Greenhighlander grows

I flower with a full spectrum CMH. landraces that have not been bred for indoor growing seem to do better with a full spectrum light.


#1 & #2 are both tall and lanky . #5 & #6 are super short and bushy and #3 & #4 are both somewhere between the others. The similarities of those pairs are super obvious when looking at them.

I will be hitting everything with the Wolfpack pollen and will def be popping the seeds from Koko first . Prob when I fire back up in the fall.


I have used many different HPS bulbs over the years and the Super HPS is by far the best. I always chalked it up to the spectrum of them . The plants seem to grow better and are just happier overall.
Those bulbs are double the price of the other ones , but IMHO are more then worth it .
I also tend to get 2 seasons out of them before replacing.


Wolfpack pollen , check
The only small brush I could find , check
Twist ties to mark branches , check

Now to turn off the fans and do some dusting . Wish me luck on my second time ever making seeds :slight_smile:


2 branches on each plant have been dusted. Now to wait and see if the pollen is still viable


I hope it takes, those will be some fun crosses. :seedling:

How’d you store the pollen - in a cool, dry place? @Torontoke and @mr.childs really enjoyed the DSF2 x Blueberry HP cross TT made.

After buying several delicate paintbrushes for this stuff, I ended up preferring Qtips. They work really well so you don’t need to “brush” the pistils, which can make them die back. And they’re biodegradable if you get the paper/cardboard ones. :recycle:

I dip a Qtip into the edge of the pollen, not straight into it, and tap it overtop a bud when there’s no airflow. When the light’s right you can see the grains of pollen fallin’. Then lightly rub it overtop the pistils on the outsides of the bud and move on. One Qtip will do several plants, but it’s good to have a backup just in case it gets covered with resin.


It was stored in my seed jar in the fridge. I just lightly tapped the brush above the buds I wanted hit then brush against the stalk above . Didn’t brush the buds themselves. Gonna leave the oscillator off for the rest of today . But will be shocked if more then I planned to, doesn’t get pollinated lol
O well at least I know where the pollen came from haha


Good luck @Greenhighlander!


The best of Luck with impregnating those ladies. :pregnant_woman: :pregnant_woman: :laughing: :laughing:
:seedling: :green_heart: :four_leaf_clover:


I noticed 2 DS F2 showing some purpling while I was doing my morning routine this morning.



The temp hasn’t gone under 20c so I am guessing it is genetic and to see it starting this early tells me these could end up being very colorful beauties come chop time.


Today marks day 28 from flip.

Hungry Koko got watered with 2 gal of Neptunes harvest at 2tbs per gallon

Got the Granola Funk x Goji OG transplanted before they starved to death lol I am in really bad shape these days so it is hard and painful to do just about anything . Including laying down lol Will get the Wolfpack F2 done asap . The cuts of the DS F2 seem to be vegging faster then the seed plants did.

I also want to add that I think I was wrong about the light effecting #1 & #2 . I thought that was what was happening because only half of #2 was yellowing , the half closest to the light , the other half looked great. But I now think it was from running out of food . I have never seen just half a plant change from that before. It usually just starts on the oldest leaves of the whole plant. Anyway I gave #2 2 gal with Neptunes at 2 tbs per gal yesterday. #1 only had the one branch that was closest to the light yellow . #4 will get hit with neptunes on the next watering as it is lightening up .


This is a shot showing the one branch on DS F2 #1

This is the best shot I could get of #2 without taking her out . The half towards the light is really faded ( it isn’t just the hps light) and the back half is nice and green. But the fading has been slowly progressing which is why I think it is a food issue.

#4 fading

And another shot of #6


Looking good so far! And they’re getting nice n’ frosty. Could be they’re hungry, but I never saw that myself when running them. Hope the Neptunes helps. My F1 clones always did really well. I wish I could’ve kept them, especially the males.

@Torontoke and a guy on RIU both found a pheno they called the Blueberry Skunk where the buds got a real nice blueberry purplish sheen. That one kinda resembled cookies-looking nugs at harvest.

Here’s the only pics I have of it:

They found it in F2 made by separate people, so it’s gotta be somewhere in the code. Treasure chest indeed!


I was thinking about that half of DS#2 that’s fading. You think it could be that the stalk split or something? I guess it could also just be light intensity fade from being so close to the HPS.

Hope you start feeling better soon, GHL! Smoke more reefer. :cloud:


The stalk is def not split and unless it is one of those oddball plants that just don’t like indoor lights it isn’t the light . I have had plants within 6" of the glass many many times with no issues .
I really do think it is just hunger showing in a weird way . It is interesting that it is only on the two tallest . #4 is showing the classic hunger fade and has been praying non stop for 3 weeks now lol Must be praying for food haha

I am not holding my breath on feeling better anytime soon . It is also physically impossible for me to be smoking or eating anymore then I already am .


I noticed this morning that all the purpling on #4 started on the part of the plant closest to the light . The backside of the plant not really in direct light has no purpling . Even leaves on the light side of the plant not receiving direct light aren’t showing any coloring.


One of the buds of Koko that got dusted . Still not seeing any signs that the pollen took yet. No idea how long it usually takes


I have been really enjoying the smoke from the Wolfpack F2 from last round . It seems like they all have gotten better with time in the jars . Most notably #9 and #19 . It has been really hard not to empty those jars lol

On todays menu is #9 mixed with #18 . #9 gets my mind right and #18 is amazing for pain. Combining the two has been very helpful over the past couple weeks.


If I had all the room I wanted, those beans would have popped already.


Couple bud shots of #18 to help you find room lol



The descriptions of how great the smoke is also man.

Edit: We should have both tents going soon, along with a veg and quarantine tent. The 4x4 ended up being used for clones in the absence of a veg tent. My veg tent st home is pretty full. I hope to get good progress this weekend before harvest starts at work.