GregOG's Server Fundraiser May 2024

Items auctioned

Two old school classics Ancestral Skunk x Turkish Hash Plant have been bred together.

These genetics will produce true Christmas tree structures. The trichome coverage is strong, Outdoor the yield can be so big the plants will lean over.

You will want to support the plant when it gets full of buds. Stems hold everything excellent, and the buzz is well rounded from the Ancestral Skunk balanced cannabinoid profile.

You can bid on lots. Each lot contains one pack. Each pack contains 50.Regular seeds.
Here is a opportunity to find the highest THC plants with 50 seeds.

All regular seeds

Lot # Strain Seeds Highest Bidder Amount
1 Ancient Hash Plant 50 @emeraldbullfrog $45
2 Ancient Hash Plant 50 @BudSy $50
3 Ancient Hash Plant 50 @Chara $50
4 Ancient Hash Plant 50 @Mrgreenthumb $40
5 Ancient Hash Plant 50 @Ivy $50
6 Ancient Hash Plant 50 @Thetravler $40
7 Ancient Hash Plant 50 @mongbae $40
8 Ancient Hash Plant 50 @sunra108 $50
9 Ancient Hash Plant 50 @Seeds.of.liberty $45
10 Ancient Hash Plant 50 @Thetravler $40
11 Ancient Hash Plant 50 @Rmevet $50
12 Ancient Hash Plant 50 @Sailorboy $55
13 Ancient Hash Plant 50 @Green_Light $45
14 Ancient Hash Plant 50 @misterbee $50
15 Ancient Hash Plant 50 @misterbee $50
16 Ancient Hash Plant 50 @Cannabis $50
17 Ancient Hash Plant 50 @JAYY_2the_R-O_WHAh $40
18 Ancient Hash Plant 50 @mota $50
19 Ancient Hash Plant 50 @Hashpants $40
20 Ancient Hash Plant 50 @Pleiochasium $55

Strain Details

Lots 1 - 20 Ancient Hash Plant 50 Regular Seeds

Auction Rules

  • Each lot will go to the highest bidder.

  • In order to bid you need to reply to this topic. You should bid on each listed lot separately. Include the lot number and your bid with the USD price.

  • When you place a bid, any previous bids you made on this lot will be canceled. You can bid on multiple lots in one post.

  • :mega: Don’t forget to tag the person you outbid using @ to notify them.

  • Bidding will start at 10 USD, with a minimum bid increment of 5 USD.

  • The auction will end on 2024-05-24T20:59:59Z. The last bid must be placed in the final second of the hour or earlier. (Note: This timestamp will display in your local timezone if you have set the correct timezone in your profile. Hover over the timestamp to view the time in other zones.)

  • :money_with_wings: Donation options include PayPal, Bitcoin, Ether, or other cryptocurrencies (details will be provided by @LemonadeJoe to the highest bidders).

  • :package: Shipping is not included in the bid and will be added to the final bid.

    • :us: Tracked shipping for $5.
    • :globe_with_meridians: Rest of the world (tracked) shipping for $20.
  • Items will be shipped from the US. Seeds will be sent after your donation is received.


I am excited to announce another event in our Spring Server fundraiser auction series! This time featuring @GregOG, who has generously donated his creation, Ancient Hash Plant.


Lot 1 20$
Very excited about this auction


Lot 20 - $40

@GregOG can you speak to the approximate flowering time on these?


30 on lot 9


$50.00 on Lot 8 please.


Looks like a really nice offering @GregOG. Thanks for supporting OG bud. :v:


I’ll go $50 on Lot 5.


Lot 2 $30


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Lot #10. 25$

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Lot #3, bid for $20

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Lot #17 25$


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Lot #15 $50 @any member SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


7.5 weeks at most. @420noob grew some last year. :dove:

A first time grower grew these from AHP.
They won’t hardly need any food to grow.

3rd week flowering you can feed it. There should be some great phenotypes, and having 50 seeds will lead to great breeding tools as well.


Lot# 3. $30

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Lot # 13 $30.

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This seed come out of a Ancient Hash Plant, it’s seed pod was turquoise green. Not sure what pollen hit it. I’m gonna pop it soon.




For a first time grower this was his message,

He was growing Gush Mintz, Blue dream x Strawberry OG chem and a few others.

Storms with 80 mph winds could not destroy these plants. They get so heavy the plant will lean over. So support them near the end, :dove:


Lot #16 $25

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