How do you cope with pain.. without painkillers

Oh and btw she was a young doctor… so it’s kind of sad to see someone that young still formatted to the “cannabis is evil” mentality…


:rofl: :joy: yeah lol seeds…


i tried some what they call cannabis light, it is very low in THC, something like 0.3% and about 10 CBD. it was a CBD critical and it has a super aroma!! really nice and I did feel a bit more relaxed for a couple of hours… dont know if its a placebo or not… but I did feel better.


Just came across this

“The terpenes linalool, myrcene, pinene, limonene, and caryophyllene have been widely researched for their potential pain-relieving attributes. Any terpene that has been demonstrated to offer anti-inflammatory, antinociceptive, or analgesic properties might be useful as a pain treatment.”

@Esrgood4u @bunny


This is the thing. Cppd is calcium deposits within the joints. Usually it’s caused by trauma so in my case it’s because of my job. Anti inflammatory drugs don’t help. CPPD is similar to gout that you get in your foot.


Yeah I understand, I must have something similar… but it’s like my scars heal too fast and instead of forming a smooth surface, they heal very fast and become irregular…

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I’ve been getting some sciatica in my leg/hip that’s becoming quite bothersome and not going away. It’s also seems to be one of those conditions that modern science can’t do a lot for…like a lot of other chronic pain issues. If it gets worse I’m gonna get it looked at see if surgery won’t help but in the interim…anyone else dealt with sciatica?

I’m already smoking pot lol, anyone got any tips or suggestions? What worked for you?


The bud should be more than enough to handle the sciatica. That’s how we treat it around here.


As the song goes…

Smoke weed everyday.

Seriously though, ever tried kratom? I’ve been a daily user for around 5 years now. A life saver in so many ways… anxiety, focus, and I’m sure it would help with pain.

Kratom is a miracle plant… it’s in the same class as marijuana in that sense. Check it out if you haven’t.

It works on the opioid neurons. But it’s nothing like your pharma pain killers. It’s extremely safe and as addictive marijuana I would. In the sense you’ll obviously feel it for a few days when you haven’t had any. But nothing major and no withdrawals.

I really couldn’t recommend Kratom enough. I’d put my name on the line for it any day. Anyone who tries it would not be disappointed.


I had horrible sciatica about a year ago. Here is what has helped me.

I got a teeter, did inversion therapy.

Lost about 20 pounds.

Eat more veggies.

Kratom tea for the really painful days.

Avoided driving for long periods of time.

Edibles helped ease the tight muscles in my back pinching those nerves.

Whenever I gain some weight it comes back.

Good luck!


Eating “hydrating foods” helps a lot too…stay hydrated.


I love it man. Nothing fixes my brain up better.

I’m so glad I found it.

I just mix the plant powder in water.

And yes I’d agree. A healthier diet and water would also go a long way to help any ailments of any kind.


I know I’ve been avoiding it for almost a decade for fear of…not sure.

Glad I took the gamble:)

Thanks for the nudge @GMan :wink:


Would you compare it to weed in sense? They share a lot of similarities IMO. But not effects, I don’t mean that. Just a solid medicinal plant.


Completely agree it is a medical plan meant for human relief…a true partner in life like cannabis.

It has saved me from having to go back on narcotics/pills.


I belong to a Kratom page also. And it has saved so many recovering addicts. The pain pills are not the way to go. This is atleast a safe alternative.


100% agree. I have injuries from combat. And it can be intense to where I just want a Morphin drip and some pain killers…but I remember how awful I became physically, mentally and emotionally.

I am able to be there for my kids and wife, with these plants. When I was on pills…they had to take care of me.

Plants before pills. Always.


And there’s a lot of Kratom on the market. Some very overpriced Kratom on the market.

If you need any guidance just message me anytime. Another great thing is that it’s extremely inexpensive. It grows wildly in the Indonesian area of the world. And their market is obviously a lot different than ours.

I’ll drop my main supplier here in case anyone wants to remain anonymous or whatever…

He’s a great dude and sources the best product for reasonable prices. He always helps me out if needed.

I’m not 100% sure he’s accepting new members. But if he isn’t I have a few more super reputable suppliers just message me :ok_hand:


I’m not overweight but I don’t look like Iggy Pop either. I’m very tall which is a factor, maybe if I lost 20lbs it’d help. I’m about 220-230. At my thinnest I was 170 (underweight for my height but damn I looked good haha). Maybe it really is that simple as weight and stress.

I used to be on my feet alllll day but now I’m a stay at home dad so I spend most of the day on my ass. And my posture is horrid. Maybe just need to move around more. But I got some leg pain and foot tendonitis even when I was walking 7+ miles a day. Maybe there’s a happy medium.


This is gonna shock you but I smoke a lot of pot. And I still have pain.

It definitely doesn’t fix everything.