Easy To Spot A Cannabis Plant Outdoors

even if it’s legal to grow 6 plants on your own property…what if you want to be discrete anyway and you don’t want it to be too easy for neighbors to identify that plant on your property as marijuana.

Houses here are 300 to 500 feet appart cause it’s out in the rural area so it’s not an HOA type of neighborhood and it’s zoned Agricultural. Even if neighbors were touching the cow fence, they would still be 300 fee from the center of the property.

I’m just trying to imagine how 6 cannabis plants look from 300 feet away?


On a green background they can be surprisingly hard to spot from the ground…

Also I know of a couple people putting fake flowers on their weed plants. It was originally intended to camouflage plants in a green house so planes had a hard(er) time identifying them


You’d be better with autos or train the plants(photos) so they dont look like a typical weed plant…horizontaly along a fence?


I am pretty rural but still wanted some privacy.

Here is how I did it, a lot of work but I will use this several years so will be worth it:


You can read the thread here:


Very creative and original .

damn lol I wonder if I could market that hahaha…I don’t think it would stand up to my Atlantic islands year round wreck house winds

Absolutely love it though!

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Grow some Cleome flowers. The plants leaves look like weed but the flowers are white and purple. and its legit flowers for someone who gets too close. Toss some all around the borders of your property too…


Don’t think anyones gonna be able to identify them from that far, might catch a whiff of something when they’re in flower but otherwise I wouldn’t worry.


Great plant for cover another one is lupine if they can grow in your zone … another cool technique is planting it on an angle and work the plant in horizontal position and pin the limbs down as they grow will make for low profile plants !


Yes sir they will stick out like a sore thumb. Your best bet would be to tie branches down. Do whatever it takes to keep them looking deformed. Break and bend branches if you have too. Your plants will be fine. You just don’t want them to look like Christmas trees and you should be ok. Good fences makes good neighbors. If you have a break in a fence fix it to keep the honest, honest. Otherwise the nosey will walk up to them…


Grow it in and among other vegetation, especially vines. Use the vines to LST it, and keep it under 3 feet or no taller than the surrounding vegetation. Blackberry bushes are good for that. Plus, nobody wants to go traipsing through blackberry bushes because of the thorns. Put yourself in a cop’s position, and think about what they’d be looking for. Make sure there are no telltale signs of cannabis.

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Buddy of mine stakes them to the ground pot height grows them sideways . 4 ft long and a ft off the ground . Makes it tough to see from any angle .


Thats what I did last year, I have a very short fence between myself and my neighbours house, and for each plant I was on top of LST and topped the plant to allow for me to keep them at a very low height. I also placed them lower than my other herbs so that they would not be visible from anywhere outside the property. Worked well, and will probably try this again in this coming season.


pole beans make a nice screen, then eat them all winter. then it only smells like a jungle :wink:

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High I have heard of people putting red xmass tree balls on plants so they look like tomato plants .

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A lot of the new strains can be smelled from 100 meters away. I don’t understand why anyone would take that sort of risk in an illegal state/country/jurisdiction, unless they just had to. A friend of mine grew some Northern Lights auto for seed, which had a very low odor. They may have been low odor, but they were very potent. I still have about hundreds of them, which I’d like to grow someday.

If you’ve got 300 feet to work with, you’re good to go. Think about what you would look for if you were trying to spot cannabis, and make sure you don’t have any telltale signs of it. If you have a problem with rippers, plant some Texas Star hibiscus as a decoy, or maybe hemp if you live in a legal state. LST it and plant it among other vegetation in a way that it blends into a green background.

it would be an interesting experiment to take a low odor strain and cross it with a weird, mutant looking strain in order to get a higher overall stealthy plant. if it’s harder for people to recognize visually and also they didn’t smell the typical scents, that’d be pretty killer.

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Plant a bamboo hedge.

I’d love to see a strain that doesn’t look like cannabis growing wild and freely, right under the nose of the cops.
Speaking of which, you could have some fun with a plant that looks like cannabis (such as Texas Star hibiscus) by planting a bunch of rows of it and let the cops find it. It would be funny to know that they brought in helicopters, SWAT teams, etc., only to find out it was not cannabis. Not only would it cost a fortune to raid a patch, it would also make them look really foolish.

interesting, i’d never heard of texas star hibiscus before. that’s great to know. i’m familiar with japanese maples, whose leaves are really reminiscent of weed leaves. but they’re more tree like in appearance, whereas these texas star hibiscus really look like weed throughout much more of it’s plant structure. hibiscus can also be really pretty flowers. i’ll have to file that away in my mental cabinet for later.

but i’d personally choose to not incite the cops as much as possible. even if my house were totally clean and it would be a funny ha ha i got one over on the cops. i would never want to invite any unnecessary attention to what i was doing or wanted to do in the future.

even if it were to be just throwing some seeds into an enemy’s yard, i still don’t like things like that. i’d rather leave karma well enough alone and just do good for the world.

i may be chaotic good, but i ain’t chaotic stupid. although i can play chaotic stupid in my tabletop roleplaying sessions. but there i don’t have to suffer real life consequences.