Introducing BudBusterPro


does this need to be refrigerated? and if so, how long does this last if it hasn’t been refrigerated @ 70-80 inside temps?


No refrigeration is necessary Phil, keep it stored in an indoor cabinet and it will last indefinitely.
The formulation is very stable. Our experience is pretty extensive…stores from 34-105 degree fluctuation
for 3 years without any issues. Storage was a major consideration during R&D…that’s one reason for the concentration we achieved…it weighs 11.36 Lbs/Gal. You’re not likely to see that concentration in ANY liquid fertilizers you might encounter.

Once diluted it’s a different story…it will support microbial growth quite quickly in warm weather. That’s the reason we encourage you to use any extra diluted material on your ornamentals, fruits, or vegetables.


Any left over mixed product gets given to all plants in grow area(my grow tent is in our grow room) get a dose. I noticed my Basil,mint, and oregano have beefed right up.


Maybe lol :joy:


So tomorrow is my second application, I have been reading the papers that came with it but there’s 2 different applications. What one is better, or more recommended?

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How big are the plants?

If they’re small it should be 2ml per 8 oz…until 3 sets of leaves, then 2.5 per 8 oz. Then 3 ml at flip.

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They are about a month old but the front page of the directions has this.

And a later page

It says every 7 days, 8-10 days, and 14 days.
Just a little confused on which of the 3 schedules to use

And the front page dilution rates max out at 3ml/8oz and the back page 5ml/8oz.
Maybe it’s a higher dose because it’s spread out over 2 weeks.


@Kingkush312 ,

Sorry for the confusion ! We have recently deleted the information off the 'Product Information/ application guide. However some of our prepacks still contain the conflicting instructions…, I’ll explain…
2-3 years ago we were advocating a 14 day spray interval with higher concentrations. After working with early growers we soon adopted the current ‘Brief Application Guide’.

This ‘spoon feed’ program has a lot of advantages over the prior 14 day schedule and we have emailed all previous growers to advocate that program and provided them with the Brief Application Guide pdf.

Again, sorry for the confusion but that Brief Application Program will serve you very well, whether growing photos or autos !



Perfect, thanks man. I just wanted to verify before I made the second application. :grin:

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Just don’t do like I did my first go.
I’m ashamed to admit it, but here goes. Bob already knows what I did.
I didn’t bother putting my glasses on when I read the instructions.
It clearly (with good eyes or glasses, hehe) says 1ml/4oz of water.
I read that as 1oz/4oz of water.
Needless to say, I burnt the hell out of those plant. But, honestly, they came back and produced well. Which was amazing because of the crispness.

Read the instructions well. With glasses if you need them. Haha!


Before I placed my order I thought the same as you big Mike. I read it about 4 times thinking. How do they say a small bottle lasts so long. Then yeah duhhhh not FLOZ of BBP ML of BBP and then I said well shoot its a no brainer to try this formula!


note to self re the friggin instrutions with glasses on the read them again with glasses on

and learn to type


I know how to type lol I just suffer from BFLK syndrome…
Big Fingers, Little Keys! :wink: :crazy_face:


A question
I was thinking of treating cuts and seedlings prior to putting them outside. I believe it’ll help with getting established and initial growth.


I think that’s a pretty fair assumption @Emeraldgreen . Certainly have a lot of instances applying to clones and seedlings ( two true leaves) with demonstrated foliage/root growth…


It works just fine on fresh cuttings, seedlings are something you should wait on hitting with BBP until true leaves are out/estatblished


Any idea on how long the treatment will work once I put them out?
Or should I just do an experiment and treat half and not treat the other half. Come back with the results.
I don’t want to treat them to much outside and delay flower.


It won’t delay the moment the plant goes into flower mode cuz. It will extend the flower mode a bit. Also make the vegging plant bigger, bushier.


I don’t want to extend the flower mode. I figured it would provide a bigger more robust vegetative followed by normal flower time :crossed_fingers:

Using BBP cuz… that’s not gonna happen, sorry. If you use BBP, you will get a bit longer flower mode. It will definitely give you bigger, more robust plants. But the extended time is actually beneficial, since bigger better buds are what you’re after, right?

I can understand seasonal time restraints. But for most strains the couple of weeks longer in flower, isn’t going to hurt em