My little grow tents

So far I like it. I have the 720w.

Cap Junky has trichomes on almost all the fan leaves too. The smell is fantastic. I always flower plants too late (too tall), so it’s mostly my fault.

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Nice looking plants!

How did your RootRiot’s vs RW go? I just did a similar experiment and the RW was by far the faster rooter of the two.

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Thanks man!

RootRiots kicked the rockwools butt. However, I didn’t pay much attention to them and the rw got kinda dry a few times, while the rootriots held onto more moisture… so not a very fair experiment :smiley:

Probably not a whole lot of difference if you treat both properly. I will do it again w/ more clones next time since I have a lot of each now :+1:

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I was comparing the athena blended line to their pro-line and Jacks, decided to stick GH lucas and HGV in there for more variety. Blended has some odd numbers compared to other nutrient lines, namely the low sulfur throughout and low Ca in bloom, very low Ca in ripening (per their blended feed chart, no fade). Can’t say I really understand this stuff, just comparing these to gain a slightly better understanding… but I thought some of the highlighted cells were strange, especially the ones in orange. Any input?

@Nitt Tag, you’re it! Any opinions? Honestly makes me want to stick w/ jacks… blended is also very low on micro nutrients by comparison :face_with_monocle:.

PS: If you’re a nutrient company… please make labels so you can freakin read them on your websites… why is it so common to use some low res image that no one can read???

PSS: HGV where are the micros !?!

edit: forgot to add GH lucas into that sheet… gotta compare to the OG!

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How are you getting these elemental ppm numbers?

So, what are you using now (all the dry products you’re using)? I don’t remember.

Edit @NoCal Have you seen this:

I’ll still look at some products, just to maybe get an idea of what’s going on. But I assume that they’re lying/exaggerating/under or over-reporting/leaving out certain ingredients because they’re allowed to.

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Just plugging them into hydrobuddy. Is it not a good idea to compare company to company this way?

Just playing w/ jacks A/B epsom and gypsum right now.

I haven’t seen that post yet , I’ll give it a read today :+1: thanks for pointing that one out.

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Oh, you do use hydrobuddy, and just wanted someone else to double check your results (for athena fade)?

I duno. It’s interesting to look. But, for example, one company’s product might say 5% Nitrogen, and in reality it could be anything above that, and it’d be considered perfectly fine for them to “under-report” the amount (legal, all that stuff). It could also be below that by however much, and I don’t know what the repercussions would be for them. They can also just not list some ingredients and say “proprietary secrets!” so we don’t have to tell you.

They don’t want people trying to copy, or reverse engineer. So it’s hard to trust’em. Though I do still examine products.

Cool, I’m playing with PP 6-11-31, CaNO3, MgSO4, CaSO4.

I posted somewhere another link to SIH (science in hydroponics) blog “formulations from the scientific literature”. These are legitimate formulations that have been tested and used over decades and decades (not proprietary formulations with secret ingredients and…lies, haha).

Lastly, when I read through all the blog posts related to calcium on SIH (maybe 4 or 5 of’em), there’s some stuff in there that just… well it really makes you think. Like, I think excerpts of some of the things mentioned in them are… though provoking to say the least. Might not be “answers”, but certainly good things to know about.

Eg: from foggy memory, and out of real context:
-Adding more calcium to solution can make calcium transport more difficult.
-Increase VPD can improve/fix calcium transport issues, but it depends on if it’s a “sink organ” (fruit, flower I think) or just leaves.

Edit: @NoCal Several "CalMag" products compared - #88 by Nitt

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That was an interesting read from I knew about the guaranteed min analysis but never considered mfgs would use that to obscure their actual formulas… sucks for us but makes sense I guess.

He posted a link from that blog post to an database that tested a bunch of nutrients that is pretty neat. I quickly skimmed all the lists and didn’t find any JR peters/Jacks nutrients but I did notice that most of the salt options were very close to the listings on their bottles…so that’s promising.

I need to go poking through more of the posts over there a little more sometime.
I’ll start w/ those links.

As always, thanks for the reply dude :+1:

Good reads… there is so much to learn!

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Yea, I remember skimming the database too.

One of the first places I started getting into the idea of custom/diy ferts (after switching to dry ferts - being Jack’s) was @Skybound’s thread on beanbasement. He had Daniel in there providing some assistance and his expertise, and answering questions. Lots of good info in that thread too. I have many bookmarks, haha.

PS: Which driver came with your tomahawk; meanwell…hlg-600h-54? If so, A, B, or AB type?

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Its a ‘HLG-600H-C5200AB’

I need to go check out beanbasement… if I make an acct can I read posts over there?

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Oh, I wouldn’t have expected a CC driver. Cool.

Yes. I’ll pm you a link to Skybound’s thread.

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What’s the difference? I tried looking this driver up but only found models w/ the nomenclature you listed ‘HLG-600H-XXXX’

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That sounds like a constant current model. The “-C” followed by the “5200” (the current rating) would suggest it’s a CC driver. Constant voltage drivers (CV) will have the rated voltage after the “H”, eg “-54”, or “-26”. Differences in how they operate.
Usually a CC driver will mean the light is wired in series, as opposed to CV which will be wired in parallel.

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Finally got all of the last grow into grove bags. Unfortunately I found several small pockets of white mold growing in some of the larger colas in between the flower and stem. I was able to salvage plenty so it’s not a big deal, only seemed to really effect 2 of the plants (they both got tossed). Really just glad I broke open some flowers and found it.
As I was breaking down and cleaning I found a small amount of what looked like mold growing on the inside of my humidifier… not sure if that’s the chicken or the egg… but it had been a while since I’d cleaned it :man_facepalming: oops.
Also never using a nylon trellis again, found several fibers stuffed into buds that were under a lot of pressure near the trellis.

The remaining flower came out pretty good though! I’m happy with the results despite the hiccups along the way. Some of the frostiest most dense flowers I’ve managed to grow yet, woohoo :partying_face:

I’m trying to get better at describing these, so here goes nothing…

The ortega mix bags have a lemon/gas smell on them, the lemon carries through on a bong hit which is nice.
The AVCxSS has a sweet spicy smell to it, like peppery? Very dense golf ball sized nuggets from this plant.

Anyway, here are some half-baked photos.
Ortega Mix:

AVCxSS Nuglets


Starting a new chapter…

New pages in the notebook, a fresh clean spreadsheet, clean tents and new seeds…

Starting off some feminized seeds this time;
4x Triangle Kush x Chemdog D (csi humboldt)
4x Chemdog D x Trinagle Kush (csi humboldt)
4x Cap Junky S1’s from @LoveDaAutos :+1:

All are resting in root riot plugs.

Going to use athena’s blended line this run (Base AB, calmag, pk, balance, stack, cleanse). Pre-soaking the coco at 2.3EC/5.8PH. Added in the gorilla tent extension this time. Rest of the setup remains the same; Seaflow33 pump running 0.5gph netafim drippers x2 per 1 gallon bags, all AC infinity environmental & control, and a HLG Tomahawk 650 replacing the sun.

Have a good week!


You use an excel spreadsheet type software to keep track of things? Or a physical notebook?

I have some “Cap Junky - Capulator’s cut / Seed Junky cut”, (clone only?) genetics going now. Is that…the same as what you have - but you got seeds from somewhere maybe? I’m a little confused and looking for information about the strain; growing information.

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Little bit of both. I take notes into the notebook and move them to a spreadsheet later so it’s easier to visualize.

The seeds are from @LoveDaAutos . First time for me so I can’t say much about them yet :+1:

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Oh - so you and Coda have the same seed version of CJ.

I have to figure something out right now for my CJ in flower, the two ton colas are flopping over, despite three (if not four) layers of trellis - which it out stretched almost all of. Son of a b.


Damn I had heard she was a grower… maybe that gorilla extension will save my ass. I’ll have to poke through codas grow to see what is in store for me.


I was just making lassos and fishing leaning over, nearly horizontal, heavy colas for a couple hours. I had to reel them in, over to my side and then secure them to a horizontal pvc rail I made and installed. I wish I could say it was the first time, haha.

Edit: I’m tempted to buy some of that MB 0-20-42…

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