Good news everybody! MORE Act. Will it pass in the Senate?

Oh, for real. Mississippi will be the last bastion of idiocy.

Sorry Mississippi.


No worries; Mississippians don’t like Mississippi. Statistically the worst-off state by almost every metric.


Yeah dude but that’s Oregon, how many other states you see doing that ? I would be totally shocked if they could get a majority vote. No doubt you have certain senators that would be in favor but you would need more support than just a few progressive thinking politicians to get it done.

I don’t think there are many politicians out there who are going to move this agenda forward any time soon. I hope I’m wrong but I don’t think I am. I don’t see it passing.


I think a lot of them don’t care personally (which is why no serious effort was really made to shut medical/recreational states down federally) they know it’s bullshit too, but no one wants to take a stand on the side of dopers either. Then their opponents can run attack ads like “he’s soft on drugs”. 80 years of “law and order” and propaganda and all that.

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Agreed - Oregon is a different world.

I just see a major shift in our society towards more the fed’s staying “hands off” but, we all know what that really means “higher taxes and etc”.

Either way you look at it, personal responsibility is where the buck stops I suppose.


I hate being a spoil sport, but I also don’t see this happening anytime soon.
I doubt that the Senate would pass it in the near future.


Exactly! Most of us living here were shocked as well.
Thank God for some common sense.

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Between big pharma and the threat of jobs lost in criminal justice , I think these crooked politicians will continue to get there pockets lined and will push this off for as long as they possibly can. Change will come but I don’t think it’s going to happen now.


Idaho would be my guess.

It is up to all of us to contact our legislators and let them know that we are for it. We have to put in action, not just words


Decriminalized. Still get a fine, still illegal to buy and sell.


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Oh so not pushing it back further still, let’s see how this goes. It would be about dam time.


The house only passes the legislation that the senate can vote on if the senate majority leader chooses. I think this bill has passed in the house, so now it will probably be dead in the senate.



Careful, this is close to a political thread and last time we had those it resulted in a serious case of hurt feelings lol…


It won’t, dead on arrival in the Senate. I’ll never see the Light of Day!!! SS/BW…mister :honeybee:


Yep the Senate, with current party control, will kill it and if it did pass, leaving it to the states to decriminalize it. Better yet decriminalize it at the federal level and mandate the backward state to follow!


I’ve been waiting for legalization since the 70s. I thought it would come much sooner.

Sadly, I doubt it will be anything like we imagine when it is made legal. The vision is everyone being able to grow it in their gardens, share with friends like extra tomatoes, sell at the farmers market, and have as much as you want.

Unfortunately, I think it will be regulated like alcohol. Personal grows will not be allowed. Big tobacco and alcohol will control the market, growing of product, distribution, etc. We will all be “allowed” to buy pre-rolled mids like cigarettes.

I hope I am wrong but in my view there is too much money as stake for the governments to allow it to be grown and shared like a vegetable garden.


The legalization aspect is almost certain to be lame, but the issue they voted on today was decriminalization. I really don’t care about legalization, because any way you slice it, only money can push it through, and money will only set rules that play for people with money. Decriminalization is the one to care about for people without money… ie most of us.