Introduce Yourself @OG (Part 1)

Grand Rising fellow stoners, newb dwelling in prohibition land in the United States Corporation :unamused:. Coco, autos and small discreet grows are where I have my fun.


Hi @HumblePie420 and @Kaneh_Bosm, welcome to OG! You’ll love it here! Have fun!


Welcome back @Chronisseur & @vinny_verde I just got here this year and wish I knew about this place so much sooner!
@Nagel420 , that’s quite the epic tale, welcome to OG!
@MarijuanaEnthusiast , I miss the colours your state provides to the eyes :smiley:
@28.35 , no better place to learn more!! Welcome!
@HumblePie420 , no worries bruv you’re clearly excited! Welcome!
@Kaneh_Bosm , I suggest you watch “Tank Girl” and continue to fight the oppressors! Welcome!


Hey dear OGs!

Novice grower here, based in Germany. I tumbled down the rabbit’s hole in the begininng of 2020, when it looked like my favourite flowers might become hard to get a hold of.
Started out with a single 1x1m tent some soil and a light, by now my area has tripled to 3 tents and even more ladies in the backyard. So far I’ve automated two of my tents using Raspberry Pis and am planning to share my setup with the forum in the future.
Before finding OG i used to frequent German growers forums, however they all have strict no-trade policies. Hence, next to enlightening discussions i also look forward to growing out some interesting strains that OGers have crafted with love as compared to the mass-produced stuff that’s being sold by EU seed banks.

Cheers! :v:


I am new myself! Welcome! @BarrieButsers

I think it’s supper cool that you l’ve implemented raspberry pi’s into your system. I am very intrigued to know what kind of coding you’ve studied throughout your time? I’ll be looking forward to following your grows and are whats currently being grown. Please share your set-up when you’re comfortable doing so!

Enjoy this site, as I have already spent hours in the span of three days.



5 posts were split to a new topic: Mycodo DIY Automation

Canadian eh? Or British, but if I was a betting man, and I am, I’d say your a fellow Canuck with the way your spell colour


Hello everyone, newbostonkid1963 here, heard this is the place to get my medicine, lol, im 57 years old and im bound to a wheelchair, do to a accident, but was looking to do my own meds, cbd dont help none already tried that, but any way wanted to check this site out and maybe get some good beans here, tried a few places but they was really rude, i have the stuff i need but looking for some good beans, i had a few bag one but was no good, but any way just wanted to say hello to everyone and introduce myself, not asking for free ones but just trying to get my grow on, plus trying to figure out how to work this site lol, but ill figure it out, hope im welcome, the last place i tried to join was like very rude and stuff and i didnt even do or say anything out of the way to them, butt holes i geuss lol, but enough of me gonna go check some forums out on here, have a great day everyone, peace


Welcome to OG! I can assure you rude buttholes don’t tend to last too long and it’s a great community here. Maneuvering the site is a little daunting at first cause the setup is a little weird but you’ll pick it up before you know it.


It’s a great place welcome @newbostonkid1963
And all new bees

Newbostonkid1963. Make friends! beans have a way of just miraculously becoming available to friends



Welcome, @newbostonkid1963, and thanks for joining us in our little corner of the internet!

For the record - there is no final product available here. Seeds, however, are a different story. “Overgrow” is literally about overgrowing the world with marijuana plants, and many of us are doing our best to achieve that objective!

In your introduction, you didn’t say anything about your growing. Do you grow? If so, you’ll also find Overgrow to be an invaluable resource for gardening knowledge. Also - WE LOVE PICTURES! So please be sure to post pics of what you’ve got growing!


Hi i have a 600w hps, 4x4 tent, i use promix and gh nutrients, but as of right now i have nothing growing, i did have a couple but they turned out pretty bad, was bag seeds but very low in thc, which higher thc is what im looking for, and thanks everyone for the welcomes, already better then the other site,


:canada: indeed! Actually a writer friend was so in love with the Canadian “u” he created a new word:

----> POUNOU <---- (pronounced: “Pooh-knew”)

Meaning: “Profound Confusion”

@newbostonkid1963 welcome to OG! It’s both awesome and weird here at the same time if your timing is right. You’re bound to find the right beans through the resources here, either by way of friendly stranger mail, or info gathering and a map pointing you in the right direction. All the best bud and see you around!


Thank you and yeah looking for some beans to start, but that will be later, looking for good friends right now, appreciate it


Hi @newbostonkid1963 and @BarrieButsers, welcome to OG! You’ll love it here!! Have fun!!


Check out the free seeds thread; it does get post heavy as everyone is so friendly but it’s where you may find your beans the soonest. Also check out Sebring’s site

Usually “out of stock” but when there is stock you can get some quality medicine for a donation.


Welcome aboard @HumblePie420 , @Kaneh_Bosm and @BarrieButsers !! Your gonna love it here at the OG, there are lots of awesome people here.


Thanks for taking he time to include everyone you saw that was new on here. Much appreciated.


@vinny_verde ; Inclusion and accessibility are two of my favorite things :smiley:


Drop by MoBilly’s green room - #342 by MoBilly
I’m glad to offer any assistance I can to help you get used to the forum. My journal is not near as exciting as most of these guys. I’m a novice in comparison (which is a bad practice IMHO). But you would be more than welcome Vinny.

:v: :cowboy_hat_face: