Landlord is inspecting tomorrow

I have seen variations of this debate many times. I come down on the side of the property owner in the end. If a renter causes serious damage to the property or potentially puts the landlord/property owner in a position of being liable or subject to serious criminal penalties that is totally unfair to the property owner. To all that suggest loading it up in your car or whatever, lets say you rent your car to a random person and they use your car in a hit and run or just plain trash the car and burn up the transmission and expect YOU to not be upset hows that sound ??
Its about having respect for other people and THEIR property. If it legal and the landlord faces NO possible reprisals including criminal and AGREES then thats up to the landlord.
I have rented apartments and always knew I didnt own the place and simply common sense is that if I damage the place beyond reasonable use then thats on me. I own a home now and dont own rental properties.
Its easy to see the selfish self entitled ones who think nothing else in the world matters except what the spoiled child wants.


Landlords put ā€œno petsā€ all the time even though itā€™s not enforceable here.

I donā€™t see the need to inform a landlord about legal activities going on inside their rental.

I donā€™t need to tell them I play chess either.

ā€œNo chess sets allowed.ā€


Nah. If it did im sure lots of weed only smokers would have gotten it by now.

If you damage the property beyond normal use be prepared to pay. Are you OK with renters causing expensive damage to the property they are RENTING and do not own? If you owned a property and somebody caused damage beyond having to do a simple clean up and maybe paint and do the things normally done to make a rental ready for the next renters? If landlords are ok with a grow tent etc and the smell doesnā€™t bother other neighbors so be
it. The golden rule is a easy solution to many of lifeā€™s issues.

We are not talking about damage. We are talking about growing.

When I was a landlord I only had 4 rules.

Pay on time
Donā€™t trash the place
Donā€™t have a loud party without telling me
Donā€™t bring the cops to my door.

Growing = damage is exactly the mindset problem.


So long as everyone is OK with it.

Iā€™ve had it happen a few times. I play drums and the bass drum case is a perfect transport. Just gotta bend em over. I honestly just packed em, tore down the tent and put them in my care until he was gone. Then reset everything up. The final time I just put a giant sheet over the tent and said Fuck it. He didnā€™t say a word about it. Lolol. Super annoying though. Good luck! :crossed_fingers:

Chess doesnt have the potential to start an electrical fire and void an insurance claim lol


It does the way I play it.

If your grid canā€™t handle my minimal power needs then thatā€™s your problem.

Apples to apples:

Iā€™m not talking about turning the place into a giant factory. Just a tent.

If someone turned my rental into a factory farm Iā€™d be pissed about it too


Itā€™s legal where I am and I wouldnā€™t care if someone had a grow but I canā€™t stand the entitlement of a lot of renterā€™s (not you). If you sign a lease and it says no growing weed, youā€™re binded to that, itā€™s a literal contract.

If the landlord doesnā€™t put that stuff in there then I guess do whatever u want if itā€™s legal. So much responsibility falls on the property owner and the shitty tenants screw it up for everyone else


Iā€™m legal too.

Landlord/tenant relationships are messed up here. Especially with the Covid backlog Iā€™ve heard stories about tenants not paying for a year and are still not evicted.

Landlords also put ā€œno petsā€ and they are not allowed to do that. At least not here. Hell, you canā€™t even legally insist on being paid by cheque. Itā€™s crazy. I would move my dog in.

The field is tilted towards tenants. Whether thatā€™s good or not depends on your slant.

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Aside: I saw a great meme about covid and rentals. The renter couldnā€™t pay so the landlord stapled a map to the area homeless shelter on the door. The tenant stapled bankruptcy forms to the landlords door.

Itā€™s crazy out there.

Funny meme though.

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Thatā€™s funny :joy:

Being a landlord seems like a nightmare these days. It goes both ways but Iā€™ll have to pass on that opportunity lol

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First and only rule: get a good tenant.

Forget credit score and employment history etc.

Itā€™s a look you in the eye and see if I believe you kind of business.


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Some cities still havent started their landlord-tenant court backlog.
(Like brooklyn/queens)

I have 1 tenant who hasnt paid since December 2019. And still operating.

Its fxcking crazy man.

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Yeah, thatā€™s nuts. An almost impossible thing to collect on.

and thats just for getting possession back.
If you really want to collect money you then have to file suit in civil court ittl take years just to get the money judgment then try and get paidā€¦ LoL

It aint gonna happen 90% of the time.

Yeah man. Blood. Stone. I hear you. Shitty deal.

Well week#2 still nobody showed up to inspect the apartment. Do I go ahead and setup the closet again or wait and see what next week does? I will post pictures tonight of the bud tent looking beautiful my first scrog now I just have to improve my technique work. My building is so strange I am in the middle of the city on the top floor. Which I actually like being at the top of a building. My best friend growing up I would sit on the top of the couch every time I was there anyway itā€™s been a stressful few weeks thinking about this inspection I had everything ready for them twice. So hoping they mightā€™ve come in when I passed out for a little bit.

so, youā€™re gonna build a a stealth grow cabinet when itā€™s over, right?