Light Intensity during Flowering

Looks like a good move. That flower looks kickass.


Yeah those taco leaves look familiar. Maybe just an hour during mid light cycle. Or build them up to whatever they can take starting at 5 minutes and in 5 minute intervals?

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Dunno this Bruce, but I know plants will suffer from too much artificial UV, be careful with it and protect your eyes when you use it.


He’s a professor/scientist on YouTube that does a bunch of studies just on light and also nutrients on cannabis . He’s made quite a few break throughs.

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just got my first led ever for this years indoor. a mars hydro fce8000. i cannot afford to run the hids anymore with an electric rate of 30 cents a kilowatt/hour plus fees.

thank you for this info and making sense out of how to grow with an led fixture getting the best bang for the buck, and plant growth… i have been reading up getting for my first led grow. this was very helpful. :thinking:

par meter on the shopping list. :face_with_monocle: any recommendations?


photone app on newer iphone works just fine