I went to the Bank Of Stank and made a withdrawl (Part 1)

Been 13 days since i hung the Blissful Wizard. At 8am i set inkbird to bring room down to 58 % humididty for 4 hours. At noon, in just a minute or two, im gonna trim 1 BW see how it is, check it’s weight, so ill know what ill have for the left side of the tent. Whole left side was BW, 4 plants, 4 clones, all pretty much identical in size, so from one ill know what my pull was off the left half. Also by time i finish trimming one plant ill know if im gonna keep Mom around or not. Dry room did good it appears, sure was a lot less hassle for me anyways :sunglasses:


Thanks Colin, appreciate it. Cool thing is me n the ebikes keep em in shape. ALL are fit and chisled, or getting that way. Sona only 1 1/2 , Paddles only 1 , so both of them will bulk and muscle for the next year. Finn is already shredded, Mercy…well, she likes to eat n sleep…

GSD’s NEED a job. If not they can develop bad energy. I work the crap out of them every day, and what it does is make “calm” dogs. They KNOW when n where it’s time to cut loose n go crazy, and when n where to be silent and docile. I could take all 4 anywhere without issues.

Only ever had large breed my entire life, and pretty much only GSD’s. The breed suits me and my personality, and my lifestyle. While in College i did foster a Jack Russell Terrier for 2.5 solid years. He was SOMETHING!!! BIGGEST little 20 pounder i ever saw. He would not back down from a freight train, nor rhino , nor anything. Little shit was fearless with a capital F!@!! He had the personality of a person, the smarts of a four year old child, and everywhere we wet he drew a crowd. He was cool, i miss him to this day.

IF i ever get decrepid and feeble, cant care for a big GSD, ill get a JRT…teach it all manner of cool shit, they are suoer smart, or he was anyway.

Morning @ColeLennon


A loooooong time ago I was married to a GSD trainer. We usually had three or four dogs she was working with. She specialized in Schutzhund - similar to police dog work - so our dogs got a lot of physical activity. During the off season, or just in crappy weather, we had a JogADog canine treadmill to burn off energy. Sometimes we would bike them with a Springer attachment. Ebike sounds like a great way to do it!

I love seeing your GSDs! I haven’t had one in over a decade, and all the dogs I’ve had around since were rescues with behavior issues. My current Great Dane hates the outdoors and obsesses about food.
I’m sure it has something to do with her upbringing before she came to us. It’s so different from the working dogs that knew 40 commands in German and English, and how they should behave.


First Blissful Wizard is about done . 5.2 ounces with well over another Z still hanging !

Call it 6 ounces , they threw done very very well for their height , kinda of surprised .

600 watts , 680 grams clean , 1.5 GPW , I’ll take that . Other half of tent will do more .

INKBIRD did well , stuck in Grove , hour later


I’ve had two Old English male Mastiffs separately. The second Mastiff was 11 weeks old when I bought him into my pack of 1-year-old brother and sister twin American Rotts and an incredibly smart miniature Australian shepherd named Buddy. Been 15 years. I’m due for another dog. Probably be a medium size. Aussie miniature, blue heeler. Jack Russel would be cool. Maybe even a small pitt.
This was Drako at 5 years old 180lbs. My second mastiff. Grew up thinking he was a Rottweiler. Big breed is a special kind of love. Makes me all nostalgic. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Rolled a gar ow wedding cake

Know what I’m doing for next few hours


I just want to say that the name of this thread would make a great song title! “I Just Went to the Bank of Stank (and Made a Stinky Withdrawal)!” Definite winner!

Alternatively, I’m probably

High as fuck @125



At creek can barely see screen without my cheaters so really can’t respond


Giving those dogs a paradise of a life. :100:



My idea of it too😎


WC kicked my ass

I’m about ready to put a:stick in my mouth


Wedding cake is potent shit. That’s the GSC in it. :100: :fire:

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Where did you source the glass tubes with screw tops ??



Much better

Amazon of course :eggplant:


You should look these two CBD strains up. I got these yesterday to make gummies.
Pineapple Jager- Pineapple Tsu x Purple Hindu Kush

Sour Space Monkey sour tsunami x early resin berry

I liked them both so much in the gummies that I’m going back to get more tomorrow and put them in the crisper in my fridge.



:rofl: A sticks a stick a log :rofl:


Finished the first Blissful Wizard . Fooled me , went better than I thought 7.6 ounces , the Wizard threw down for me . All four plants equal , so was a real good GPW on the left side :sunglasses: