How do you cope with pain.. without painkillers

Cheers bro. Back at you. Keep this thread going as I think a lot of members that are not recreational will find what they are looking for.
The best painkiller ever in my own personal opinion and experience is cocaine unfortunately. Don’t try this at home. :v:


Got seeds?


Call me Pablo from now on :rofl:


That definitely sounds like a good one for pain, I’m sure those greasy desert varietals all play a part in the best pain meds. I’ve been heading backwards recently towards the older terps, I want that skunk/funk that was once everywhere. My good friend and fellow grower said it best “ I’m tired of all that fruity gas! I want the old school funky skunk back in my life” I find everything that gets closer to any of these afghani, Hindu varietals the more potent it gets and the closer to the REAL Skunk we get. At least imo


Its fine bro. I’ve found cookies kush to yield the most. I got 8oz from a single plant in rdwc a while back. Give her a run. You won’t be disappointed


Well I could recommend one more but it caused me a ton of grief and took many years off of my life, plus has killed many around me over the years sadly. And after they prescribe them to us by the handful , they say “umm , well I regret to inform you I made a mistake prescribing all these painkillers and now the RCMP says we have to get everyone off so ya, sorry” So many travesties have been created over people just wanting to be pain free, it’s mind boggling. But like everything it’s all about that paper :dollar:


I’m on methadone for malignant refractory restless body syndrome*. I used to be able to manage with only weed but as the disease progressed further I started needing something stronger, so now I’m prescribed 15 mg of methadone, in a 5mg tablet once every 8 hrs. That eliminates my symptoms for about 70% which is the therapeutic goal that methadone can usually accomplish indefinitely by slowly increasing the dose over the years. Anyway, I use cannabis to aid me in handling the 30% that’s left. The wrong strain will make things worse and I am usually best off smoking Indica strains. Other than that, I have noticed flavors of grape and pine are almost without exception great for my symptoms, while tropical fruity and candy flavors are more prone to causing an increase in symptoms, though not always. It is also a bit dose dependant in the strains that can cause a worsening, usually Sativa’s, though again not always. The most memorable strains that have always helped me a lot without exception are Romulan, Lavender, White Widow, Acapulco Gold, Bubba Kush, Hindu Kush, Bad Azz Kush, Nevil’s Haze, and I’m pretty sure I could name a few more had I not just smoked that NH…

*Anyone wondering what that is, it’s basically the intense agonizing physical restlessness one would get from quitting a years long heroin habit, only without ever having had that habit, and instead of it getting better over time, it gets worse. The refractory part is that it doesn’t respond to the standard medication options.


I have a codine dependency that stems from my 20s. I got jumped and seriously hurt while heading home after a night out. My jaw was snapped clean in half down the centre and got stabbed above the eye. Had my teeth wired shut until it healed. Had to drink weight gain milkshakes only for several weeks until I had an operation to fix a plate into my face. The cold weather hurt a lot so they fed me full of codeine phosphate for months to control the pain. Being an opiate you soon get dependant on it and that’s what ended up happening. I got myself off it.
When I broke my shoulder thats what they tried giving me. Fuck that. No doing that again.


Oh, didn’t know Blue Velvet actually has Oaxacan genetics, plus Thai and Afghani. @Upstate


Docs around these parts are now prescribing antidepressants while saying crap like “your pain is all in your mind you know” yeh! what a fuckin surprise! I thought I used someone else mind to feel shit…:face_with_symbols_over_mouth: I have a good raised eyebrow stare for occasions like that so I deployed it…answer came back, sorry we can no longer prescribe opioid based meds to anyone not in hospital.

Self medication is on the rise. CBD is better than Prozac :roll_eyes:


Yezzir, an absolute nightmare, they have ruined painkillers for SO MANY because it’s necessary in many cases AND WORKS but has its time and place not for toothaches, sprained wrists/ankles etc. IDK what they were thinking with that crap, giving 13 year olds OxyContin after having a tooth pulled! That one blew my mind and had me losing my ISH in a local dental office ! Was my little cousin, and we had just been through my ordeal. :man_facepalming:t2:


Whats Antennae seeds Blueberry sativa.

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Very close or same ingredients as Blueberry. Not too long ago I had an opportunity to see a bunch of plants of my old Blueberry strain grown out. There were a couple Oaxaca type plants. I didn’t know it at the time, but after growing pure Oaxaca I see where these rare phenotypes came from.


I have some DP Blueberry seeds from here but it"s probably nowhere the same.


Dp? Whats that? Dutch Passion?


Yes, Dutch Passion


Docs in the UK expect you to know 2 weeks in advance your gonna be ill and book an appointment in advance also :roll_eyes:
The country has turned to shit.


Realtalk my friend. It’s a blessing in disguise but still complete nonsense


Aye and it started out so well too :rofl: think it’s been decaying our whole lives tbh but they used to be better at covering it up. The Johnson puppet seems determined to finish the place off. His paymasters must have a cunning plan :thinking: they say you get out what you putin

It’s double+bad as far as i can see. Got an estimate from the electricity mafia for their newest sting. They recon their entitled to an extra grand a year, we have those fuckin windmills and hydro dams all over the place here. The cost of wind and rain must be going way up somehow. It’s a massive clusterfuck and we’re all footing the bloody bill for it…

Anyway we’re way aff topic agin :laughing: you have to laugh…or your fucked.
I think strains with a higher ratio of CBD say around 10 to 1 so if you have 20% THC count you want around 2% CBD.

Or you could go with ye ole traditional 1 - 1 (one part strong alcohol/one part pure hate) for certain kinds of people apparently hate is all you need :rofl: yeh i’m wrecked


Well I must thank you all for your input, it really makes me feel less alone… if that makes any sense…

I wen to the doctor yesterday and guess what they wanted me to take… yup opioids… and I asked… why go that route when we now have pharmacy sold weed? " Oh the study of its medical use is stil quite uncertain…" And I was like… oh yeah? Jesus Christ…