Lux and Par Meter

hey all im kinda a gaget guy and looking for a lux/par meter what would anyone recommend?


I havenā€™t tried it yet but I picked up a uni-t with Bluetooth that connects to an app. Was only like 35 or so.

I use an iPhone app and it works great

yeah i have an app on my phone but there is so much glare on it the values change as i put it so i can read it

There are apps for smart phones, some are OK some are out to lunch
The big problem is the absence of a cosine corrector (white dome).

Par meters are expensive and all the cool kids use them :+1:
Lux meters are cheaper, the band they are measuring is different than the par band (but not a lot different). Thatā€™s what Iā€™m usingā€¦



Iā€™ve had pretty good luck with the UNI-T Light Meter UT383BT and the app ā€œppfd meterā€ pretty solid little unit and has a very affordable price tag. Make sure to get the Bluetooth version ā€œBTā€ if you purchaseā€¦ otherwise no app functionally with your phone.


Can confirm. I got one in the last few weeks, cheap and easy to use.


Great tip, I am looking for one and wasnā€™t sure this would be ok.

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Iā€™m using this with qb ledā€™s

And I use the following as a guideā€¦

Hope it helps! :v:t4::herb::green_heart:


Helps a lot since I donā€™t even have a lux meter, I think I might want to get one.
But really looking for a affordable and with a near source so I can get it fast because I get anxiuos with web shopping.

Thank you!

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I have the same one, I find the separate sensor slightly annoying as you need both hands.
Doing it over, Iā€™d look at one with the sensor attached to the body.

I suspect that the higher readings Iā€™m getting might be ā€˜compressedā€™ somewhat. I find the last couple grows the plants were hitting max. light around 45~50K lux causing me to suspect that the meter response might be ā€˜non linearā€™ but as @Jetdro pointed out to me, itā€™s really all relative.
Your meter reads the same value, so you can adjust accordingly.



Honestly, I use it more for the seedlings and at that time i set the lights 21" away. After a couple of weeks I just wing it. Now the meter needs a battery replacementā€¦:joy:
During flower, lights are set usually 18" above the canopy and I continue to increase based on stretch. Dimmer set to 50%.
Iā€™ve noticed that in my tent, plants that are short or further away from the lights are able to get their buds just as dense as their taller counterparts. Like u mentioned, itā€™s all just relative.
Itā€™s good to have the device. Just to know thingsā€¦