Lots of love in the Longhouse

Glad you found that skunk hint In there!lol. That’s all I can smell now at week 5 fruity at. Frankie exactly seems to be the same all the time more like f4 stability


Dude that’s nuts! I literally went in my tent after 2 days of hanging and found mold growing on my fb. Had to tear off main cola.

I had a lot of necrotic leaves on that specific plant so I understand. I pulled all the hangers out and trimmed any dead or excess looking fan leaves. Checked everything for mold until my eyes crossed. I really hope I found it just in time. Also I really hope none of the other branches are effected


I’ve been evaluating my situation and I believe the spores may have settled in with all the heavy rain we had the week before chop. I watch my plants pretty closely and never saw any signs while growing. I probably would have been ok if I’d left them hanging for another day or so but they were at the point I usually start slowing the process down, a few hours sealed and the mold bloomed. I’ve inspected all drying buds and all plants in the tent this past overnight and think I’m in the clear as long as I continue to control humidity. I’ve also increased airflow as the Royal Procession is a thick bitch too! :joy: Sorry to hear about your mold issue as well. @seeds2weeds This was my first time since coming indoors. I don’t like it but am thankful to have caught what I did when I did! Give a little back to the earth and smoke the rest! :raised_hands:t3:


“Dunky” :slight_smile:

I’ll be quoting that.


Have at it! Just remember where ya found it! :joy: @Coda

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Great descriptors, brother! You have a knack for vividly capturing the hard-to-coral nuances of flavors/scents and qualities of the high. :+1:


Thanks bro! I do in fact have a knack for getting high! :grin: That’s what ya said, right? :wink:
Great! Now Britney Spears Oops I did it again is stuck in my head! :rofl:


Beautiful buds bro. Looks like a ton of baked sessions followed by some RIPPED ones. You kill it man. Good job.


I’m still here! :wave:t3:

Atomic Jelly by Mass Medical about to come down. Let’s see how many Atomi-C PB&J beans she’s holding! :partying_face:

All the Thunder Rose pollen that was collected and drying has been bagged. My sinuses will never be the same! :rofl:

I have some cuts from @Rhino_buddy trying to get their feet under them! Thanks buddy! I’m excited about all of these! :facepunch:t3: 🪶🪶 We’ll talk about them a little more later if I don’t kill ‘em! :wink:

Got some cuttings from my revegged Runtz plant trying to do the do!

Scarlet Grapes rocking right along. I think the runt may be lettuce.:man_shrugging:t3: I’m not sure. :joy: She put out some fat leaves. She’s gonna be sexy! :wink: @blowdout2269 @Going2fast

My mini auto collection. The one Grape Icecream seems to have managed to remain unstunted by my blunder that got the others so she’s being trained a bit. The tiny ones are doing well too! @Going2fast

The replacement Scarlet Runtz is coming on strong as well! :+1:t3:

What else? …… Oh yeah!
The cuts from @JohnnyPotseed are doing well too!
Going into day 4 since hitting the ole Aerogarden so we’re doing swell! :partying_face::partying_face:
3 Frankenstein
3 Unicorn Poop
3 White Rhino

I think that’s enough for now. Should keep my growers card current anyhow. :grin:
Goodnight/morning OG! :fist:t3::facepunch:t3::vulcan_salute:t3::v:t3:🪶🪶


Fast Blueberry, Island Sweet Skunk and the little mutant ABC cross came down tonight! :partying_face:



ABC cross by @middleman

Here she is stripped down to her fighting weight! :smiley:


Truly outstanding bushes, bro. Great work. That ISS is one of my favorite smokes.


Thanks buddy! :facepunch:t3: I took the ISS about as far as I could push her. I can’t wait to give her a try. Definitely a frost queen! :fist:t3:🪶🪶

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I cant wait til my iss grow out. What week did you chop?

Whats your feed regime?

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I let the soil do the bulk of the work. I amend with a concentrated compost and some scraps from the kitchen. Then I just watch them and supplement as needed.
I’d really have to look into the ISS time frame. She was one of many and had a weird life as she went auto on me, spent some time flowering on 18/6 then got put in the main flower tent on 12/12 to finish out. I feel like the proper answer is forever when I chopped her but probably week 11-12. Somewhere in there! :joy: :man_shrugging:t3:


Dang i wonder why it went auto on you bro


There are a few here that have experienced that she is easy to flip in veg. I run 18/6 in veg but she went into full flower on me. She probably would have finished fine on the veg schedule but I needed room in the auto box so she got shuffled around. I will say she is a stable bitch! All the light schedule changes and a little abuse, ran a bit long and no balls or nanners! :+1:t3:


Re ISS, I had three, only one of them went into flower on 18/6 cycle. Methinks it’s a generally recessive trait that will come out in some phenos (?). Superb daytime smoke!


Indeed it is.
Its interesting that she went into flower at 18/6. I run all my regulars at 18/6 and never had one early flower. I have a Frankenstein mother that throw LOTS of pre flowers. I mean LOTS. But not full blown buds. Weird!


I have always used 24/7 for veg, no problems. With autos, the light needs to supposedly be 18/6, but had no problems with running 24/7 there either.


Are these CapJunky buds supposed to be getting this frosty?!:hugs: She’s definitely giving the ISS a run for her money and may be pulling ahead! :fist:t3::facepunch:t3:🪶🪶🪶🪶