Introducing BudBusterPro

Outdoor I need to be done by a certain time. Weather is fickle. If I initially use BBP and stop it should not extend the flowering is my hope.
Indoor or greenhouse I would not even worry

Cold wet days are my concern

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I answered your question to the best of my ability cuz. based on what I’ve seen personally. I’m not sure how many treatments you’re thinking about doing? Just a few, then stop? It would probably help give you better plants, and might not mess with the time too much. But be sure of this, use it for very long, and you’ll have to add a couple weeks onto the flower time, period. lol


I’m thinking a couple treatments early in the season and than stopping
As always, thank you for your help and time


That’s up to you cuz. I can’t say what just a couple of treatments will do for your plants, if anything much. I’ve been using it like the man says to lol so I get nothing but huge bushes. Although indoors nowadays, we stopped growing outdoors when we lost 100 plants in the big summer storms, taking us down to like 70 or so

But, using BBP indoors, still ends up giving us more per plant than ever before! Outdoors, can’t be beat, IMHO but indoors, we have no lost plants and no worries lol


Guess I will be reporting back with what I find out with the experience.
Off to forage in the frig :joy:


i was going to go 20 plants on my next grow but now after reading the posts on this BBP im thinkin only 10


Please do let us know how this little experiment goes cuz!
I haven’t tried thatun lol


I’m only doing it because it’s outside. Trying to take advantage of the stuff in the situation.
I’ll take pictures and report back as it happens


Like Johnny, I encourage your experimentation.

I can give you a little guidance. BBP is a ‘tool’. You can utilize it to your advantage…
If you are simply looking for maximum vegitative growth in veg, you would simply follow the program up to the flip. You would avoid the three important applications (flip, 7 and 14 day post flip applications)

That would be a program to consider in your experiment…BBP effect remains in the plant, but remember, the more foliage you treat with BBP, the more ‘effect’ will be realized. My thought is that you’re going to have some stretch post flip (that will be untreated foliage) so the crop yield effect should be muted to some degree.

With everything I know about BBP, this would be my prediction…It would probably take a few grows to ‘fine tune’ the cut off point cause and effect !


Thnx for weighing in cuz! @Emeraldgreen s o there you have it from the man himself.
I’ll go to your growlog and watch.


ok I’m outta likes lol I ‘liked’ your post Bob, then saw it had disappeared. Which they do that when you’re out lol so I’m hitting the Emoji like bank. lol Here ya go
:heart: :heart: :heart:


Before and after second application :grin:


In the name of science i ran a small scale test and after only one crop full rotation using both BBP and FOOP. So far from my one test it appears FOOP and BBP are compatible with one another. FWIW


Thanks for the input @Ris.
That’s valuable information for me, whenever there’s compatability I can confidently answer other growers thatr may present the question !


I’m also running foop . The bottle is defective and sprays incorrectly . First application burned my plants because stupid sprayer spit way too much out .

They are sending new , so at least they stand behind the product .

Bud Buster Pro huh

Just what I need, more sprays , lol

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Seems like a no-brainer to me. Occam’s Razor… if FOOP & BBP both do the same thing (which I doubt) then BBP is the winner. Concentrated, so the cost is much less.


They are completely different in my opinion

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lol ok my bad, I’ve never used FOOP. But just going by the description on Amazon, I thought they were similar products.


I think foop is just a fed , bbp is much more than that


@Jetdro – Agreed, they are definitely in different categories as far as foliar sprays go.

@JohnnyPotseed – If i had to choose only one its BBP by a landslide. I love this stuff