HashstasH Card Game Seed Pack Giveaways 2

I understand. Hey @HashstasH , we seem to have stalled here. How do you want to proceed?


I think we can just do the last game lol the smaller the crowd the higher your chances


Ok, so we shall cut the cards off at the current 10 winners. Shall they start picking numbers between 1 and 100?


Tommy Chong is 83.

72 for the big W

34 let’s go!

Good ole 13

I feel bumbed out but thats ok the winners will get some great gifts, the key is receiving the postage funds before shipping. Lets just scratch the last phase save the prizes and wait for an OG auction & Donate ,

I never had failed at anything I’m knumb :flushed:


So 2 folks chose 83 for your bonus game but not sure if @LedZeppelin qualifies after winning 3 already. What you think @HashstasH


lucky #13 for me

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Just got here. Are we on round 2? Can I guess a card and a 1-20 still or nah? :rofl:

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I’ll go with #9 if it’s not taken

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Is that for the seeds ?

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No, your bonus game regarding Tommy Chong’s age for pipe and rolling tray

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Yes Sir… I had to get a little G I out of grand pa’s Firearms display case … friggin like red ants … dang wife gives them 3 double orio cookies with a small bowl of orio cookie ice cram :joy:

Sorry bud, I mentioned it in the thread. You won on 2 spades, Jack hearts and 10 hearts.

Looks like I put 10 instead of jack, I tagged you and you never said anything. My mistake, this is why I tagged each person as they won expecting them to speak up if something was wrong. The bonus tray will be yours as your 3rd than. Hey wait, you did correct me. All good man, it’s sorted. 2 cards and the bonus prize to you :slight_smile:


Thank you Mr. DD your eye’s and alertness is a huge gift and lucky for everything you do…


No worries bud, did you take down all the winners?

Pipe and tray @LedZeppelin
2 cards @LedZeppelin
2 cards @Bobgrows
1 card @HappyTrees23s
1 card @Green_Light
1 card @DonGnosis
1 card @sprinklememaynee
1 card @Kushking902


Thank you @HashstasH and @DougDawson .
For the fun, giveaway and your time !! :green_heart::v: