Johnny Potseed's Hall of Genetics

I’ve been growing/storing Ganja for decades cuz never had any turn black. i didn’t always have vacuum sealers lol only in the past 15 or so yrs. before that i used freezer zips for many, many years. I can only think the stuff your unc put into the freezer wasn’t totally dried/cured, or the freezer didn’t completely freeze the product


I won’t argue with that. Your right he didn’t know nothing about drying/curing properly just an old country bumpkin had a small trappers cabin in the woods. I would go out there to hunt and pinch out his freezer. We called it “East Texas Mohawkin weed” lol thanks for your quick replies. Good job


Smaller amounts don’t work as well . Seem to dry out a bit.


Thnx for the input on the subject cuz. lol like I said I haven’t done smaller units so wasn’t sure.


I usually don’t do small amounts but did try a couple times .it’s nothing to store the same strain in one bag just give yourself a bit extra bag length cut open take out what you want and reseal refreeze.


Dry out after taken out of the freezer? Maybe I should do like 1/8 just something to pull out for a weekend getaway so I don’t have to Cary so much or thaw out at one time. What’s yalls input very good subject we’re on right now. :pray:t2::+1:t2:

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Ok I got you thanx great idea

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No just smaller amounts seem to dry out when vacuum sealed . Your better off keeping larger amounts and just remove some when needed.
A min of a oz should be fine but I also don’t usually vacuum seal individual small bags it’s a few ozs to a pound normally. Or I’ll do 4/5 strains in zip locks into 1 sleeve and seal.


I’m honestly lost as far as small amounts are concerned cuz. Thnx @ShiskaberrySavior for stepping in with ideas lol Sounds like a plan

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I never let it thaw cut bag open grab some reseal toss back in the freezer.


That’s what I do here also


I’m surprised no one has mentioned this Vacuum pack option yet. I use it for long term storage of all bud cured for at least three months.

The Ball jar sealing lid is on top of the jar and you put that attachment over it. When you pull a vacuum it sucks the air out and pulls the lid tight against the rim of the jar. Then you remove the attachment and screw the ring down tight.

I’ve had one hold a vacuum for over a year now. Works great.


@GrouchyOldMan I’ve seen the attachment before and thought about getting one to do this for some jars in the headstash. Can it do wide mouth jars with the same attachment too? Or do you need a separate one.


The jar in the pic is a one quart wide mouth. If you notice there is a second tier on the suction head that fits the smaller pint (?) jars as well.

I get a kick out of opening a jar that was sealed over a year ago and hearing that first whoosh of air as the vacuum is broken!


I’ve mentioned a long time back about curing and freezer storing in vacuum bags . Been doing this method for several years now with excellent results.
Jars will produce the same results .


Great device! :+1:
I’ve been using one for a couple years now, just verify you have an external port on your vacuum food sealer.

Yeah, that never gets old! :vulcan_salute: :star_struck:



Like OTUG, I’ve seen that attachment for quite a few years and wondered just how effective it’d be for my use. But the thin that held, and still holds me back is the space them jars would take up! lol I have at least a dozen gallon freezerbags vacuum sealed and they take up minimal room. Gallon mason jars, or even half gallon, would be prohibitive, I think. But glad to know it does work!



i’ll move the convo over to here. i see you have a green crack hybrid, do you happen to have green crack f2s?

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These are F1 cuz, Frankenstein x Green Crack


yep, meaning the green crack was a male? i just wondered if you made f2s with a female green crack

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