort of exclusive claim to Him. as long as you choose one, operate within itā€™s bounds, and follow it exclusively, then youā€™ll see it working.

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Going back to the thread title

Consider a 2 dimensional being
In flatland
To him a 3 dimensional being would seem
Invisible, but itā€™s the 2 dimensional being
That is the one that canā€™t see.
A dimensions for dummies study
Will bring Perspective

This is true. They reveal him by mistake but still people canā€™t see it. They see science. Not a creator. Even though itā€™s easy to see.

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I have said here before, God wonā€™t force himself on you.
You have to invite him in.

Here is a clue he left, perhaps these Jewish hearders were just lucky guessing?

It took 2k years for men to understand this.

Learn moreā€¦Opens in new tab

ā€œThe things that are seen are made by the things that are unseenā€ Hebrews 11:3
And they smash the unseen together at Cern
And get?
More unseen things


I wouldnt say Iā€™m messing up. In public discourse as a general rule the boundaries are restricted to God or science. That is undeniable. If you want detail and meta-analysis then you need to read a book. Most people donā€™t read books. The thread here is going past the 2 sided argument but this isnā€™t representative of discourse had around this subject in everyday ordinary conversation. Listen to a debate on this subject on radio and there isnā€™t a soul ringing up saying ā€˜Iā€™ve had visionsā€™. Theyā€™ll argue about whose god but thatā€™s the only variation on the theme it seems.

If yā€™all want some more proof God existing look at what happened with President Trump the other day ( God caused him to move his head at the perfect time) :pray:t2::heart::joy::+1:t2::raised_hands:


about that Big Bang theory.
large objects are attracted to each other in space.
so just cause we followed the origin of all traceable light from a singular point ( or starting point, I mean no one proved how exactly singular we are talking about. )
it does not mean that is where things began including light.
What if objects in the universe attract each other and repel at some point only to expand and re-retract?

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God CREATED the heavens and the earth heavens meaning space.
GOD said let there be light to rule by day and a lesser light to rule the night. What part of that is so hard to believe? It actually takes more faith NOT to believe in God than to believe in Him. No offense God bless everyone here :pray:t2::pray:t2::pray:t2::heart::heart::heart::green_heart::green_heart::green_heart: take care


If anyoneā€™s interested In our understanding of time

This is a good one.

sounds the same to me weather a Christian, Muslim, scientolgist or Hogwarts fan talk.
impossible;e to believe any of them.

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i wasnā€™t saying you were wrong, just that messing up in this case means that you are restricting it to an ā€œeither -orā€ argument when it isnā€™t really that way at all. and the only reason you donā€™t hear folks claiming that they had a vision that explained it all is because they are extremely personal things and not meant for everyone. not to mention there may be other explanations for them like the one put down for mine. they are also hard to defend in a debate due to that and other reasons. iā€™m not using mine to try to convince you or anyone, but am using the fact that i had it to show that there are other possibilities.

personally i feel that we are in a dimension unable to perceive the true nature of our existence due to dimensional limitations and other things we canā€™t even begin to understand yet. i also feel that there are entities around us all the time helping or hindering us for whatever reasons, whether they be aliens, angels and demons, or us from the future (or a combination of all three of something i missed). i know it wasnā€™t my voice that screamed at me and got me off of my deathbed and into an ambulanceā€¦