Lots of love in the Longhouse

Currently I try to keep my lights around 18-20” from the canopy. I’m running Viparspectra XS2000’s. 100% I thought was just too much on the previous run. I started this past run at 80% and just backed them down to 70%. The controller is also on a 1 hour sunrise/sunset schedule which ramps the lights up at on and down at off. I don’t know if any of these things help. Im still tinkering with things. I run a ton of different genetics each time, they’re rarely the same run to run and it seems I tweak my setup every time. Im really just chasin my tail over here too! :joy: Things are improving for me. I think genetics really play a big part in any success I’ve had recently. If my setup or myself play a role it’s purely time in the game and the equipment I’m using has finally improved enough to show results. I really don’t write a ton down and mostly go by feel as the info may not be relevant to the next set of plants I run. Decent equipment and sticking to the basics will get a fella pretty far. I really feel if a grow fails something simple and basic was neglected probably 90% of the time. That’s what always gets me anyway! It has rarely been aliens or Bigfoot that knock ‘em down! :joy: @seeds2weeds Sorry that was long and may have gotten off topic. Pineapple Skunk rang my bell this morning! :exploding_head: Always happy to try and help if I can or just chat your ear off! :fist:t3:


Na man thank you. That is exactly what i needed to read. I made a post asking and got a lot of high tech info i cant even understand. Stick to the basics, pay attention, adjust if needed! Thanks again man


Exactly! And in that order too! You got it bud! :fist:t3::facepunch:t3::vulcan_salute:t3:🪶🪶


Up and coming Boggy Blue Pineapple Skunks.
Gotta take a sneak peek in them beans! :slightly_smiling_face:

There’s a couple of the Steakhouse pheno cross (unreleased) in the back. :+1:t3:


First successful graft. :partying_face: AC/DC male to Frankie fem.
Thanks for the tutorial! @Andrane :fist:t3::facepunch:t3::vulcan_salute:t3:🪶🪶


I am totally impressed with the grafting project. Hats off to you my friend. Congrats.


That’s very cool!


BBPS already? You waste no time haha. Looking forward to seeing how they turn out.
Congrats on the graft! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


Started as a germ test. :joy: I gotta know what’s up!

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@NDNCHILD psssst yo bro did you try any fat bastard yet :shushing_face::sweat_smile:


Well, everything is well within optimal operating parameters.
Well done and carry on.


It’s got a little ways to go before dry enough for a pre cure test smoke. I know the closet she’s hanging in is smelling pretty delicious though! :slightly_smiling_face:


:joy: Thanks Chief! @MoBilly I’ll catch a quick nap outta the way now that inspection has been passed! :fist:t3::facepunch:t3::vulcan_salute:t3:🪶🪶

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Mine are getting the chop tomorrow :scissors:

Do you monitor temp and humidity in there or do you got it hanging up with your shirts lol!

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My fat bastard has a straight skunk funk how was yours about 2 weeks before :axe:?


Currently just winging it. I broke down a sweet dry closet and turned it back into a veg closet! :joy: The temps and humidity are pretty conducive to a nice dry in the house currently. :+1:t3:

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Nope! @420noob zero skunk on the nose for this lady. Pure sweet tropical Juicy Fruit.



Fat bastard came down last night along with the other plants,
Got the inkbird hooked up a small oscillating fan set on the 2nd setting exhaust fan set on low
Tent has been cruising at 71f and a constant fluctuation between 59.5-60.7rh

Let me know when you smoke some fat bastard!!!

Edit: smoked a bowl of a room temp dried larf nug that sat on a cardboard box for 2 days. The bud really looked pitiful but i still ground it up and got a bowls worth out of 3 small larf nugs.
Ripped the whole bowl on my lunch break and i was wrecked. Almost an hour and a half later im still feeling nice.
I think youre really going to enjoy your fb bro


Sounds awesome!

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Smoked a bit of the Fat Bastard and Frankie! :partying_face:
The Fat Bastard is very nice! @seeds2weeds The first tastes I got on the inhale was slightly toasted marshmallows which quickly changed to slightly fruity, earthy and @420noob there actually is a bit of skunk that comes through in the flavor and smell of the smoke. I believe the marshmallow part at the front end is no cure and a few extra sugar leaves on the piece I crammed in the bowl as it’s gone after that first hit and you’re left with the wonderful rest! The buzz is great! Fairly heavy in the head and body without a drained or couchlock feel at all. Hard to explain a true even hybrid high done right. Best of both worlds without being a confusing or aggravating high. I dig this shit a lot! Here’s the bad! The top was so thick and dense I found some mold forming dead center. I lost about 5- 7 g’s outta the middle. So happy she was cut when she was! All other buds have been inspected and are good to go. :raised_hands:t3: Definitely keep humidity as low as possible on this one and topping and training probably would have helped. I wanted to see what she would do! :grinning: Two thumbs up on this one! :+1:t3::+1:t3:
A top shot seconds before the nasty was discovered.

So the Frankie fem! What can I say that hasn’t been said before! :man_shrugging:t3: This may be the fem from seed version but holy smokes! @JohnnyPotseed may have created the perfect monster. This stuff smokes so smooth! The taste is kinda indescribable as it’s very complex. Sweet, dank and funky. I’m calling it dunky! :joy: I’m getting maybe a slight bit of skunk on the backend. Just a fantastic medley dancing around in your mouth. :drooling_face: The buzz is as described by others as well. It just puts you where you want to be and does it quickly! A couple of hits and I want to go do something but if I fight that urge and finish the bowl I quickly forget what it was I was wanting to do and don’t really care either! :joy: Two winners grown side by side! I’m a pretty happy fella! :fist:t3:🪶🪶
Sorry no big top shot of Frankie as I furiously went to bucking buds off branches and breaking the large ones down in search of mold after finding that bit in the Fatty. Here’s a nug shot! :blush:

Ok. Breaks over. Time to go back to playing in the Longhouse. Goodnight OG! :fist:t3::vulcan_salute:t3::facepunch:t3:🪶🪶