How to detect grow operation? Police manual

Police have created how to guide for law-abiding citizens to allow them help discover ongoing marijuana growing operations. Basically making informers from citizens.

In this material they are stating typical characteristics tied with growing indoors.

Factors related to marijuana growing in your neighborhood

**Source: _Police notice to citizens_**

Take it as advise on how not to do it:

  • Occupants are rarely home and go to the house only for short stay (usually few hours) and then leave. In other cases they don’t leave house at all.

  • Visitors are acting strangely or come in unusual hours (short visits, suspicious times, late evening / night)

  • They enter house through garage or through back-door to cover real operation in house.

  • Windows are covered with boards, wood or foils to hide activities or block light coming inside. Streaks of intense light can be observed and condensated vapours can bee seen on glass windows.

  • Grow equipment is brought into house (large ventilators, lights, plastic bags for plants, air tubing or other things).

  • Strange smells are coming from the house. Marijuana cultivation creates strong odour which you can smell from ventilation outlets and around the house.

  • Exterior house appearance is cluttered. There is hardly any maintenance or upkeep (untidy snow, uncut lawn, etc.) and bags with junk containing soil or plant material can be thrown around the house.

  • Mail delivered to address can be left unopened, so flyers and mailing can cumulate in mailbox.

  • There is warm temperature and high humidity inside the house.