Lab plant testing for sex ID

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Phylos partners

Medicinal Genomics partners

Phylos also mail-in kits that they will test in Portland, email results.



Like @Baudelaire just replied as I was typing, Phylos and Medicinal Genomics both have partners in US states with legal recreational cannabis and some of the more… lenient medicinal states. Medicinal Genomics sells their whole qPRC testing kit, in case you know of a genetics lab in your neck of the woods looking to expand their clientele :wink:

I’ll likely follow-up with a local place next time I start some seeds – as a law-abiding citizen, I’m currently at my legal limit for number of plants. Also, I’m out of space for plants and have six waiting for space in my flower box.

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So the gender of the plant is determined well before they show preflowers. When does the plant become male or female?

Are you going to grow them out to confirm the result?


From what I understand, the plant begins as one or the other - thats why they can check as early as the cotelydon (first small round leaves). No, I will be culling males, I did their test to save some space, resources and to show the process. I trust their results.

I can see plant sexing being useful on a large scale or a breeding project.

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i saw someone accurately sex 6/6 plants pregermination based entirely off the seed


I have seen people claiming to be able to do that, with tutorials and all… But i dunno!

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People try to sell that but i ain’t buying yet. I am still reading and nothing i find verifies it. Time will tell.

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My reply wasn’t a dig at you. You saw what you saw.

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It’s a very speculative issue since it would change the way seeds are offered now, we would go from ordering regular to ordering 5 females and 3 males or so… u know.

The most interested parties this doesn’t happen are seed banks, so there might be a little bit of manhandling the issue in order to make people non-believers.

Feminized seeds would actually dissappear… Good for genetics, but bad for money.

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test it out guys, super simple method, ive never ordered regular seeds to try. sorry for derailing thread! i will definitely be getting some TGA genetics in near future now that i’m health canada approved!! (also oceangrown and north genetics)

My understanding is the seed doesn’t even know what it is so how can you look at the seed and tell.

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They say the concave hollow end at the fat part of the seed gives it away, i’ve seen several videos… But who is gonna invest in time and all to sex them like that and maybe fail… It’s really tricky.

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Phylos is a proven method, we’ll get the thread back on track and stick to proven methods for now.


does phylos offer tissue culture for storage/cloning ?

Not sure, but on their website they responded to my questions very quickly.

a couple people from phylos bioscience were on tricky-ds resistance livestream answering questions about their company and what they do, very interesting and informative.

the phylos galaxy is an incredible visual 3d map of all the strains in their database, allowing you to search individual strains and view all the connected/related strains and see the genetic reports (when you send a sample in for testing you have the option of making the data public or keeping it private) very interesting website!!

Well, if its 99%, then I may have to check in on it.

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Farmer freeman’s testing is around $10/ test iirc

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