Images : Div function, zoom etc

Mostly dedicated to the tech-team

I’ve a hard time to figure out how to use the different functions, there is no much difference whatever i’m doing.

Here i’m using only the zoom function, 50% on four photos

Here i’m using the “grid gallery”, “as it” zoom (100%), with [[div data-theme-tiles=“1”]]

Here i’m using the “grid gallery”, but 50% zoom set in the preview panel, with [[div data-theme-tiles=“1”]]

Here i’m using the “grid gallery”, with [[div data-theme-slick=“1”]], with 8 photos

update 1 / another test

Here i’m using the “grid gallery”, default zoom, with [[div data-theme-tiles=“1”]], with 16 photos

Everything I’m doing doesn’t appear to make a difference with simply using the 50% zoom in the preview panel. I’m missing something with this grid function, i will appreciate any help/explanation ^^

update 2 : i almost got it. I guess.

  • The grid function produce a kind of poster, but you have to post a bunch of photos to make it visible.
  • It’s not made to organize photos : tutorials (with title), sequences / demonstration / timeline like the tables in HTML with tr and td
  • Don’t trust the preview panel, this thing is high as fck. The grid is generated on load only.

update 3 : it’s a pain in the 4ss to organize manually the free space in the “poster grid” ^^


I always “open image in new tab” on any photo I wish to examine.
Therefore I compared the same photo across all display options…
the results…exactly the same… :+1:
That’s good news as it leaves the choice to which is more convenient for the author.

Nice test.

Yup… :rofl:
