Let’s discuss lights

Very nice plant. The total lenght of the grow (veg+flo) in bonus will be amazing to know.


Gorgeous plant!

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Thanks gents. I topped her so many times, I lost count. As soon as she had new tops, I pinched them. I vegged for approximately 9 weeks, I believe. At least eight. I’m trying to find the chop day pic. She flowered for about 9 weeks. Her trichs were really sandy, but they would melt in your fingers if you held them too long. One thing to notice is the bag. Notice how there isn’t a bunch of white nutes caked on the outside of it. Coco, Dr. Earth and Earth Worm Castings. Nothing more. She smells and tastes like berry baby poop. Knocks Mrs. Coda right out for the night :slight_smile:


Hey nice buddy, enough to figure out the round and the pheno. That’s an 8th/day of weed productivity @ 45W/sqft potential density, blasting 2.85µmols/j. I feel alone generally to be interested by it, just sharing ^^


Lol! I’m a numbers guy myself. I get it :slight_smile:

One could make the argument that if you put 16 2-gallon bags in there and only vegged 4-6 weeks, you could probably pull the same numbers. For me, the hassle of trying to water, defoliate and maintain them would be a nightmare. With this girl, I could crawl inside the tent and although I was Lying on my side, I could perform any maintenance I had to with very little discomfort.

The reason I brought up the lack of nutes on the bag is because on my current grow, I was switching back and forth between Dr. Earth and Gaia Green. The plants loved the Gaia, but it was so powdery, it was coming through the bag during watering. Just a mental note.

I want to do another run like this with Malawi or Kali Mist. I have Malawi, but I haven’t been able to get beans of Kali since the Dutch basically stopped sending them to the states because of all of the seizures. I know Simon won’t send them.


Here’s an AK-47 I ran in the same tent about a year ago. I think she gave up 11 oz’s. I performed almost no training on her and it’s a ten gallon tall bag:

Sorry @Scootsmcgoo122 I didn’t mean to hijack your thread. I have a terrible habit of doing that.


This is quite relative yes,people have the tendance to forget it when they are judging yield. It’s why i love the gr/day ratio also.

If filling the tent output less care and then less quality of the grow, the global productivity will be killed anyway. Better to optimize to the max a level of care that you can keep constant.

I personally find the colors good and the leaves quite clean, not sure if more nutes was a good idea. I’m pretty obsessional with it, but it’s obvious you don’t smoked nutes with this one and it’s my poison ^^

I entered a Kalibubba (xBubblegum) recently … a single freebie lol How pityfull it is seriously, i hate freebies anyway. I prefer more seeds or lower prices, by far. Let’s see how the hell it stretch soon enough, kali is a champion for it.

But damn both in SCROG is a journey for sure, you will have blisters on your fingers with these ones ^^


Oh no go on lol. That’s how I learn. Listening to the experience talk.

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I look at lighting differently after growing outside. I seek to push my plants like clear summer days because cannabis is a high DLI crop.

Here’s a couple of resources which may help the discerning grower with their grow space. It should be noted that the task is to light up the area with consistent lighting throughout the flowering process, enough for the plant to get the most DLI.

This website will help you see what average DLI levels are across our planet during their vegetative and flowering cycles.

This website will help you determine what kind of wattage you will need to hit the desired DLI for your crops.

Additionally there’s a YT channel called Coco for Cannabis where the owner frequently uploads videos demonstrating the utility of several good LED units. He even goes as far to show which units provide the most ppfd/$ spent.

The rest is up to each individual grower to determine what size lights they need for their operation. I know some LED models are so powerful that supplemental CO2 must be used otherwise the plants have a difficult time processing such intense light.

Good luck!


I can tell you now a growers choice roi e720 is a very tight fit in a 4x4. It almost doesn’t fit because I have 2 crammed in a 4x8 and they are permanently placed because it’s too much of a hassle to move up and down. But with the master controller I’m not too worried as I can adjust the light intensity as needed for the canopy

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I still like my HPS the 1,000w DE is definitely a little better, maybe the LEDs are a little better but not enough to throw my tried and true equipment away. Next thing you know they’ll finally put out them plasma bulbs and dominate all, then I have to throw out my LEDs. :laughing:

I am going bald and grey though, at least I’m not 40 yet… Fuck!! I’m almost 40 and still hand roll my joints… :cry: At least I still do better than any dispensary weed I’ve tried and I don’t even use any of the crazy new expensive cannabis specific nutrients. I still think it’s just a bunch of watered down snake oil or the dispensaries are using Miracle Grow. :laughing:


LEDs are almost too efficient now. People don’t run their current gens at full power. The innovation will be doing the same job with fewer watts.

It’s an old argument but over the lifetime of your fixture LEDs are cheaper.


I’ve grown with CMH/HPS and there are definite advantages over LED’s. Much less stretch, less sensitivity to the power density (because of scattering) and better reflection. People talk about canopy penetration and most know what it means, but for those who don’t, photons do not penetrate and pass through the upper leaves to the lower leaves. Photons are either absorbed or reflected. Regardless of what you’re using, once the upper canopy is completely blocking the lower part of the plant, there will be no more penetration and there’s little room for reflection to the lower parts of the plant. When there is a good path for reflection, I feel that HPS does a better job with the development of the lower parts of the plant.

LED’s are awesome because you don’t have to change bulbs, you don’t have to worry about digital ballasts coupling noise into your neighbor’s cable signal, and you don’t have nearly the amount of heat to deal with in a small area (or large area for that matter). Tradeoffs to both. Having used LED’s for the past two years, I can say I prefer them, but there is a learning curve.


My theory is that true LED strains are not yet in the shelves. Not even in joke, i really mean it ^^


That’s an interesting hypothesis I’ve seen mentioned here in a couple of threads. If the breeders of the world all grow with LED, at what point are we changing the plants evolutionary path. Is it already happening? Are the seeds we’re buying today adapted to and expecting the common spectrum that most lights are sold with? Will the breeding with LED’s have an impact on outdoor growers 30 years from now? All good questions that I can’t answer, but it makes one wonder.


Adaptation to “out of charts” environmental factors is a subject that become more and more difficult to discuss, years after years. Even for more trivial traits. The sole mention of IBL is quite difficult to handle for a lot. I personally don’t really care, but i suppose that the context is unfavorable to see popping up something ground breaking on this matter. This, for the context only.

In the absolute, the more the plant is seeded under high density LED (close to 3µmols/j like your panel) the more you’re creating a dynamic. But at the scale of the DNA of the plant, it’s not even lightly bending any occurrence. And in term of time for the said reference, the human lifespan don’t represent much more. Counting passively on the LED conversion on this matter is practically like waiting the messiah in fact.

Also there is a big mix in discussions between the expressions genetically triggered by the epigenetic’s factors and the manner to really print it as a stable expression. A clone expressing differently from one outdoor location in regard of another outdoor location by example, is the expression of a potential. Not a stabilization of this potential in any way. If you don’t include the said new factors in the inherent mortality of the specie, there is no “passive” evolution to expect. Even artificial.

The problem being that most of the previous era was using high density HPS/MH lightning by array of dozens, without really the need to dial anything but the nutrient’s schedule to be in accord with such a density. And it’s when the pillars of the modern strains were created, recycled and bastardized as hell today.

And i’m in the other side of this required dynamic personally, i grow and breed under neons exclusively since let’s say 2007 in counting my very first line adapted and printed by this. By the way you have quoted smartly the only one link between neon and led on this matter : the type of penetration related to the distance in height.

You will understand plainly now why i will say no and that i think it’s a mirage and not the right factor to consider ^^


If you search lights you will find dozens and dozens of of threads on any light you would like to check out.


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I completely agree.

I can only speak to my experience, but I’ve noticed a tremendous difference in undergrowth between HPS and LED. With that said, there could very well be other variables that play into that which aren’t obvious. Food vs. spectrum, grow area, cultivar, etc.

One thing I would like to point out is that today, we reference PAR and PPFD (which make sense to me), but it wasn’t that long ago when we believed everything was dependent upon lumens. As with most science, we have to have units of measure to reference, but with the explosion of new light manufacturers and improvements in LED technology, I believe the reference definitions will continue to evolve.


This is why outdoor bred seeds will continue to be so important

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