Looking for Columbian gold & Panama red regular

I’m in the USA. Looking for these 2 genetics somewhere reliable and that won’t cost a small fortune… Any help is appreciated have a great day growmies!


I know some people are selling Panama Red on Strainly.


Off the top of my head…
Ace Seeds (North Atlantic Seed Company, Well Grown Seeds are US banks that carry them) has a good Panama line - not exactly the red of of days gone by but very close.

CSI: Humboldt has Colombian Mangobiche IBL.

Crickets & Cicadas just released a Panama Red F4 he’s been working on for years- though it’s been selected towards more of a CBD expression.

Lots of people offer a Colombian (Santa Marta) Gold but it’s one of those classic names that people co-opt so I’d be careful before jumping into that one- maybe check out a landrace thread here on OG to research further.

Hope that helps.


Plenty of info…on P R @ Golombian Gold.


Ever buy seeds on there. ? And also. I saw a comment on there on some Indian landrace being shipped directly from India. That seems sketchy. Any opinion or knowledge of if I’m aloud to order from oversea in the US btw


I have all the Ace Seeds that are Panama available, but I think i might just have some in my personal stash. Ill check and get back to you


That would be wicked.

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Yes I have. :grinning: :+1:

You should have no issues, might take some time to get shipped.


i sent cant work this dam thing

There’s 4 or 5 Indian vendors working from IG.

is this site save to buy from i did not know how to do it to buy thim

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Strainly itself I have had no problems with. I have bought seeds on that site before with no issues. But always do your due diligence when buying from any seller on strainly for the first time. Contact them first before you buy anything to make sure they accept whatever payment option you use. But the person selling those seeds has a 100% rating so I would feel okay with getting something from him myself.