Ice Cream Cake #98•(F2)

These both look like absolutely beautiful auto strains!! Strawberry Short crack sounds like my type of bud


How do u get the seeds if your using a fake return address? Man so I just sent a bunch of seeds to nobody basically?! That’s kinda wack bro, especially if someone wants to “show love” which I was trying to do. I guess someone has to let u know they wanna send u something instead of pleasantly surprising u.
Damn man smh.


nice surprise! you are showing the love of the true OG spirit, right on way to go! :seedling: :green_heart: :man_farmer:


That’s probably a fish house place to get lots of different seafood. I was going to ask cause I’m from the southeast but have lived in Virginia and NC on the ocean. I love and really miss steaming a bushel of Blue Crabs. They sure help you drink a lot of beer. :smile_cat:


Pretty common for people to use fake return addresses, especially in very illegal states like mine. Gotta protect myself as best I can. When someone sends me seeds, I have them sent to my safe address in a legal state. I’m sorry that you sent these and they won’t arrive, but again, I appreciate the gesture.


@middleman :respectfully speaking: It’s not common for me…I thought one of the common themes if not the foremost theme here was trust. When I send something if I didn’t feel comfortable or secure in giving my return address I would use a good brotha, not a completely fake address…that’s a hurt piece for me being that I have a very small space to do these things and show love. Try to consider us breeders that’s doing it on a small scale…loosing seeds effects us differently than beeders that breed seeds by the thousands at a time. They probably wouldn’t mind loosing seeds here and there…but us micro breeders do.
…and idk what your state laws are when i comes to cannabis(in all it’s forms), but here in PA it’s decriminalizied so at maximum ppl will get fined. I’ll pm u and u let me know if this is the pseudo addy or the genuine one. Fair? :peace_symbol:

In other news…the mailman came late as hell today, must be a new guy. Anywho a few trades came in today from @Mudballs @Emeraldgreen & @GCBudz shoutout to you guys…I hope yall enjoy the ice cream cake(s) as much as I’ll enjoy these. Thanks y’all :call_me_hand:t5::peace_symbol:


They got there fast. Hope you find something you enjoy @Hashton_Kusha


I doubt it’s a completely fake address… those are actually screened for by USPS and they won’t even attempt delivery, they’re just destroyed I think. That said, I do the same thing as @middleman and have never given my real address on seeds I send out. Decriminalized or not, growing is still very illegal in some states - PA is one of them, actually. It’s probably paranoia, since it seems unlikely the cops are bothering with complicated sting operations to get growers when there’s fentanyl out there, but I’d rather be paranoid than locked up when it comes to things like that. It sucks that you sent some seeds to nobody, but we don’t live in a perfect world. Btw, I’d double-check with @GCBudz too before sending anything out. When we met, it wasn’t at his house, it was at a Wawa. :wink: It’s just safer for everyone involved this way.


I got some Ice Cream Cake #5 S1s I made, was a state registered clone from Michigan I wasn’t supposed to have, if you wanted to trade packs I think that’d be pretty sweet to cross together one of these days


I’m down…pm me

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I never put my real address on any beans leaving here. I’m not concerned in this situation as @Hashton_Kusha only received my fake addy after he sent my beans out… my package seemed to arrive a few days later.

@middleman if he cant reship for lack of stock i can split my trade with ya. Your a good dude and i’v had a few trades with ya… i just switched the MMH you feminized.

@Cormoran No one comes to my home with a first experience… nothing personal. Same with any FB or Craigslist purchase/sale. But now that we have met and developed a bond that changes next time. I invited Drew to stop in when we meet up again soon…

@TestOfOath those look fantastic!


With that kinda outreach, I’m gonna throw my “personals” in the mix!! PM a’comin!!! SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: NOTE: If I’m too late to the party, SUPER THANKS for being a stand-up OG!!!

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Oh, no worries, I wasn’t expecting to. :slight_smile: I’ve been meeting people online since the 90s or so, and in that whole time I’ve met exactly one person at their home the first time. Strangely enough, it was on here, but with everyone else it’s just a given that it’ll be at a neutral place… you know, somewhere they can decide to just go home once they realize I’m an axe murderer with a hook for a hand. :stuck_out_tongue:


I always expect a NJ dude to pull up in an IROC sporting a mullet and wearing a Bon Jovi tshirt, i’m rarely wrong. :wink:


Nope, sorry, he lives about three houses down from me. :wink:


Well I’m only going by his words…so u gotta dig where I’m coming from being a extremely small grower…the goal is to grow more at a time but til then any potential loss at this scale is a big deal…I just threw away over 20 beans, and that’s an issue-(for me). I wouldn’t care as much if I was breeding thousands of seeds at a time…but look we’re all big boys/girls here, u live in a state that don’t play that shit like mines then u know what you’re getting into-me personally? I don’t really have that option to use a pseudo return address. My mail gotta come to me especially here in Philly…and shit say I do get caught when them boys run up in here and see I got a tent going…I’ll get hit with a fine. Its not as major as u may think unless you’re growing acres of the shit then yeah you’re fucked. I’m in between 2 states that made it okay to smoke “for fun”. You don’t think PA lawmakers are feeling the pressure from that, not to mention dispensaries are popping up all over Philadelphia and the surrounding counties…and u can buy delta-8 & 9 pre rolled joints & edibles from just about any corner store and/or gas station now. So here in Philly I see where things are headed and I’m not worried about getting caught. I like to think of me being ahead of the curve actually.


Ya not too late…hmu in pm

I use Cresco’s corporate headquarters for my return address. I figure if it goes wrong, at least what I’m sending goes to someone who’s growing. :stuck_out_tongue: Though they probably wouldn’t use it, since I’m not including the proper paperwork, wtfever that is…

Yep. I see where things are headed in NJ… and that’s towards keeping homegrowing, or even possession of seeds, a felony for even the most minor infractions while inviting more and more corporations to grow down the street. That’s why I use a safe address, in Philly ironically enough. :wink:


thnx for the trade dude! i’ll keep an eye out at the mailbox for yours. I’m actually kind of excited to get some of those Bueno Beans: Philly ICC98 going.