How do you cope with pain.. without painkillers

I just saw this. I use too got gummies off the Rez from a friend. 50mg. I could eat several, until I got strong Sativa ones. @ColeLennon just about needed a broom to get me off the ceiling. Not so fun.


10MG knocks me into next week :rofl:. I use 5MG at a time about 15MG a day.


I’m the guy drinks a pot of coffee, has a Red Ball, then takes a nap.


I think my biggest problem is nerve pain and damage. This being as extreme as it is. Not saying at the couldn’t have missed something. I’m starting to feel it in my right arm. The chiropractor really helps. I haven’t been in a minute. I was seeing a guy that was real good. He moved away. But I think it’s time for something a little bit more serious. I don’t want the injections. But things do get better…

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I am trying to lower my methadone dose. So yesterday I went from 3 to 1 pills a day cold shock.

Then a lost friend who I reached out to contacted me and I cried for hours about shit, while we talked online and he said he’d come over today. We lost contact because last time he told me he’d come over he just ditched me without notice and I spent my party worrying about if he was alright or not. So yesterday I tell him all of that. And he is gonna come by today.

So today I’ve got time between 10 and 14 o clock, and I told him that, and it was fine. And I asked him to let me know if plans change, cause really, that’s all I want, not to just be left hanging like you don’t friggin care what’s up with me. Just communicate.

I don’t really know what to do with myself or with “friendships” like that anymore honestly. It just takes the joy out of me.

Is it so hard to pick up your goddamn phone and let me know today ain’t your day?

I’m just venting, cause today, that’s my pain, and I don’t think there’s any medicine that can cure it.


People don’t understand . They tell you just take a Tylenol . The pain medication can be a lot better . I got one pill that I take that is generic and the color is different on it every time I get a refill .

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Can you tell me more about the edies you are making for the sciatica Pain?
I have it so bad , can not walk after getting out of bed .
Thk You


I need to learn how.

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Some days, not so well. 3am in the dark alone with pain is a bad place to be.


To any of my fellow Pain sufferers here
Does anyone get actual pain relief (where you do not feel the pain any longer?)
Is there a strain that someone here has smoked and had a moment of relief and not just a high euphoric feeling making the pain feel less than it is?
If so please share what worked for your pain? I am interested in nerve pain in particular but any deep pain relif is OK too.

Hey @STIGGY there is apparently a nerve pain pheno of Bodhis SSDD lots of people talk about on the forums. Have you tried this yet? I know @HolyAngel @HorseBadorites grow it & swear by its medicinal effects. Also I believe @FirstCavApache64 suggests green dragon tincture for pain.

Sorry I’m new to cannabis as a medicine & can’t offer much further insight yet. Good luck man, feel better!


Thank You Nope never heard of it
I make tinctures and so far all they have done is put me to sleep.
Looking for a pain relief so I can still walk and move without much pain.
Again Thks


I found that the strain I make my tincture with is really important. I’ve made some that help with pain and are good for daytime and others are more narcotic and help me try to get some sleep. There isn’t a tincture I’ve made yet though that will stop really severe nerve pain. It takes the edge off and I can manage to get some stuff done but it’s not like opiods where the pain is almost gone. Heavy indicas seem to work best for me and I really like Motorbreath 15 for both smoking and tincture.


I wish we could make a tincture, smoke or otherwise get close to what an opiods would accomplish :confused: been my quest for years now.

Goal: Replace pain removal ability as close as possible as what pills can do. Which will improve my wife’s daily life.


It’s been a long search for me as well. For my bodies system I haven’t come too close to totally being pain free but some cannabis strains are definitely more suited than others. I hope you get something that really helps her as living in constant pain takes such a huge toll on you. I was on heavy opiates for almost a decade and then the Veterans Administration changed it’s chronic pain treatment plans and I was given 30 days to come off them. I used the herb Kratom to help deal with withdrawals and give some pain relief for about 6 months but switched to cannabis when DC went legal in 2016. Way better than nothing but still hunting for that nerve pain relief that is so sharp and blindingly painful.


Yes sir Thank You
I heard good things about MotorBreath
From you a few times LOL
Thanks Again for everything.

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This is what worries me. She’s been on them for like 15+ years & now without a doctor. So that will end at some point. She’s been using Cannabis for a few years now and it definitely helps but doesn’t replace, yet…


It’s been years for me but check out red Kratom for the withdrawals as it has a narcotics like effect and really helps with the physical side of withdrawal like shaky legs, sweating and sleeplessness. It got really popular around that time and finding good sources of fresh leaves was getting hard.


Kratom works well for pain @STIGGY. There are lots of people on this forum that use it. Its safe (do not mix with alcohol/RX) & not really addictive. It can cause mild dependence (like caffeine) after daily use for a long period of time. I think its banned in Alabama, but what isn’t :rofl:

The key is to buy clean/regulated plain leaf powder from a reputable source like “Happy Hippo Herbals”. I suggest their (Top-Shelf Bali) for pain. 1.5grams or 1/2 teaspoon, blended into water or juice.

Thats a US vendor I’ve used for several years. I don’t know any Canadian ones. Just don’t buy it from gas stations/head shops, its all overpriced trash.


Thank You I have heard of it but been hesitant to try. for sure.
I will look into it

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