Lophophora's spare bathroom

That’s amazing who would of thunk ? Must of been hibernating waiting for the right opportunity,or a flasher in waiting.


I want to make sure you’re sitting down for this one… those were just jokes :rofl:

You see I realized a month ago that I managed to ruin my crop, and I figured it was only a matter of time before somebody started asking questions.

If you read closely and examine the photos you can piece together all of the clues pointing towards humorous intent. It was all part of my coping mechanism. Maybe it was too subtle.

Honestly the grieving still isn’t over, please bear with me on this one.

Alternatively OTUG really picked a stud! Just to reiterate all of these crosses are part of a collaboration between myself and @Oldtimerunderground, even if neither of us were aware this would be the case.

Also shut my mouth, the U.S. has had Kinder Joy eggs since 2017 where the chocolate and toy are sealed in separate compartments of a plastic egg shaped package. Having tried these before I can assure the U.S. members that the chocolate just isn’t the same as the Kinder Egg. I believe the eggs are illegal to import due to the plastic being enveloped by an edible chocolate layer. Some sort of an FDA choking hazard thing I reckon.

If you make it North of the border give me a shout and I’ll happily give you the real deal. Or go to Mexico, they are legal there too.


Hey everybody, just a quick update on the Mephmonst- Oh my goodness what on earth is that!?

It’s what we’re all here to see!

cue the wah pedal

Hardcore worm sex!

Subscribe now for all the worm on worm action that Overgrow doesn’t want you to see!

Only $39.95, must have a major credit card and be 18 years or older!


hahahahaha, man i enjoyed that read…
sorry for your sorrows but it seems the world paid you back with that excellent worm sex.
i almost would pay to see that. i think id rather be in the room though so i can see the action up close and in person… yum.

is it greedy to say sign me up for a sample pack of all of those different accidental beans???

lol i know what my face would have looked like if that would have happened to me.

so funny…

i mean, so sorry…

thnx for sharing your pain with the group though.



ezgif.com-gif-maker (4)

Edited to squeeze the quote in :joy:


hahahahaha OTUG, love that 2 second uncensored fest. brings out my german side…


I’m dyin over here :laughing: too funny!!


Credit card payment confirmed for

Mr. Underground, Oldtimer

0420 4729 3345 1312

Exp. 01/25

A download link will be sent to you shortly. Oh sh-


That’s a, on the side missionary worm position it helps to hit the worm g-spot :slight_smile: :slight_smile: @Pigeonman lol




oh my!!!



I like worm butts and I can not lie
You other worms can’t deny
When a worm squirms in with an itty-bitty waist and a round thing in your face you get-


Ffff- Oh hey! I uhh, didn’t see you there… How much did you see?

What were you doing?

I was just… Admiring the latest harvest. This is a grow thread after all. cough

The most recent undertaking was the Amnesia7 which I heard about through @Rhino_buddy (also @leetdood, I think you signed up too)

Stew from the Elevated Botanist was very polite and offered to ship me some seeds. A week later I ended up receiving a bag of powder in the mail along with two viable seeds. Naturally I killed one of the two seedlings, however the survivor managed to hit the dirt on the Eleventh of May (or maybe that was the germination date. Records written on popsicle sticks are spotty).

This plant was grown under seven screw in lights (how’s that for synchronicity?) in a one-ish gallon fabric pot. The pot size was a bit small considering my lacklustre track record for regularly scheduled feedings but I still think she turned out rather well.

This wasn’t the only mistake I made. Early on in the low stress training process I accidentally bent her over enough to take her top off (no filthy entendre intended). Given her branchy structure I’m guessing the only stress was entirely my own.

What I really wanted to prove with this exercise was that a nice looking plant could be grown organically in a minimal amount of dirt with $20 worth of lighting easily obtained from local retailers.

Before you chime in, I know you’re thinking “May was four months ago”. Yes, this is true. This was like the little auto that could. At the 90 day mark every single pistil was still fresh and white, much to my surprise. At the sixteen week mark I sought the counsel of a wiseman and made the decision to give her the chop.

I actually neglected to feed the plant at all for the last month on account of expecting it to finish weeks prior. No need to point out the appearance of deficiencies, I already know.

Anyways check it out:

Appearances are really secondary with this girl. What’s most notable is the smell, which is in a class all of it’s own. The smell is reminiscent of the orange 7-up from the early 90’s, or like children’s toothpaste mixed with juicy fruit gum. There’s an unmistakeable sweetness with a citrus twist. I certainly hope that the aroma which stayed consistent throughout the plant’s growth translates directly into the final flavour. With such a unique olfactory profile I only wish there was more than one survivor.

All the same, look at those foxtails. I can’t wait to see these colas dried and trimmed. Big bunch of budsicles.

Fascinating. So what were you doing?

Uhhh, everybody out. I need to use the spare bathroom.

We’re not in the spare bathroom.

Gimme a break, man.


You need to do a live stream of the action for my $40. A watch along from start to finish like April. :rofl: :rofl:

:green_heart: :seedling:


@lophophora.ca Pardon my saying, you’re a funny funky dude!! :thinking: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
And the plants… They probably have a trip going, from seed to fruition!! :hugs:
You rock!! :clap: :clap: :clap: :pray:


I got some more of those I can share if you’d like @lophophora.ca

I grew one and it got clipped by rodents outdoors. It was just barely starting to flower. But I still have a few more. Just say the word :+1:


Something wrong?

No, I just have this funny feeling. Like there’s something I forgot…

Thank goodness it wasn’t your pants.

What was that? No, something big…



Wait a minute- Has the bathroom really been on 12/12 for eight weeks now!? Impossible.

If that were true the plants would probably be just exploding with seeds…

Oh man. Why didn’t anyone tell me about this!?

About the dentist?

Yeah about the dent-

It looks like the plants from the spare bathroom have nearly run their course!

A cursory shake of the stems tells me the seeds aren’t rattling yet but it’s almost time to cut these girls down. How exciting.

On top of that I just discovered the BET I left in the bathroom is a lady.

Those look like pistils to me!

Entertainingly enough, the BET seeds from this round are bred from the exact same Alien OG pollen and Black Snow clone as the last round of BET seeds- just a few months later. I suppose this little firecracker is about to prove the proficiency of it’s pedigree.

What do you have planned next?

For my next round I’m going to use these nice 5 gallon pots and plant nothing but autos. After some careful self-reflection I recognize that I suck with photos. I mean the weed produced was fantastic, but the effort to yield ratio has been utter garbage.

I would love to see what sort of a yield I can achieve with five gallons. I managed to exceed a quarter pound on a couple occasions using 15 gallons of soil and a thorough foliar application of LITFA.

Which reminds me, I managed an ounce and a half of flower with a gallon and a half of soil:

Not the best looking colas I’ll admit, but the tips are very dense and aromatic.

It’s obvious from previous harvests that the soil to yield correlation is not linear but the greater point is that I’m convinced I can do some damage with 5 gallon pots. A quarter pound a plant? A lofty goal but we shall see.


If I had to guess, I’d say yes… Yes, you would do some major damage. lol


No need for flattery, you’re already on the top of the list for some Lemon Haze x Alien OG :rofl:

Shucking time is nearly upon us.


I’m willing to engage in a little flattery.

Shuck man!

I’m waiting on seeds to be ready and the process is slow slow slow.