Greenhighlander grows

While I was trimming its lowers I noticed some nut sacks on Wolfpack #3’s lowers. None I saw were open yet. Shame because it is an absolute stinker of a plant. But ya it has since been laid to rest in the woodstove. I’ll transplant one of its cuts and see what happens and hope for no more power outages in the middle of lights on lol
I checked the other two and found none but now will have to check them every other day . Good reason to lollipop the shit out of them I guess .

Wolfpack F2 #3


Man, is it the lighting or is that SH just that much darker green than the others? You can really pick her out in that very first pic, looks good. I mean, they all look good, but she looks really good.


SH has always had super dark leaves. Koko is almost as dark as SH atm .


Some random shots while watering this am.

Looking down the line of c99

SH and a Koko


When I loaded that bud shot of SH I thought I spotted a possible frosty nut to the lower right. I had to go right back and check and it turns out it is just the under side end of a leaf lol


I am seeing signs of pollination . Mainly on the 3 Coywolf cuts and the odd brown hair on 2/3 Koko .



No sign on the c99s

And no sign on SH ( which I woulda thought given its placement in the tent would be for sure )

Hoping to get the remaining Wolfpack F2 transplanted and into the flowering tent. If I take cuts it will only be one of each to keep my numbers in check. Also gotta get the cuts in back hacked and transplanted.

For the record the Wolfpack F2 with the classic Greenhighlander t5 burn is the one I have my eye on. It is super vigorous and extremely stinky.


The 3 Coywolfs also have super busy structure for only being topped once .

The split stalk

The other two


Actually the more I sit here stoned and think about it , I suppose it is possible Coywolf could be a sub 50 day strain. I haven’t flowered her indoors and I did have a couple 7 weekers last year I think .

Or as some call it. Wishful thinkin lol


From what I can see there was a few chopped at day 50 . Like this one


I agree. That one looks like a true 49 day finisher


When I looked back it seems I had 3 that were from last years Wolfpack F2 run.


Yeah, amazingly, I actually remember that some of your WP f2’s from last year finished really quickly. Much quicker than I would’ve thought, given the genetics.


At least one of their grandparents ( green crack ) is known for sub 50 day plants.


That’s right, I’d forgotten about that.


I would just like to point out that 2 years inna row now I have been smart enough to set my timers pre clocks going back , to where I wanted them once they did lol I figure that is about as dialed in as I get :crazy_face:


Day 22 from flip for the 2 Wolfpack F2

3 c99 on day 24 the two to the right got watered just before the picture . Pretty much all my plants do the droopy thing just after being watered.

Day 32 for the cuts and the tent officially smells amazing and is going through a lot of water everyday with each plant needing to be watered every to every other day.


The final Wolfpack F2 to show is male

The split stalk Coywolf tops.



Day 35 from flip for the cuts

The c99 is chuggin along.

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This is the Wolfpack F2 that had the split leaf and a split stalk at day 25. Has a very funky almost warm garbage type smell atm lol

Coywolf . I have finally figured out how to describe her terps. I am not the best in general at it but I have found a lot of these Wolfpack F2 to be extra complex. Well Coywolf def has orange terps . Not like orange candy of fake orange , but actual orange peels mixed with bleach or something. Even the outdoor buds have it as the aftertaste. But I didn’t pick up on the actual orange on the outdoor. I
Anyway here she is at day 35


Sounds delicious haha. Seriously. I wonder how consistent that’d be from plant to plant, because didn’t @neogitus mention those Wolfpack f2’s he grew having a sort of “orange cleaner” thing going on, too?


No idea as this is the first one I can describe like that and the first orange plant I have ever grown. His description def helped me narrow down wtf I am smelling.


Day 29 from flip for the 3 c99 . I am seeing a possible Pineapple on the right . A possible grapefruit on the left . And another possible grape fruit in the middle.



It is also possible I am completely wrong as I am going off of my memory from a number of years ago now lol I also am not picking up any definitive smells from them yet. Also if my memory is right they tend to really add a lot of weight towards the end of flowering , so I am happy with their growth at this point .