K deficiency? with pics

Say WHAT?! Well HEY FAMILY! Thats SUPER cool! Small world…:metal:

It’s not overwatering.

What’s your runoff pH? Burn holes in leaves my first thought is high pH, but it could be a number of things.

Have you ruled out pests?

I use the big bloom and grow big,if the shit hits the fan I’ll bust out the tiger bloom lol,I don’t like really using the tiger bloom

I seen a video they don’t boil it but chop up the skins but then in water and into the fridge for 3 days

I’ll try this one of yours,I boiled it for 15 minutes,I used manuka honey didn’t have normal honey lol
Wife will kill me using her expensive honey so now I have to cut it with another gallon of water

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For your next grow mix some more stuff into your soil like compost, horse manure, nettles, dandelion, thistle, banana peels, actual worms. All this is easy to find and mostly for free.

If you’re willing to spend a little more money then seaweed / kelp meal and hemp seed meal will drastically improve your soil as well.

You can go a step further and add malted barley and basalt as well.

That should improve your soil enough to only have to add water. You might wanna consider 3 gallon pots, you can always top your plants if they get out of control size wise.

You can also use “green manure” aka “nitrogen fixers” aka “cover crop”, for example sow some clover in your pots, or beans, or buckwheat, they add nitrogen to your soil. For example grow cannabis in one pot and cover crop in another one, and when you harvest your bud you also chop down the green manure in the other pot (this releases the nitrogen into the soil) and leave it in the pot and sow your next cannabis seed into it. Then grow green manure in the pot you just harvest the cannabis from and repeat upon next harvest. Then just keep topdressing the cannabis pot with organic material of your choice.

Water that’s been used for cooking pasta is great to water your plants with too. After letting it cool down ofcourse.

Bottom watering is recommended too. Placing your pot into a container filled with an inch of water for a while, this way it absorbs exactly as much as it needs, no more, no less.

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You want to be careful with kelp ,I fried 3 plants one time from giving them to much kelp lol
Plants went crispy and

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