Greenhighlander grows

I had someone stop by last week for a visit who only smokes a couple times a week at most . We burned a doobie of #19 and went completely whiteout . To the point I actually felt bad for him lol I had to call his wife to come get him because even after being comatose for a few hours he still was in no shape to drive.
Fuckin light weights hahaha


I love it when you can get a buddy that fucked up! I love it even more when a buddy can get ME that fucked up. Just last weekend my best friend got me like that.
It was a good thing I was driving, cuz I damn sure couldn’t walk!


Another photo dump from this morning .

DS F2 #1

#3 is starting to show some purple

#5 in the middle

#4 is going to be a real beauty come harvest . She got Neptunes at roughly 4 tbs to the 2gal of water today . She is also forming the same style buds I know from LA Confidential.

And a close up of #6 that I zoomed in on and saw what might be the first sign of pollen taking . I did not intentionally pollinate that bud lol


The pics of #4 make me think the purpling is from being hungry. Some phenos do that as they start to cannibalize. Good call on the Neptune’s Harvest. Stray pollen ain’t the worst thing…as long as there’s not too much, right? It gets annoying pulling seeds out of everything before you smoke it.

You gonna try to put any of those clones outside? They probably will finish, and I’m curious how they’ll do with mold/mildew in your high humidity.


I am not worried about the coloring or any stray pollen lol At least it isn’t hermi pollen blowing around ha

I have no idea if I will be putting any outside . Depends on how they smoke . I have a limit of 4 plants outside and 1 of the 4 will certainly be Koko .


What is this Koko you speak of my friend?



Koko is a pheno of Gorilla Ghani ( GG#4 x OMG ) by Bodhi . I ran it is as testers a couple years ago and have kept this pheno since then. It is 100% GG#4 in taste , smell , and effect.
Her are a couple pics from the tester run .





I am really looking forward to having some full jars of her again .

There are also pics of her outdoors back at the beginning of this thread.


Hell, I’ve got some of those. What were the other phenos like? Think I’m gonna run’em.




Plants are looking real good. Are you using the straight Neptune’s fish or the Neptune’s fish/kelp? I have a bottle of the fish/kelp in the fridge, noticed my Stardawg f2 started fading hard last night, thought about busting out the Neptune’s. My California Cannons did the same thing at about the same exact time last run, faded hard right around day 40 of flower. I guess it’s just a GPS thing.


I got 3 females out of the tester pack but because of space issues only flowered out 2 . Other then Koko this is the other one . It was incredibly potent and a complete knockout indica. It also is one of the harshest smoking I have grown in recent memory . Impossible for anyone to smoke without hacking like crazy . It had a very strong pinesol smell . I have 7-8 jars from the last time I ran it still and when I open the cooler those jars are in it stinks up the whole house . And that is after 2+ years I think lol

It had very dense buds that dried out to an almost spongy texture . It is kinda weird . But ya I don’t tend to smoke much KO indica so that along with that hacking is why I let it go.


Its a strain and even a pheno thing . I don’t care what soil mix anyone uses they are not going to have every plant do perfect . Some feed light some heavy , some prefer more of this , some prefer more of that , etc , etc .
Take cuts , take notes , and switch up the mix each run until it likes it .

I use this


Okay, cool, that’s what I have.

I agree that it will vary from strain to strain and pheno to pheno. My plants always have some crispy, gnarly leaves by the time they finish up. But these GPS strains are the only ones I’ve grown (besides Bodhi’s Tree of Life, years ago) that do the whole “fall colors” thing, fading from green to purple to red to yellow. And the Tree of Lifes I grew didn’t start doing that until around week nine. The two GPS strains have both started doing that like right at day 40.


Some more shots from today.

DS F2 #3 It has a berry or fruit muffin kinda smell happening and is showing lots of changing hairs

#5 When I zoomed in on this pic I noticed a weird calyx towards the top right .


#6 after I dusted it with sugar …

A shot showing the temp and humidity I am running

A leaf I pulled off #1

I only ended up transplanting 6 Wolfpack F2 including the one I found in #1 from the first run. I don’t actually have anymore pots or will I have the room for flowering out more .
The DS F2 cuts are the back two rows . Granola funk x Goji are the middle two rows and the Wolfpack are the six closest to the camera.

A gold star to whoever can tell me what # DS F2 cut this is


I’m gonna guess #5?


Clone looks like #2 or #6 but it’s so hard to tell. Is that a seed already in the top of that one pic? Maybe stray pollen from last round, or something threw nanners?


#3 or #6 Is my guess.
:seedling: :hibiscus: :sunflower: :blossom: :seedling:


What pollen from last round ? I am halfway through consuming the harvest of Wolfpack F2 and have still only found the one seed from #1 that is now growing . There is noway in hell nanners from last round, some 2 + months ago have fertilized something now when they fertilized so little then. As for nanners or balls on this run I have found none but I also haven’t taken each of the DS F2 out for a thorough exam. But I have examined their lowers in the tent and found nothing.
I pollinated a week ago . Is it possible that it is a seed from that? Does it happen that fast ?

Oh and 2 of you 3 cheated by making more then one guess :stuck_out_tongue:


I think a lot of people forget…it’s a weed. Basically, just don’t murder the plant and it’ll yield. All of the deficiency and abundance charts, that’s all they do.

“Hey bro, your leaves look like this because you’re killing your plant. Knock it off.”

They wanna live, and they will if you don’t murder them. Not like they’ll give up and act like some spoiled bratty kid and sit on the floor with their arms crossed for no reason. The girl wants to get you stoned, let her.