How much do you smoke a day?

I’m a light weight now, I go sometimes 3 to 4 days without a puff, and when I do, it’s only 3 or 4 puffs.
I quit smoking it for almost 10 years.
Before I quit growing, I’d wake up and smoke 2 back to back just to “wake up” and smoke all day long and a big fat cannon before I hit the gym.

Now it’s just once in awhile, just to relax, social puffs or to put me to bed.
The ol’ lady smokes a couple j’s a day.


YEAH!!! :sunrise: 20 characters :wink:

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that an tinctures and edibles all day and I am set :slight_smile:


I’ve never taken a break longer than maybe a week or so in like 20 years. What changes did you notice when you quit for so long? Also, why do you think you didn’t fall back into smoking constantly when you started up again?

I’ve smoked all day every day for a looong time now, I think my ideal relationship with weed would be like yours now a couple puffs here and there, but I worry I’d just slide back into stonerdom anyways lol


Honestly, I noticed the “real world” it was like I was living in a dream land, all hazy all the time. When I stopped I noticed that it was like “holy shit, this is real” I don’t really know how to explain it but that life became more vivid. That’s the best way I can describe it.
I didn’t fall back into it constantly, because it hits me so hard now, that I really don’t enjoy it anymore.
Gives me anxiety and paranoia. I really don’t enjoy the high anymore.


I can relate to this. I only ever take a few puffs from time to time. The goal is just a little touch and not high as balls.


That’s what I was afraid of lol

Seriously though did you find that ‘new reality’ pleasant or did it suck having to come back to earth?

One thing I notice when I take small breaks is how I start dreaming again. I think that would be huge plus of quitting, I’d love to have some lucid dreams again.


I was pretty refreshing actually, the one time that really sticks in my mind was, I was in the car as a passenger and we were driving over the Halifax bridge on a nice sunny day, and I was looking at the water and it all seemed so vivid that it was like seeing it for the 1st time or something, and I remember saying to myself, wow this is REAL… I don’t know if that makes any sense to anyone but it really was like I just snapped out of a dream.


That’s interesting, thanks. I’m not sure if I’d like that or not personally, I spend alot of time in a state that I think most people would call ‘derealization’, and in some ways I find it enjoyable.

Anyways I plan on trying a more extended weed break sometime in the near future and will report back here when I do!


I smoke 3 joints from 7pm until 3-4am in morning to sleep thru the pain, smoke approx 1/2 every hr.
Thank The Lord for Cannabis


I feel the same way with the reality element. Can’t stand to wake and bake for that exact reason. I simply like the fresh and vibrant of my coffee high in the morning instead of a weed fog. I usually keep my toking to the evenings when I’m done with reality for the day. Like a treat


I smoke about 1.5-3.5grams a day. I really enjoy 7Acres Sensi Star and my homegrown stuff. Growing is a very good hobby!


Anybody try Joti s Sensi :star2:?


I average about 2 grams a day, when you average in the lady were looking at 4-6 grams a day, which is why I’m here. I need to learn to grow!


You came to the right place!


That’s what I was told! After seeing what Mr. Sparkle did on that tiny cab, I know I’m in the right place. I’m hoping to put together a closet soon. I’ll be building everything around the light I was gifted.

I just need to get whatever else there is to get, as well as the right seeds!


Start a new topic, we will be glad to help you get settled in. And we love pictures. :heart: :camera_with_flash:


This lockdown has got me smoking 60g a week ffs. Wifey and I are crushing a HP every 2 weeks. I’m gonna start rolling smaller joints this has gotten out of hand :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


Maybe more potent smoke, buddy.

Me and the wife’s consumption hasn’t gone up.


Back in the day when I was smoking blunts all the time I’d go through a quarter a day or so at most, usually about an 8th on average.

A year or two ago though, I picked up a Dynavap and haven’t looked back until just recently. That thing packs 0.1g per bowl(vapcap) and 1-2 of those are enough to have me blazed for ~2hrs or so depending on the strain. I just rolled two 1.5-2g blunts over the weekend to try again, just see plus nostalgia factor. After smoking them, one each, one on saturday and one on sunday, I wasn’t nearly as high on either of those days as to how I get off two vapcaps. So these days I’m going through 0.5-1g a day and wife does about same. Weekends are always more but not super crazy or anything.

So overall, I’d say we go through around a quarter a week.