Mars Hydro 4.20 Giveway~Please Join us

please check the rule:
1.Share the best plant picture(s) you are growing or growed
2.Tell the strain name
3.Add the hashtag #marshydro420

  1. Liked :+1:
  2. My wee little Poison Daddy
  3. #marshydro420

That’s what I need :wink::joy:

This is perfect. I’m remodeling my whole micro setup atm. I need another ts1000. This is my small flowering cabin with a Ts1000 at 40%.

From back to front, left to right.
Container 1:
Shiskaberry(Passion cut)
Amnesia Core cut S1
BC Grapefruit
Swazi Dragon #3

Container 2:
Chem D Bx3 aka Contra D #3 (female)
Headband S1 (my cut)
Chem D Bx3 aka Contra D #2 (female)
Swazi Dragon #5
Chem D Bx3 aka Contra D #1 (male)

Container 3:
Headband S1 (my cut)
Headband S1 (my cut)
Swazi Dragon #5

Pz :v:t2:


Gorilla Glue 4
Milk and Qookies



Just wanted to show this here. For anyone who thinks the LED tech has not advanced.
This is some nice plants happily vegging under two TS1000 lights set at 75%.
They look fairly happy to me.


thanks :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

good luck :clap:


I used to be a big MH, MV, HPS person now I believe and only run LED’S, but am old and that was all we had back in the day.


Hi,you can try the lights we sell now,spectrum is better now :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Back row is about to be flipped. Back 2 from left are Deathstar x Blue Star (Deathstar bx), the other two are also from @Josh_Blue, Island Sweet Skunk x Blue Star.

Others mixed up are Coastal Blueberry by @SHSC-1 (Strawberry Hill Seed Co.), (Metal Haze x Flo) x Super Massive Black Hole from @ClassicGenetix, seedlings are stuff I made tha I’m testing; Lemon Thai ix, Oaxaca x Lemon Thai, and Goji x Lemon Thai.


Happy 4/20 everyone! Thanks @MarsHydro! :pray: :v:


garden is looking great @GMan and thanx for the tag!! :wink:

I could really use another LED light too !!

Here’s some DMT Dream by Smokin Joe/Ninefold Collective, grown in my garden
Unfortunately I do not own an LED flowering light so I hope I win hahaha!

DSC04718 - Copy


This one is " A New Hope "


Looks great man and what a line up! That Oaxacan x Lemon Thai should be killer smoke, I can’t wait to see how that turns out, and the Flo Haze x SMBH is some of the best stuff I think you’ll find, GrowingForFlavor said it was the best herb he had ever had and has done more work with it. Here’s his grow of the SMBH F2 I made with the same male: Zipolite Oaxacan x Acapulco Gold, Wolfman, Holy Congo, Panamalawi x Angola and Mo - #88 by growingforflavor

Best of luck with everything and I’m definitely tuned in hermano!

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#marshydro420 good luck everyone!

Sour Bubble and Strawberry Sour Haze


Looking great man.

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Thanks that was taken a lil while ago… they’re well into flower now but i was being lazy or my light was off you pick :smiley:

Hey bro, I was about to get in touch with you. I’m about to start a thread for current stuff. I have 3 of them going but none are sexed. They’re about ready to come out of the one gallon pots but I like to figure out the sex before that just to save the hassle of up potting a male I won’t use.

I’ll check out your threads! Talk to you soon! peace

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Just have these clones trying to root at the moment.

Bananimal, banana fruit cake, and purple banana cookies

Should be a lot fuller tonight. Have 50-60 beans to plant if I can make up my mind lol

This light would definitely come in handy for the veg tent I need to setup soon

Little update:

One tent down one to go :call_me_hand::call_me_hand:


3xChocolate haze
1xSpecial Queen #1
They’re in 70/30 canna Coco natural / perlite. General hydroponics/terra aquatica trio and Sensei Cal-Mag xtra