Greenhighlander grows

Ya man I grow weed to alleviate stress , not cause more lol


Ok so sometimes I do like trying to figure things out lol That weird calyx on #5 that doesn’t quite look like a pollinated one ,made me take her out this am for a very good inspection .

I went over the entire plant from top to bottom . Sadly I could not seem to find the same one in the previous picture .
But I did find these 3 on it . Right click and choose open in new tab to be able to zoom in .

So I recalled seeing this a few years ago . At that time I thought they were male flowers sporting hairs but they weren’t . It also wasn’t a young seed . They just seemed to be trich free calyx . I also do not believe that these on #5 are young seeds . I am not seeing it on any of the other plants at all.

I had to haul out #6 and a Strawberry Headband to get to #5 so I took a couple pics .

#6 is obviously overfed , so that just shows you the variation between these phenos even more when 3 others the same mix wasn’t strong enough for .

And one of the SH cuts that needs her lowers trimmed but won’t get it lol


I don’t see it in your latest 3 pics, but I think I know what you’re talking about. I had something like that on one of my @Strayfox testers last year:

Ended up staying that way all the way to harvest. I thought it was a nanner or a seed at first, but it was just mutant growth. The DS produced a lot of cojoined twin seeds, so maybe they’re just clownin you. Probably no chance it’s already a seed from this round of pollination.

Either way, nice pics. :slight_smile: Plants looking good. You gonna say which clone that was?


I don’t see what you’re talking about re: a trich-free calyx on the #5. But you know what looks really cool? That first closeup pic of the #5, with that out of focus leaf in the foreground and those trichomes that look like they’re just kinda floating on the leaf or something. Very cool.


Trust me all 3 of those pics have it . The first two are blurry but the last one clearly shows it without needing to zoom in .
The first pic if you zoom in you can make it out in the dead center . Just above the leaf minitiger is talking about .
The last pic it is dead center on the top of the bud right by the red hair.
Anyway I am sure that it is not a seed , just an example of the wonder of this plant lol
I am also not convinced my Wolfpack pollen is viable as I am not really seeing any signs of it taking on any of the branches I dusted . So that kinda sucks .

The cut is of #6


:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:quilty :seedling: :blossom: :sunflower: :hibiscus: :seedling:


Sorry to hijack, but have you seen good results from using this to keep your ladies going down the stretch? Last round I switched to organic soil with dry amendments, but need something for a quick boost as I run down the home stretch of flowering.


No apologies needed . Anyone who has any question is more then welcome to post it :slight_smile:

I am guessing you are asking about the Neptunes ?

I do find it works better for me then top dressing does . Even though it is 100% organic and such I will not use past week 6 . I have never used it at more then 2 tbs per gal but I do plan on doing 3 tbs per gal on the next feeding for DS F2 #4 and #2 .
They make another one specifically for tomatoes that I think might be even better for weed plants but I have never seen it at the store I buy from.

You also just gave me an idea I have been curious about for a while now. On the next flowering run I am going to only give one plant Neptunes the whole time .


Sweet, I’ll be following your experiment for sure! With liquid organic fertilizer do you pH your solution?


I don’t PH anything ever



You don’t ph anything? Ever? pH perfect nutes? Whaaaat?



I just count on what is in my soil to make things right . For the most part it seems to work lol


You mix your own soil? Do you use RO water? That’s remarkable. Sounds like I need to learn something here.




I do mix my own soil and no I just use fairly hard well water . The solids build up from that is one of the reasons I do not reuse my soil .
The pro mix I use as a base , like most potting soil has a ph buffer , usually Lyme , plus I add a good amount of crushed oyster shells . My well water other then being a high ppm is usually in the 6.6-6.8 ph range .


I just feel like my supersoil should last a bit longer. It seems like the plants kick butt for a couple weeks, and then slow down (1 gal pot). I’m adding in coconut water, kelp sludge, and ffj (after I make some) to my routine.

I’ve switched over to ro water myself. I believe I was getting some high ph from high ph tap water.

I’m seeing some of the same stuff, which makes me believe the extra nutes may help.


And… (sitting on oyster shells)


The problem with RO is the need to then make sure the plants get all the minerals and such that it removes .
With premixed water only soil pot size is very very important. Bigger is always better . That is why I will be moving to 10gal next indoor season .


Also just want to add that with premixed soil it is very rare to have all plants find it perfect the first round or two .
But I believe bigger pots is the answer to make more food available to them without having the mix too hot .


I add a good mix that should contain everything the plants will need.

I have been toying with the idea of flowering jn larger pots. 3s have been working great, but both harvests have been relatively small plants also.


I normally get just a little tip brun at first. I’ve only had one strain really get pissed for awhile.