Lophophora's spare bathroom

I appreciate that Lophophpra. :smiley:


Almost as bad as trimming.


First off want to say great content! Not many threads make me laugh as much as yours.

Currently trimming/shucking through multiple crosses and plants w/labels and different crosses on nearly every branch, the amount of unknown seeds hitting the trays and floors is staggering.

Not to discount OPs efforts but that looks like a walk in the park, wanna trade jobs? :wink:

More yield from an auto? I have never grown an auto, but photos all the time in .5 - 2 gallons of coco/peat/perlite. From a particularly yield heavy strain from clone put in .5gal pots, was able to harvest over a pound in a 2ā€™x4ā€™ area with 300 watts of LED, if I can do it, anyone can :slight_smile:


Put a bag/hair net on every seeded branch.


and thats what i appreciate youā€¦


WHAT??? no Updates??? im gonna start having withdrawalsā€¦


I feel you


Hurry up in there donā€™t you know people are waiting?


Sounds like in shucking jail. Totally the worst.

:green_heart: :seedling:


Just a minute!

Come onā€¦

I said just a minute! Literally my only respite- oh itā€™s you. How long were you waiting?


No matter. Please come in, have a seat. Want to check out some plants?

Hereā€™s the Black Snow. I almost forgot these girls enjoy flowering for as long as my patience can handle. Not sure how this translates to seed production, but Iā€™m happy to let her ride.
Itā€™s not immediately apparent in my photography but she has some big swollen calyxes.

Check out this C99 seed just bursting forth. Truth be told Iā€™m not in a rush with this girl either. I was going to wait until the seeds are rattling then cut her down.

Not pictured: Lemon Haze. Iā€™ll cut it down tonight, maybe. The seeds are rattling on this girl now.

Not pictured: Viking Squirrel. Looks like sheā€™s still gonna be a week or so. She was delayed to show her sex, quite literally a late bloomer.

I actually didnā€™t take any photos of the squirrel tail as I was greiving the loss of my pet squirrel Brownie.

Spoiler Alert: Brownie lives.

Brownie and I are good buddies. I feed him and he eats. Unlike every other squirrel in the world Brownie comes when I call him.

As I was leaving the house earlier this week I saw a similar looking squirrel smushed on the road beside my house, adjacent Brownieā€™s tree. In my horror I called and Brownie didnā€™t come. I left out seeds and they went uneaten. I was heartbrokenā€¦

Then yesterday Brownie came back. All is well again, although I still havenā€™t been able to approach the squirrel tail x Viking to take proper photographs. The horror, the horror.

That squirrel isnā€™t brown

Yeah? Well he answers to Brownie so just deal with it.

You call this an update?

Oh, lacklustre is it? Iā€™ll show you lacklustre.

Donā€™t tell me that my no-till pot is losing itā€™s stride, surely itā€™s teeming with life. I mean worms fornicate in there and everything.

Iā€™m sure this Mephmonster is just biding itā€™s time, waiting for that moment to spring forth and yield a quarter pound. Slouching tiger, hidden dragon.

Or notā€¦


No need to say it. I already know what youā€™re thinking.

Wow! Really?

Uhh- no. Not actually.


Well donā€™t go away disappointed, let me see what Iā€™ve got. Hmmā€¦

Hose washers?

Yeah, hose washers. For sending out seeds? As it turns out I finally got around to shucking all the seeds from the last run. The Lemon Haze, and the Squirrel Tail, and the C99, all of which were crossed with some Alien OG.

What about the Black Snow?

What are you, a detective? Alright, so I didnā€™t get around to shucking those yet. Iā€™ll do it in a bit.

Although that puts me in mind. So itā€™s Black Snow x Alien OG that you want to seeā€¦ How about this?

Looks sort of gangly.

Considering how long that plant has gone neglected in the spare bathroom Iā€™m surprised it even looks that good. If anything this proves how effectively my organic soil mix and DIY octopot has performed under 100% negligence.

Unfortunately Iā€™ve been busy with stupid grownup stuff and havenā€™t managed to sink any serious time into gardening.

I guess the takeaway is that I already have some Black Snow x Alien OG seeds, and this proves that they work. How effectively they work is yet to be determined, it looks like she still has at least another week to go.

Is that so?

Aww, donā€™t look so disappointed yet. Feast your eyes on this frosted disappointment.

I feel like I should have composted this runt a month ago but Iā€™m a naturalist at heart and curiosity has gotten the better of me.

A naturalist, huh?

Alright, so I just never bothered.


Gardening naked and answering natureā€™s call next to your plants doesnā€™t a naturalist make.


I got those seeds in the mail. :slight_smile:
Thank you so much. :slight_smile:


Youā€™ve got a lot of nerve showing your face around here.

Who, me? This is my bathroom. Besides I have a perfectly valid reason for my absence.


Well itā€™s not that Iā€™m lazy, its just that- uhhā€¦ Nah forget it, letā€™s just go with lazy.


At any rate check out the latest harvest!

This is the Mephmonster. Looking at my chronology of events I was expecting this one to run another week or two yet, until I noticed it was throwing some bananas on me.

My initial expectation was a quarter pound and though Iā€™ve yet to weigh the buds I think the premature harvest is going to leave me shy of the goal. I guess we will find out when it is scale time.

A quarter pound?

Yeah, or just shy thereof.

Thatā€™s it for now though, thanks for the visit!


Pardon me, I must be lost.

Believe it or not youā€™re in the right place. Fancy seeing you here twice in a week.

You must be disoriented seeing the bathroom back in action.

Back in action?

Hold your horses, letā€™s wrap up the old business first. Remember that Mephmonster?

Whatā€™s with the Rockets?

Ahh, you caught me. I was just trying to sweeten the numbers. Have a real look.

Just shy of a quarter pound weighing in at 13.23g.

That is not funny.

ā€œWhatā€™s new?ā€, I thought you would never ask.

Here are two Fog Dogs which I repotted so recently as a couple hours ago.

These eager little plants just got upgraded to 5 gallon pots from their former solo cups. It might be too early to celebrate yet but if they managed to live this long under my care they must be survivors.

The lights in the spare bathroom are set to 12/12 until the BET finishes flowering, and after that they will be cranked up to 18/6 (or 16/8, something around there).

Shifting my focus to autos is going to afford me a lot more gardening time throughout the day and eliminate the need for strict dark period policies. Scheduling is hectic enough, I donā€™t need to be dancing around the needs of some prima donna plant life in my bathroom.

How much longer for the BET?

The BET should be wrapped up in a couple of weeks at the most. Itā€™s looking and smelling pretty chronic at this juncture.

I mean yes, it does look kind of small. Considering this plant has been growing water only, relying only on the minor nutrients from the initial soil mix, Iā€™d say she looks pretty good.

Too early to tell but Iā€™d say the DIY SIP was a success.

Are we done here?

On the contrary, things are only just beginning. I donā€™t have anything else to show you at the moment though, so yeahā€¦ I guess weā€™re done for now.

Thanks for popping by!


Yes it is!
Making high stoners do math in their heads??

Hilarious!! :rofl: :vulcan_salute:



Funny stuff!


Want to see some Sherbert Breath?


Pretty nice, eh?

Wait, how does that look so good?

Uhh, because I had someone else grow it for me- but he did a great job!

The Sherbert Breath arrived as part of a trade. Not sure if it was a private trade so thanks amigo!

I canā€™t wait to give those buds a smell.

Are you sure you spelled that correctly?

Although there is some debate between sherbet and sherbert, both spellings are technically correct. Maybe this is why it is commonly referred to as Sherb Breath? Maybe it has nothing to do with frozen desserts at all? I could really go for a scoop of sherbert right nowā€¦

Iā€™ll see myself out, thanks!


Coming at you live from the spare bathroom, I present to you-

That looks more like the laundry room.

Very well then. Coming at you live from the-


Laundry room, thank you. I present to you the Black Snow x Alien OG, the Black Extraterrestrial, the BET!

[Queue triumphant fanfare]

Nice. Kinda skimpyā€¦

Yes sir, kinda skimpy. Likely owing to the fact that I did not feed this plant once throughout the entire time it was planted in a DIY SIP pot, just some mixed up medium and tap water. For that matter I think I only watered this girl maybe ten times. I lost count and never really paid attention.

Donā€™t let the emaciated appearance and withered leaves fool you. There are eight dense ping-pong ball sized nugs in that bouquet, and a handful of moderately dense secondary buds. Each bud frosted with trichromes, like the first snow settling upon a Bavarian castle in winter time.

Who else likes black forest cake?

We were talking about the BET.

Er- of course.

Well then, for those just tuning in the BET was a collaborative cross between @anonymous4289ā€™s beloved Black Snow, some Alien OG pollen sent by @Oldtimerunderground, and grown in the spare bathroom.

I was pretty excited by this cross, and before sending any out into the world I thought I should at least grow it out to see the results. Of course I donā€™t yet have any feedback on efficacy or flavour but the smell is phenomenal, akin to drinking a strong black coffee while trimming buds at a gas station.

Alien Winter was a better name.

Yeah, that was a great runner up.

Black Extraterrestrial was picked because it maintained the names of itā€™s parents in the conventional order, and allowed for an easy initialism or acronym if you will.

We can get into a long winded discussion on my opinions, vast misinterpretations of popular culture, and dislike for television if you really want to but I went with BET.

Also for some reason I was thinking of Outkastā€™s album ATLiens. Nothing in particular about the album, just generally about the title.

Seriously, the name is fine.


Total yield? Too early to say really. Hoping to see an ounce off her but I suspect my guess is a few grams too high.

Hopefully everything will be dried, trimmed, weighed, and jarred by Christmas. I might even have a smoke report before the end of the year. I mean Iā€™m not in a rush or anything- havenā€™t even done any shopping yet but Christmas is always just around the corner.

Actually in this case I mean that quite literally so if youā€™ll excuse me I need to go find a card for the wife.

Thanks for the visit!


Thank you for the update @lophophora.ca :pray::grinning:
Iā€™m looking forward to growing it in the spring, and canā€™t wait to hear a smoke report!! :triumph: