My little grow tents

Hahaha. Look at that trouble maker.

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Too funny!
:green_heart: :seedling:


Charlii has that side eye on a plate of food nearby… super cute.

If i got rid of that trash can everything would definitely die!


Today is day 10 of flower and I have been lucky! 9 Ladies, a nice 3x3 now. Left with 4 AVCxSS and 5 ortega mixes. The nice squat ones on the left are AVCxSS (there is one hiding in the middle also).

I have to make a choice with the tall plant in the back… Thinking either cull it to even the canopy out, or cull a smaller ortega mix so I can spread it sideways more… hate tossing anything at this stage, but I don’t think I can keep them all this time :frowning:

Still feeding at 2.8EC 5.8PH +2mL/gal athena cleanse. I’m fighting the urge to strip the bottoms off the plants at this stage like I usually do… trying to wait until the stretch is over this time.

No major problems yet! :crossed_fingers: :pray:

Have a good weekend!


Got antsy and pulled the tallest plant, it was shading the others too much and I fell like this was the best way to even things out. It was also fudging up my irrigation :angry:. Bumped feed EC up to 3.2 today, figured I was already flirting w/ a higher EC w/ no signs of burn… might as well push it a little more.

I think i’ll strip the sucker growth off and leave most of the fan leaves sometime over the next couple days. Getting too thick down low for my liking.

Also chopped my bubble gum mom down for a little rejuvenation, and a little competition: RW vs Root riots for fun. Any bets?


17 days into flower and officially into the “please stop growing” phase of the run. The Ortega mixes have really shot up while the Ashava Valley Cheese x Stockton Slap (AVCxSS) has hardly stretched at all… I did a poor job of matching these two up… :laughing: They’re slowing down but the height is maxed out so supercropping is back on the menu!

Ill get in there and shave their legs a little this next week.

Feed EC/PH still at 3.2/5.8 & runoff EC/PH ~5.5/6.0. Last several days runoff PH has been higher than my input, hoping that means they are slowing down the stretch leaving more N in the solution? Once the stretch is over the plan is to lower my input EC and slowly lower the runoff EC over a week or so.

Tiny tip burn at the very top.

Also picked up a new toy to play with:

Leaf surface temps are 3-4F under ambient, a larger gap than I had expected so I can get away with higher temps than I thought. Also nice to check equipment and plugs with. Recommended tool for sub $20 :+1:

And with all the extra space in the 3x3… veggies! Mostly tomatoes, peppers and herbs for outside. I’ll probably try to keep some basil in the tent though.

Have a good week OG!


Brought them in for a couple ‘adjustments’


This time, I presoaked all of my cubes at 2.5 EC before I inserted my “float tech” sprouts, and started feeding at about that level once the starter cubes dried back a bit (i.e like a 10 days above ground kind of timeline). A couple of them slowed a bit, but they adapted quickly and it was off to the races.

I’ll be interested to see how your flower turns out. I feel like mine is better since I’ve started higher EC’s, but maybe we’re just wasting nutes, who knows :grinning:.


@Tripl3fastaction It seemed to work out well for me this time and will be easily repeatable between runs compared to stepping up from 0.8 → 2.0 or so over a couple weeks. Looking back I think I had less problems in the seedling phase this time. I should probably do a better job prepping my coco though…

~3.0+ EC inputs seem to be pretty normal from what I read/listen to, as long as you use that to manipulate what’s actually going on in the medium with your runoff volume. I do hope it leads to healthier plants and better flowers, that’s the goal at the end of the day. Heck even if we’re wasting a little nutrient as least we bought the cheap stuff :rofl:

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It’s that time of the grow where shit starts going sideways! :man_facepalming:

Culled 3 plants and have one more on suicide watch. It was stuffed in there anyway so I’m not too sad about taking them out. The 3 represented plants that were getting medium to heavy drybacks across both cultivars :frowning:

Not totally sure where to go from here. Currently I’ve lowered light intensity about 10% and plan to slowly increase runoff to lower medium EC since the stretch is almost over anyway. Silver lining is that 5 plants makes much more sense in here than 8 did… broke a few more backs and stuffed them all under the trellis.

close your eyes! :disappointed_relieved:

at least the root growth looks decent



Monday monday monday…

No more balls have been sighted :+1: Nearing week 4 & have transitioned to more of a vegetative irrigation “strategy” and now watering over 7+ hours instead of 2-3. Still keeping the input EC high since its so much lower than the pwEC which should be falling over the next week or so anyway if things go smooth.

Plan is to start fading out the calcium nitrate for gypsum starting in week 4 and taper it down to ~100ppm by week 7.

Here’s the ladies. Had to turn the light down pretty low, but still have ~950ppfd across the canopy. One AVCxSS bottom left and ortega mixes taking over the rest of the space.

A frosty fan

Little backup veggies still cruisin’ along in the 3x3.

And here’s me wishing I could grow pot outside, but this will have to do :+1:

Happy post 420! have a good week!

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Weekend EVE

Day 30F in the 4x4 and I’m suffering the consequences of not training anything early on. I might try 2 layers of trellis next time for a little more control. Thankfully I think I’m in the safe zone w/ the distance to the lights now, but have been doing a little LST to be safe.

Dropped 0.5g of calcium nitrate out of the base nutrient ratio and replaced it w/ 0.5g of gypsum, I think i’ll run this for one more week and then pull another 0.5g of calnit out and see how it goes.
So it looks like this: 3.8g/2.0/0.5(Jacks A/Calnit/Epsom) + 0.5g CaSO4 as a base ratio then scaled up to 3.0+EC.

Pushing 12 irrigation’s/day right now and seeing good runoff numbers/volume. Things are doing well i think.
Input at 3.2/5.8 (EC/PH) out at 7.1/6.0

One of the ortega mixes has a very strong pinesol/lemon pledge scent. Had to get a non-smoker to verify it for me… they agreed! Pretty excited about that one! It also seems to be a more sativa leaning mystery ortega cross.

4x4 overview, hard to get a half decent picture in there now… had to stand on a little stool… :smiley:

A nice AVCxSS bud off to the side. Looks pale under the light, but they are nice and dark.

And my weekend transplanting project… so orange in here…

Stay safe & have a good weekend OG!

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Howdy :wave:

Lets start with the good…livin’ that good retired life out in the sun… :smiley:

Now the ugly…
Day 40F. Things got a little crispy as I transitioned to more of a vegetative irrigation schedule, decided to stick w/ the plan and see what happens. Feed EC down to 2.9 and coming out at ~5.5 now, ph is staying inline also. Not sure if it’s nute burn or osmotic stress from lowing the ec too quickly (Do these look similar?), also really close to the light up there… either way it seems to have stopped progressing :crossed_fingers:

Couple pictures:

Ortega mix filling in

AVCxSS bud doing well in the corner


Whatsup growmigos :wave:

Made it to day 56 in the bloom room. Some fall colors are starting to show up. Looks like two of the ortega mixes are going to finish early and will probably decide when I pull everything down, maybe another ~7 days… Need to get in there and check some trichomes this week. Watering is full generative/high leech over about a 2 hour window to give 22 hours of dryback each day.

This is the ortega mix winning the race to my lungs:

The remaining AVCxSS is the frostiest thing I’ve ever grown, I guess she ran out of room and started growing trichomes on the bottoms of the fan leaves… I wont complain.

And a wide shot, too bad the ortega mix that smells like lemons (tallest one up by the lights) won’t make it to finish and is foxtailing something fierce being so close to the lamp. Should make some tasty bubble hash I hope.

Now for the good shit…

Finally got all the veggies into their final spots and ready to rock.

overgrowing the tomatoes this year since that’s always the first thing we run out of… I gotta up my canning game this summer/fall.
<----Tomatoes (san marzono/beefstake) Peppers/Eggplants ----->

Some lettuce & Herbs

And the competition for the in ground 'maters…

Not sure how well this will workout but so far they’re rocking… 3 of the same varieties in 7gallon pots (100% coco) and 2 cucumbers in 5g coco. All getting jacks 321 + some gypsum at ~3.0 EC right now. Couple cucumbers in the back in organic soil also.

Also picked up this crew at the local hardware store to help me… they didn’t work for shit! Avoid them at all costs!


Also getting ready to gear up for the next run, 99% sure I’m going to run some soil in containers for a while. Mostly to up my variety and not be locked down to harvest everything at the same time.

Have these fem seeds to choose from;

Cap Junky x Chem 91
Cap Junky S1
Chem D x T1000/Old family purple
Triangle Kush x Chemdog D
Chemdog D x Triangle Kush
Sour Diesel x Pure OG kush
Chemdog #1 x Irene Kush
NL 5000
Bubba Kush S1
Obama Care
Sour O’s

Thinking NL5000, Triangle Kush x Chemdog D, Cap Junky S1 & Cap Junky x Chem 91 to get me started.

I will probably just use fox farm soils (happyfrog/ocean forest) but can’t decide on dry amendments. I have access locally to Down To Earth, Dr. earth, EB stone 420 mix, Pridelands. Leaning towards Down To Earth atm.

The goal is to get to the point where I feel comfortable to reuse/re-amend that soil each run…


Is that an HLG Tomahawk? Which one if so?
I have a Cap Junky going. It’s the clone version, seed junky cut.

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Hey Nitt, you found my little hobby hole :smiley:

It’s a 650w tomahawk. Had a heck of a time deciding on which model to buy but ended up getting a pretty sweet deal on the tomahawk so went that route.

How does the cap junky grow? I think I’ve read she tends to be a tall one…
My #1 goal for next run is to have a little head room to spare… tossing the gorilla extension in for sure.


Quick little update. Chopped everything down today but had a pretty small time window to get it all done so I only snapped a couple pictures as I moved.

The tall spindly colas have a killer lemon smell to them that I hope to transfers to some bubble hash since the flowers didn’t get a chance to ripen up. Some of the other Ortega mixes are showing similar odor , hope it survives the dry.

Couple side nugs


Also got some generous nice freebies, so I’m going to take a walk on the dark side for the next run or two until I run out.

June already… :sob:


I found ya. Was looking for pictures of your irrigation setup.

Nice. I have one too.

Yea, it stretched a lot. I had to pinch and bend a few tops. I really don’t like to, but I had to.

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oh nice! How do you like it?? There weren’t a lot of reviews out there when I bought mine.

maybe I’ll have to reconsider the cap junky :face_with_monocle: