Holy's Garden (Part 2)

I wouldn’t take that into account as it is just a result of where on the plant the cutting was taken.

4/5 leaflets on this TK clone, directly from Joe.


So the clone you have pictured did not start with 3 fingered leaves?


It had 4/5 leaflet mini leaves

Here’s one that I took that had a 3,4,5


Alright. More :axe::axe::axe: in veg

2.5 x 2.5 - StarShine F2 and TriForce

Looks like 3x StarShine F2 Females and no good males to speak of.
The far right TF is a male, the center shorty is unknown at the moment, looks kinda female, so we’ll see. Might get tossed, idk yet :man_shrugging: The male looks decent tho, has a couple TK traits but not much

Wavy side branches and mostly 4/5 bladed leaves on the lowers, definitely got some 7s tho too which is common in the TK offspring, and he’s a bit sparse/lanky.

3 x 3 - C5SensiStar #5 F4 and TriForce

For the C5SS, there looks to be 3 females, and 2 males left. One of the males is the TriFoliate/Triple Node plant. He’s in back left and the other male is back center. The front left and the two on right should all be the girls. @minitiger that weird girl is the back right plant and she’s looking like she’s got the best structure of the lot of them. Nodes not as dense and leafy. See how she does soon.

The other TriForce male is the front right plant.

This one is obviously denser growth from the NL1HP in the Kryptonite used to make it. Same kinda deal though, throwing 4s and 5s on the lowers, some wavy side branches. Gonna be between him and the other male for which might get used. Gonna have to run all of the males through stress testing before doing anything with them but looks promising :grin:


Yes, clearly I’m an expert grower who can pick out winners very early on in veg haha.

From above, she does look good, though. Big ol’ fan leaves, if nothing else.


Things I’ve learned to look for:

Annoying weak plants
Plants that stretch too much
Plants that grow straight up with one WEIRDLY STRONG STEM and don’t bush out at ALL
Plants that can’t handle overfeeding
Plants that can’t handle underfeeding
Plants that like to kill themselves (at this point I might just let them)


Its not like every plant will be a keeper, every plant has its quirks

My favorite non heirloom plant right now is a i95 x chimera 3 pheno that vegs like Irene (maybe worse)

But it produces the fuego

Lots of plants are just annoying and don’t produce the kill

Edit To add pics:


Added pics.

To get a solid run for headstash I’d probably need to take ~6 inch clones off a huge mother plant then quick flip in 1 gallons SOG style. I’m not really set up for that sort of cloning.

Told buddy this plant was super slow, showed him the plant. He’s like “thats not that bad” I’m like okay here look at the clones.


:joy: for sure, but yes, definitely looks good now ^^ maybe the most haze like, i.e. open structure, of the lot. Most of them came out pretty dense in comparison. I’m gonna have to clear out a bunch of inner branches on them before flip.

Going to try and top all of these, take all the clones, and up-pot to 1/4 gallon fabrics today. Gotta get the corn, tobacco, tomatoes, and squash started today too. And probably some more seeds. @catapult sour 91 x mamilk f2s maybe or one of the mamilk f3s like the OG or Sativa pack :thinking:


:thinking: I don’t really care or look at most of these things breeding or not. If they’re supposed to be some sort of indica and turn out like straight totem poles with 6+ inch internode gaps, I might toss them, but it just depends. Plants with fasciated branches for sure get tossed in my book. Not trying to proliferate mutants and fucked up flowers.

But I’m more looking at leaf morphology, stem and branch structure, stem rub scents, leaf scents, and trichome coverage. I’ve picked most of my winners in veg long before flower time came.


Don’t get me wrong these aren’t typically my first priorities

But if I’m gonna be breeding… I want to look for plants that are easy to grow. That’s what modern tent or facility growers want. That doesn’t mean I toss heirloom or picky cuts that produce smokeable bud. But I want to spend less time on plants that give me problems for God’s sakes, I’ve got enough executive dysfunction problems


I also have an extensive clone and seed collection so I feel like at this point why MAKE more work for myself? I can just pop more beans


I’m serial posting again but really

Part of the point of breeding and population genetics is supposed to be maintaining or even improving the health and robustness of the genetic pool.

@minitiger posted his headbanger and rare dankness grow thread earlier. At one point he pointed out that RD#1 and RD#2 seemed like they were developed to lock down clone onlys in seed form without giving enough thought to say, improving plant growth and structure.

Recently I saw a discussion on reddit regarding the breeding practice of Ridgeback dogs. For those who don’t know, a Ridgeback is named for the strip (or ridge) of backwards running fur on their back. Basically a strip of weird hair that makes them look distinctive.

The gist of it was that as the ridge would not be true breeding, breeders would euthanize or dispose of puppies/dogs without the ridge, to a degree that the commenters found it obsessive and uncomfortable. They felt like, fairly, that certain groups of dog breeders focus so much on certain traits and neglect general population or individual health over trying to propagate these “show dog” or “true breeding” traits. I put true breeding in quotes because these traits are not true breeding.

My point in bringing this up is I find that some cannabis enthusiasts or breeders neglect population health or genetics in favor of preserving certain traits. Bag appeal for Exotic mike for example.


I obsessively select for hash productivity :smiley:


Which is okay! But I definitely want to improve the general vigor and robustness of my genetic pool without watering it down


Disclaimer, I am extremely new to making crosses, I am just extremely interested in it. You could call it my special interest lol


I get it. I always look for nice looking plants. But all the other things I mentioned come first, unless the plant is obviously fucked up, fasciated, etc. They all get the same food though, I’m generally not gonna toss one because it wants more or needs less. Also generally not gonna toss one because it grows slow, runt, or too fast. The biggest thing I cull for is, instability. I am ruthless with herms, I don’t care what the strain is.


I agree with all that, I think. Typically I bring this up because people don’t always recognize hybridization is an incredibly useful tool with some cultivars. Modern hype cultivars aren’t all that but they were selected for modern growing programs and robustness in some cases. The progeny when crossed with a heirloom clone or keeper pheno typically reflects this. A good pheno hunt will find a pheno, possibly, that has improved qualities.


Old heads really hate to hear about cookies or gelato being utilized for their positive qualities


And because I was dying to whip this out, of course

My motorbreath bx1 male that i plan to try out interests some people, but some of them hate the idea that it’s a wedding crasher outcross instead of something like chem. It’s like, buddy, have you seen the vigor, health, bag appeal, and yield on wedding crasher? The breathcrasher dad made progeny that was throwing 2+ a light according to homie. Isn’t that the definition of the robustness most people want? Yet they’re like, oh wow, cake and purple punch… frownie faceeeeeeeee

Edit: hope im not posting too much i just love talking about the nuances of this stuff