Happy Birthday @Rhai88!

I appreciate all you fine OGs! You all make this spot amazing!

The day has been good… slept in. Started the day with some coffee and a quick rip and now I’m off work for 8 days. Life is good! Plan to spend the day with my little and the wife in the pool and BBQ!

not a bad way to spend the day!!!

With that in mind…

:partying_face:Let’s do a birthday giveaway! wooo hoo!:partying_face:

I got 5 packs of the new cross to give out!

Blueberry Diesel F2 x Black Cherry

you know what to do…

  1. @InTheWoods :us: :partying_face:
  2. @gonzo
  3. @Greekn_Light :us:
  4. @Ghgrower :us:
  5. @Thats_bank
  6. @duo :canada:
  7. @Yetigrows
  8. @donuchee :us:
  9. @Lady.Zandra63
  10. @ervasagrada :brazil:
  11. @Mrgreenthumb
  12. @Sincitytoker
  13. @Kgrim
  14. @503BudMan
  15. @LedZeppelin
  16. @HomegrownVABudz
  17. @RadioWaves
  18. @RatsboggleBiological
  19. @Tuned :canada:
  20. @OhNo555 :us:
  21. @Jimdoors
  22. @killabud
  23. @Weednerd.Anthony
  24. @TopShelfTrees1
  25. @Txana_kuin
  26. @MonsterDrank
  27. @djtrip
  28. @patsnumone
    Big thanks to this community for being awesome!

I’ll draw this tomorrow!l