Looking for strains to help with pain

Ya Bubba is literally one of the best, can’t believe I neglected to mention good old Bubba. Especially if you can find some TRUE bomb ass pre-98 my mouth drools and my muscles ease just thinking about it. I definitely second that one


I drag out the tashkenti again and am rethinking
One Pheno seems pretty good
It has almost no taste when smoked as a joint but gives a relaxing feel and I can smoke an entire joint with no cough
It gave me a pretty good buz
I had to light up again after a few hours sleep but that’s ok
If I grow again I’m gonna harvest at different times to see if earlier buds might be better or later buds are better. It has potential.


Sour bubble bx3 or bx4.


It’s hard to say exactly what will work for you because people react so differently to cannabis. One of the most productive things you can do is to start trying a lot of different options, to find out what kind of genetics work for your particular medical needs and unique endocannabinoid system.

I have found that I get good results with a high thc indica with a refined thoughtful high, and an heirloom with low thc and high trace cannabinoid content. This combination provides effective relief from my baseline pain, or/and a pleasant high without any mental impairment.


I have found bodhi’s OMG Old Mother Ghani afghani hybrid strains to be very medicinal.

Bodhi combined the omg male with a diverse selection of strains, so you could choose whatever combination fits your taste, or contains genetics similar to what has worked for your medical needs in the past.