InTheWoods' Server Fundraiser May 2024

I’m very fortunate to have found and become a part of this incredible community. In my short time back growing over the past year I caught the chucking bug after I received Chocolate Diesel F3 pollen from @AzSeaindooin420 and put it on the Royal Procession from @darkillusion.

After that experience I dove headfirst into open pollinating the [[Haze/Sk1] x Sk1] x [Haze/Sk1] - Cultivators choice pack I bought off of Seedbay last year. During that project, I collected off one male to make these crosses which I thought would be interesting with H/Sk1 put back in or added.

Also thank you @Tracker for the Dream6 to make the Dream Drifters.

All 4 strains are currently being tested and are in different weeks of flower.

Thank You Overgrow! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Items auctioned

4 strains, 12 coin flips each containing 12 seeds.[ All regular seed]

To sweeten the pot with each lot, I’ll include the 18 seeds mix coin flip of the [[Haze/Sk1] x Sk1] x [Haze/Sk1] OP - Cultivators choice

Lot # Strain Seeds Highest Bidder Amount
1 Silverback Haze 12 @misterbee $25
2 Silverback Haze 12 @sunra108 $25
3 Silverback Haze 12 @JAYY_2the_R-O_WHAh $25
4 Silverback Haze 12 @Streckles $25
5 Silverback Haze 12 @belleswell $15
6 Silverback Haze 12 @Jumbzz $15
7 Silverback Haze 12 @Igor $15
8 Silverback Haze 12 @hooddirt $15
9 Silverback Haze 12 @Pixie65 $15
10 Silverback Haze 12 @Rmevet $25
11 Silverback Haze 12 @misterbee $25
12 Silverback Haze 12 @RainToday $15
13 Contango 12 @misterbee $25
14 Contango 12 @sunra108 $25
15 Contango 12 @JAYY_2the_R-O_WHAh $25
16 Contango 12 @belleswell $15
17 Contango 12 @hooddirt $15
18 Contango 12 @Sailorboy $25
19 Contango 12 @emeraldbullfrog $15
20 Contango 12 @Rmevet $25
21 Contango 12 @Pixie65 $15
22 Contango 12 @Pixie65 $15
23 Contango 12 @misterbee $15
24 Contango 12 @RainToday $15
25 Dream Drifter 12 @misterbee $25
26 Dream Drifter 12 @sunra108 $25
27 Dream Drifter 12 @JAYY_2the_R-O_WHAh $25
28 Dream Drifter 12 @FieldEffect $25
29 Dream Drifter 12 @FieldEffect $25
30 Dream Drifter 12 @Rmevet $25
31 Dream Drifter 12 @Redribbonultra $20
32 Dream Drifter 12 @Hemlock $15
33 Dream Drifter 12 @Heliosphear $25
34 Dream Drifter 12 @misterbee $15
35 Dream Drifter 12 @Sailorboy $25
36 Dream Drifter 12 @belleswell $15
37 Royally Hazed 12 @misterbee $25
38 Royally Hazed 12 @sunra108 $25
39 Royally Hazed 12 @JAYY_2the_R-O_WHAh $25
40 Royally Hazed 12 @Rmevet $25
41 Royally Hazed 12 @Organical $25
42 Royally Hazed 12 @AmnioticBaptism $20
43 Royally Hazed 12 @Chara $25
44 Royally Hazed 12 @AmnioticBaptism $20
45 Royally Hazed 12 @Sailorboy $25
46 Royally Hazed 12 @AmnioticBaptism $20
47 Royally Hazed 12 @AmnioticBaptism $20
48 Royally Hazed 12 @Igor $25

Key to the strain lineage

Lot 1-12 Silverback Haze 12 Reg Seeds

Mom: Gorilla Cookie Purp ( Sunken Treasure freebie)
Gg4 x Forum Cookies x Mendo Purps

Sweet grape/ slight Lavendar.
Strong effect, Great for munchies
Stout plant structure, Dense buds. Purpling.
8-9 week to finish.

Click for photos

Dad: [[Haze x Sk1] x Sk1] x [ Haze x Sk1 ] - Cultivators choice

Click for photos


Lot 13-24 Contango 12 Reg Seeds

Mom: Lazy Lightning (Bodhi)
Loompa’s Headband x 88G13HP

Robust lemony earthy kush
Great nighttime smoke. Strong effects.
Decent branching strength, Purpling streak trait on the stems, frosty.
Finished between 9-10 weeks

Click for photos

Dad: [[Haze x Sk1] x Sk1] x [ Haze x Sk1 ] - Cultivators choice

Click for photos


Lot 25-36 Dream Drifter 12 Reg Seeds

Mom: BD6 Fem (@Tracker )
BD(JD6) x (BD(JD6))r

BD(JD6) = Blue Dream (just_development #6 cut)

Berry scent profile from sugar leaf rubs (unfortunately too seeded to smoke)
Strong branches, vigorous plant.
Hungry lady.

Click for photos

Dad: [[Haze x Sk1] x Sk1] x [ Haze x Sk1 ] - Cultivators choice

Click for photos


Lot 37-48 Royally Hazed 12 Reg Seeds

Mom: Royal Procession ( @darkillusion )
AMG Sour x Royal Kush 10th Generation Bx

Sour earthy profile.
Good daytime smoke, not overpowering.
Strong branches.
10-11 weeks to finish.

Click for photos

Dad: [[Haze x Sk1] x Sk1] x [ Haze x Sk1 ] - Cultivators choice

Click for photos


Lots 1-48 (Bonus) [[Haze xSk1] x Sk1] x [Haze x SK1] - Cultivators Choice Repro (Open pollination) (6F/4M) 18 Regular Seeds

Click for photos

Female #1 (Sk1 dom. - Gulf bull cola)

Female #2 (Haze Dom)

Female #3 (Sk1 Dom. - Skinny cola)

Female #6 (Haze Dom)

Female #7 (Haze Dom)

Female #8 (Haze Dom)

Auction Rules

  • Each lot will go to the highest bidder.

  • In order to bid you need to reply to this topic. You should bid on each listed lot separately. Include the lot number and your bid with the USD price.

  • When you place a bid, any previous bids you made on this lot will be canceled. You can bid on multiple lots in one post.

  • :mega: Don’t forget to tag the person you outbid using @ to notify them.

  • Bidding will start at 10 USD, with a minimum bid increment of 5 USD.

  • The auction will end on 2024-05-30T20:59:59Z. The last bid must be placed in the final second of the hour or earlier. (Note: This timestamp will display in your local timezone if you have set the correct timezone in your profile. Hover over the timestamp to view the time in other zones.)

  • :money_with_wings: Donation options include PayPal, Bitcoin, Ether, or other cryptocurrencies (details will be provided by @LemonadeJoe to the highest bidders).

  • :package: Untracked shipping is included.

    • :us: Tracked shipping available for $5.
    • :globe_with_meridians: Rest of the world (tracked) shipping for $10.
  • Items will be shipped from the US. Seeds will be sent after your donation is received.


Greetings to all attendees of the Spring Server fundraiser auction event! Our goal is to raise money for operations for the upcoming year, including exciting upgrades. Show your support for the site and secure some popular strains.

Special thank you to our donor, @InTheWoods !


Really cool @InTheWoods , thanks for putting this on and supporting OG. :v:


$25 for #'s 1, 13, 25 and, 37 @any member SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


$25 for #'s 2, 14, 26, and 38


I bid $25 on lots : #3 , #15 , #27 , and #39


$15 for lots #12 and #24


$25 bid for #10, #20, #30 and #40. Thank you @InTheWoods happy bidding to all.


Thanks for bidding!

Bidding table updated.


Lot 18 $25
Lot 35 $25
Lot 45 $25


Lot 28, 29 $25 each


ill put $25 on 4


I’ll put 20 on lots 41-44 and 46-48


I’ll put $15 on lot 7 please, and $25 on lot 48. Sorry @AmnioticBaptism you still got a lot of Royally Hazed left. :crazy_face:

I’ll need to grovel to PayPal to get it set back up after I told them to go fcuk themselves when they tried to implement their social justice credit score nonsense. Sorry #a-bit-political.


It’s all good, those needed some love lol


Bidding table updated, thanks for your bids!


It’s nice to know those Haze x Sk1 beans from Cultivators choice still germinate. What a great plant for breeding!


$15 on #6 :pray:


#33 $25 :sunglasses: