Let’s discuss lights

Well its a microgrow project for a friend,we are using a propagation tent so its very Little

josh is using this companys stuff: http://supergreenlab.com/
its designed for micro grow projects in whatever cabinet, dresser, (hes doing a fridge and a cabinet), that you want.
hes goes into a lot of detail in his thread:
The Not Fridge - nothing to see here 👀


This is not my picture but you get the idea:


i have a 100W non-dimmable light and my god i wish someone would pay me what i spent on it and take it away, ill never use it. get better results (in veg) with a few 22W 5000k bulbs i bought at the grocery store and an E26 socket costs about $2.

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I see,I ll let my friend see that

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That’s a good idea too

I have a few HLG 100 Rspecs and they cover a 2x2 area very well. I have two in a 3x3 currently but want to move them to a 4x2 eventually.

You could probably get one for a bit over $100 during one of their sales. I do like mine…


Seconded HLG100


I run a comparison of 4 LED types in my thread, all 1kw HPS equivalent/replacements… 16SF per light, generally shoot for 30-35w/sf

Here’s a post with apogee measurements for each and more info generally throughout the thread: LouDog's LED Lounge - #17 by LouDog420

Growers Choice ROI E-720
Grow Light Science Progrow 850
Total Grow MH Lumyre
Spectrum King Pheonix 680

All in the $600 price range… Plenty of good options for that $$$ these days. IMO, buy once, cry once…

Definitely still a time and place for old single ended 1kw HID when you can set up a space for $150 worth of lighting and rock vert tree setups. But the LEDs are nice. Just make sure you up your feed concentration (feeding 2.5-3.0ec these days vs half that under HID), and run higher temps to push transpiration without the radiant heat of HIDs…


I’m pretty interrested to know about what kind of ratio we are talking about : 1lbs per ? sqft, 1lbs per plant, during a given time or the time is not in the equation etc … specially to read what is advised for this given rate (beside a shopping list).

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I personally run 3 growers choice roi e 720s 2 for flower tent (4×8×6) 1 for veg (5×5×6), a hlg 65 for quarantine tent (2×2×3), and a marshydro ts3000 for my mother tent (5×5×6.5). I really love my growers choice lights paired with the master controller ($300). They were a bit pricey when they were brand new running close to $1100 ea after tax but this last one (2 months back) I got at $720 shipped and brand new so much better pricing nowadays. I’ve never used HPS so I don’t have much input on that but the few LED brands known to be reputable I know of are growers choice, HLG, and marshydro. I can say I’m not impressed with my marshydro ts3000 but I’ve heard a lot good about their bar style lights like growers choice has and I wouldn’t be opposed to getting a newer marshydro if it was ever in the budget but my go to is growers choice all day. 2nd best was HLG but I would of spent mote with 4-5 small lights than 1 big one and I already had the master controller so growers choice was a no brainer when I went to get a new veg tent light


Wow. You guys are awesome. Lots of information to sift through here. @Fuel I’ve got space for a 4x4, but I know I can hit a half pound in that or less….we’ll I hope I still can lol. @Sbeanonnamellow made mention tailoring environment to the lights. I’ve kinda had that in mind goin in. I’m just trying to conceptualize what these lights are capable of. It blows my mind how far we’ve come lol. I do like the idea of the multiple 100 watters and may explore that more. Thank you for all the grows. I swear I searched. Everything I was finding, they would start with one light and upgrade mid grow.
Budget meh…nothing crazy but I can throw some cash at it too. That being said I’m also not looking for pounds lol but half of one, maybe a full one lol.

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I’ve used spider farmers SF1000 light in a 2x2 tent, and my best grow so far I pulled about 5oz dried from a single plant. That light pulls about 120watts at the wall. That’s 30w per square foot. I don’t think more light would help me get better yields, but better grow techniques probably would.


If your goal is to output 360 gr/sqm (1lbs/4x4), that’s around 1oz and half per plant if you make 9 slots. It’s not fancy buddy.

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I’ve been running perpetual lately with my light at full power in the 4x4 at 30w/square foot and it’s been going pretty okay! I figured it would stress the plants more than it does


my expierence with HIDs was just dump the light on them and keep the hood cool lol. its good to know you guys are doing well under high intensity, because i do not want to wait 2.5 months for weak bud.


Lol this is exactly how I feel. These leds are wild to me for some reason.

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i had one girl, a mom, under the 100w that wasnt dimmable and man i tried everything but the leaves were still curling up… so i messed around with VPD triggers and got to a point where she was healthy and stable but i wasnt messing around i cloned it and reset to figure it out… maybe its strain specific but man the intensity coming off that light in the middle seemed past what HIDs were doing.

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This is what you can do with a 4X4 and a FC6500 with some training. Strain is GDP, 15 gallon grow bag, coco and organics. This light never made it to 100%. She would bark at me if I turned it up over 65-70%. I think it’s strain dependent:

She gave up 17 oz’s of blue hued bud. We could have done even better with more training. The wife still has a couple of jars of her (this was almost two years ago). The point being that as you know, there are many variables, strain, environment, food, etc., but it’s more up to the grower than the light.


Well this updated version looks way nicer RIP

Im using this but an older version