Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 4)

I’ve thought about it, lol like rubbing salt into the wounds. But I really don’t care what they think, and we don’t communicate at all.
This, since mom passed.


Welcome to the gathering!


Good morning my friends :sun_with_face:!


Good morning my friend, how’s things going for ya this lovely spring morning?

Any update on your kid? Hope things get better there soon!

Probably the best way. I just can’t help imagining the reaction/ look that pointing this out would get.

@MoBilly I’m sorry I missed what happened with your kid. Hope it’s all working out well.


It might be different, if I actually gave a damn. But, all my giveafuk left long ago.
lol What’s that old saying used to see on Tshirts? DILLIGAF?

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Great song that I love. Yet always reminds me about our fallen friends.

Now, let’s right this ship with some more uplifting news for humpday!
The buds I’ve been trimming the last couple nights. Scarlet Grape auto created by @Going2fast.
Frosty af!

And the roast I prepared into the slow cooker this morning before work.


I’ve noticed the giveafuk lessens with age :joy:

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Your body couldn’t handle it brother. It would be like a muscle car with a full tank and no wheels!


YUM! lol I’m on the way for supper this evening!

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Omg that’s funny

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lol TFF! yep, you’re right. My heart would probably explode!
But still, I love to sit n watch em run around, playing. lol


Hit the road! But ya better get to scootin! Though don’t think you’ll make it bud. We got 1200 miles between us. :rofl:

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Damn… that roast will be toast by the time I make that trip! :rofl: :sleepy:
But, I does like a good slow cooked pot roast!
You know the kind, lol where the meat just melts in your mouth!


I just envision you driving from member to member house for dinner!
Into the bank :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:

That timeout really cuts down on the joy!

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I only wish I could get out n about, to visit friends, and toke-n-joke
so, guess I gotta do it remotely. lol

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Yeah, I know lol but look on the bright side, cuz. Hitting the Emoji ‘like-bank’ means you can use as many ‘likes’ on a post as ya wanna! Not just the stingy little ‘1’ they allow!

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Time was, taking a jaunt clear across the country wasn’t no big deal, lol Now, just to go out to the damn barn to check my gals, is too much most times! lol
lol I really wanna move the grow back into the house… but, the wife has reclaimed her 2 spare bedrooms and ain’t letting em go to me again! :rofl: :sleepy:
She says ‘not no, but hell no’!


Good morning fellas
Hope all is well !


Ok folks, it’s been fun, but I gotta run… er, I mean hobble… lol getting my old ass into the bed till I ease off some on this damn pain! I’ll cyas later.