It takes a real heroin to spearhead something so stigmatized as cannabis.
Good questions.
There will probably be bad answers provided.
Why do they synthesize it? It is so easy to grow and separate out THC.
I suspect they will say it is proprietary, thereby enabling them to charge more money for it.
They would be able to patent it for so many years right. I forgot about that.
More fake-news from the daily mail, this one’s a whopper…
LOL SCROMITING that is the most hyperboles bullshit i’ve ever seen! people have been smoking pot for eons and high usage rates too, if it’s only now emerging it’s most definitely due to something else
We’re gonna have to show them how to Overgrow!
Some people never let facts bother them!
I keep hearing about dangerous potencies, when are ya’ll going to share that sh!t and quit hiding it from me!
Amen brother
yeah i don’t understand it, because they’ve always had hash and oil and other extracts which was more than 25% or 35% THC even so they’re full of shit. every single thing on that list almost even said it’s speculation and there’s no scientific data directly linking bla bla bla bullshit
at least they didn’t have scromiting on the list. jesus stupidest thing i have ever read
OK, you got me.
Scrommiting = Vommiting when getting screwed?
no it was an article @Scissor-Hanz posted up there… screaming and vomiting… aka that cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome or whatever. 1000000% bullshit fear mongering. how anyone respects the media is beyond me.
Oh man. What will they think of next?
I am not even going to read that!
i think it’s reverse psychology trying to increase marijuana sales/use- maybe they’ve noticed a declining trend. i bet the same people who control the media are heavily invested in marijuana businesses.
Don’t blame the media for peddling crap, Blame the masses for allowing themselves to be so gullible that they gobble this stuff up like its fact.
lol the media definitely has an agenda and it’s definitely not objective unbiased reporting… individual reporters might be okay but their editors and supervisors etc will put a stop to anything that doesn’t fit their agenda
Certainly not all of it? plus enough