Greenhighlander grows

The 2 Wolfpack F2 at day 27

I really like everything about this one so far . It did show some wind sensitivity when it was over by the fan and is much happier in the new spot. Must also be religious of some sort cuz she always praying…


Koko is doing something weird. She did this before like a year or two ago . For whatever reason she has decided she is going to be done very early. Not even at day 40 and this is what she looks like on all 3 .

The Coywolf now have far more white hairs then Koko and I doubt they will be sub 50 . They smell incredible and are really packing on the weight now.

For years you always hear of some random seed turning out to be something special . I just never thought it would happen to me lol I really can’t wait to smoke her.



This is what 2 days looks like in the flowering tent atm


A Wolfpack F2 got the chop . Noticed 3-4 of these nanners , so that’s that . It burnt in hell lol Good news is it isn’t the praying one with the crazy funk smell. This one had the soapy smell a couple of the moms had and is the one I had to trim some of the fan leaves because of shading.

None of what I saw was open , so that is the plus side to keeping such a close eye on them. The down side is it is very tedious and tiring at times . Which is why I always chop and burn anything that shows this .
Anyway time to do some transplanting lol


On a positive note this is what one of the Coywolf looks like at day 40 from flip.
These are the best naturally training plants I have ever seen lol Topped once and they decided every bud gets light . All I have done is a couple leaf tucks.


Just read your thread. Beautiful grows


Damn, dude, that Coywolf really is looking nice and frosty. Was that Wolfpack f2 you just tossed a clone from the previous run? Or was it a new seed you planted from the initial seed run? Just wondering if I need to keep a super-close eye on them when I plant some. My eyesight sucks and even with my glasses on, I’m not sure I’d be able to spot that tiny banana haha.


I now have to wonder if you even read or look at my posts when you like them you sob haha

First , this is my first run this indoor growing season. The only clones in the flowering tent are from my outdoor plants.
Second , 3 Wolfpack F2 ( grown from seed ) were transplanted and flipped a couple days after the 3 c99.
Of those 3 ,one was chopped for nuts on the lowers and now this one was chopped for nanners . I pretty much expected some fallout from the power outages which is why I have been keeping such a close eye on them. A lot of strains won’t even flinch at one outage, especially if you are able to not have the lights come back on until the following lights on time. But this was once for about 2 hours right in the middle of the cycle , which I was able to keep the lights off until the next day. But the second outage was only two days later and lasted for 4 hours or so in the middle of lights on , while I wasn’t home. I actually only realized the power had been out that day because the lights didn’t go off when they were supose to.
So that being said every single Wolfpack F2 I have ever grown is in this thread. If I remember right there was only one that had very late nanners last year. So that is 3 out of 20 some odd I think , with 2 of those 3 being this round.

To answer your question I recommend people keep a close eye on anything from seed nowadays. Even more so when there are stress incidents involved.
I will be running a cut of both of the plants culled just to test the theory of it not happening with a clone. I have always been one to toss it all , but have read lots of people saying cuts turned out different. So we shall see.

Sorry for the long winded post , I just got home from a much overdue MRI and am currently stoned AF after a long day lol


Dude, I read your posts. You expect me to commit each one to memory or something? Haha.

So probably the power outages had more than a little to do with the banana, yeah? I’ll still keep an eye out when I plant some, but I dunno how much good it’ll do. Last grow, some of the pistils started turning brown early, like week four, and I inspected each plant real closely. Didn’t see anything. Everything ended up seeded as fuck anyway haha!


No but you expect me to :stuck_out_tongue:

I do not know if it is the outages or not . That is just the only stress they have been under. They def haven’t gone too dry , which is what will make Koko toss the nanners.

Keeping a close eye just seems to be part of popping any seeds nowadays. Other then c99 . I know I don’t even need to check those .


I decided to chop the least happy looking Koko today at day 41. Having now seen it in real light I think it looks like it had to much N , which is what I kinda figured when I shared the picture awhile ago showing how dark they were compared to SH. I wonder if that is also what happened when this happened a couple years ago.

Sorry for the pic quality , I didn’t realize I had it on auto and they were blurry until I put them on the lap top.

Half of SH is needing to be staked

The remaining Wolfpack F2 from seed is #2 . I predict her to be a heavy yielder and she has a great strong funky smell to her.

And because she is the current star of the tent , some more Coywolf pics lol She is really coming with a second growth along with fattening up daily.
To think of all the random seeds I have tossed over the years lol Never again haha


To give a comparison for how Koko should look at her day 56 harvest day, this is the last time I grew her inside last year. Clearly something is way off lol .


Yeah, damn there is something clearly off with the koko that you chopped. Do you keep that plant as a mother somewhere, or do you just keep taking clones of her? Crazy that an N overdose stunted her so much. I’d love to try that Koko one day, you must keep her around for good reason.


A hungry Wolfpack F2 #4 has been transplanted and put into the flowering tent. She has an extremely strong foul smell of skunky dirty diapers lol yum


I have been taking clones of clones since the first seed plant run. But the last time they did this was before those pics from last year.
IMHO she is all GG#4 in smell and taste and same type of effect only better lol Well better then any GG#4 I have tried.


Dude, for real, I am not a fan of Gorilla Glue at all. Tried it a few times when it was all the rage, made me way too introspective and kind of,”What am I doing with my life…?” haha! Not my favorite kinda high.


Sounds delicious… I do like the GG4 smells, to me it is a very complex and rich profile. Do you notice she always performs better when you put her back outside in the summer? Just curious if you noticed any degradation from taking clones of clones?


Her terps are off the charts. That plant already has my entire house reeking lol
As for noticing her perform better , no not really. other then the two times mentioned she has always performed great. The only downside is her throwing nanners when allowed to get too dry.

I haven’t noticed any change in her since the first plant really.


Sometimes things that aren’t our favorite are our most beneficial.

I don’t find the high like that from Koko . She is pretty even middle of the road. Nice calming effect . Good for focusing . But not tiring or lazy making.


Haha, yeaaaahhhh, but there really was no reason for me to be all,”What am I doing with my life?” at the time. I had a good job, made good money, moved in with my girl the year prior, everything was all good. That GG, though, made me feel like everything wasn’t all good haha. I dunno.

Is that actually a thing, you think? It never made any sense to me, but I know some people have said that they’ve noticed that. Always wondered if it was just in their head.