My roots are strong and deep: an ongoing grow log

Hi, thanks for stopping by! Let’s grow some weed, eh?

I’ll resist my tendency to spill large walls of text that most people will never read and cut to the chase. I’ve got a 2x4 flower tent in my basement with 5 plants in it:

  • Ortega
  • Durban-Thai Highflyer
  • Janis
    (^ all from Fleur Du Mal))
  • Pineapple Chunk (Barney’s Farm)
  • Farmer’s Daughter (Humboldt Seed Company)
    Here they are:

    We are a little over a month into flower. I actually have my light (an HLG whose model number I can’t remember…basically 2 QBs on a long heat sink) running 10/14 because the plants I ran this spring were not finishing on the timeline I was expecting. I might blabber about that later but for now I’m just sticking with 10/14 because…why not lol.

I did one other log on here last summer. Since then, I’ve moved, had another kid, and switched to organics + SIPs, so rather than tacking onto that one I figured I would start fresh and effectively make this my little thread on here.

I’ve got 5 DLA5.3 about 6 weeks into veg for all you Bodhi heads out there :wink:. I’ve spent so much time lurking the Bodhi threads that I just had to get in on the fun! They will get flowered next whenever the space opens up. I suppose that will be in 6 weeks or so. You can see them here in my veg tent at the bottom of the photo. They are mixed up with 5 ESB from FDM which will also get flowered at roughly the same time. One of them already has a nice blueberry stem rub which I’m stoked about!

“My roots are strong and deep” is a reference to the song by The Microphones. I got really into “In The Aeroplane Over The Sea” last summer which led to Spotify really pushing other lo-fi (or whatever you call it) artists in my suggested mixes. I make no claims about my plants’ roots being unusually strong and/or deep, but I do like that song!

Cheers! :bigjoint:


Out of likes but def subd for your grow!! Look forward to updates. Very cool variety of ladies and cannot wait to see how the turn out best of luck and happy grow​:fire::fire::+1:


Orale, long walls of text are nice when they’re comprehensible and remain relevant. I like your plants, that Pineapple Chunk reminds me of Respect Genetic’s Super Berry x Bleu Cheese. I’ve got some DLA#5 crosses from Respect too, Blue 95 x DLA#5 and Sour Diesel #51 x DLA#5. Who knows when those will get popped lol.

I also rock HLG but have been disappointed with the qualities of their Diablo remodel. Had to send both of my lights in because of an intermittent short cutting a set of boards off.

Keep on keeping on.


Thanks for taking a look! I’ll admit I’ve never heard of Respect Genetics, but I’m stoked about this pineapple chunk, man! It’s gonna be thicc…and I don’t believe I’ve even added any top dress to that SIP! Not that I even care about yield, but I do love to see a healthy big plant. I know Barney’s doesn’t really have the OG “seal of approval” what with the name stealing and white labeling they do. In my defense, I bought these and some other more “commercial” beans before I had been completely indoctrinated here… In a good way :joy:! It’ll be mostly the smaller more boutique stuff from here on out with only a sprinkle of these fems just to have variety and get my money’s worth.

@StrongerthanDirt really appreciate the follow homie! I’m gonna try to keep it interesting for ya. Gotta head into the office today then get my butt kicked by 2 small children, then maybe when all that is said and done more pics and rambling! Emphasis on the maybe lol.


Here’s a quick low quality lights off shot from yesterday. Humming along pretty good!


Even in low light they look awesome!


I thank you! I haven’t grown plants that looked this good since I did DTW coco a few years ago. I had that process nailed down pretty good back then, but it involved twice daily waterings in flower and when my oldest was born I knew I wasn’t gonna have time for that shit anymore LOL. So then it was promix with GH nutes for a while but that grew some sad ass plants. So now here I am with EarthBox SIPs and Build A Soil Light. The only stuff I’ve added to the BAS Lite (“tastes great, less filling!”) is a few handfuls of build-a-flower topdress and some Craft Blend. I think I’m gonna stick with this method for a while.

If you don’t believe in miracles, get this: both my 2 year old and my 5.5 week old are napping SIMULTANEOUSLY, as I type this! Amazing. This has happened maybe once in the last 4 weeks. New baby is “spirited” you might say. I am tired…

Got a few pics last night:

The Ortega is fading a bit. She’s a big girl so I suppose I should add a little more top dress. I’m just improvising the feed stuff TBH. I think part of the point of SIPs is they’re more forgiving of that. Anyway, same story with the Farmer’s Daughter. Leaves are showing some deficiencies. It’s a pretty big plant and it’s only got half an EB Jr. to work with. The nugs are looking great though! At the time I bought the FD I didn’t really care much about genetics and purchased seeds based on vibes I guess you could say. Also whatever came in half packs because I’m cheap. If only I’d knows about Bodhi back then (sigh). Anyway, turns out it’s basically hype weed. Half cookies stuff, half OG pretty much. But I grew it last round and actually kept a clone for the hell of it. It was easy to grow, covered in resin, very little trimming needed, and smells really nice. I haven’t had a chance to sit down, vape it up, and really take measure of its effects yet. Life with 2 very small children isn’t very conducive to such things :joy:.

Catch ya later :sunglasses:


Well, I finally have a minute to add some pics to this little diary. I’ve been just doing screenshots because I was too lazy to mess with resizing too much. On my old Windows laptop I was using for my log last summer, a kind fellow OG member pointed me to a nice little resizing app that worked great! But I don’t think it works on Mac which is what I’ve switched to for my personal laptop. I don’t really care much Windows vs. Mac (they are both huge tech monopolies who will sell your data to the highest bidder to the absolute limit of whatever terms and conditions we all agree to, etc. etc.), but I do use an iPhone and it’s convenient to have my phone pics show up on my laptop for this hobby but also other stuff.

So, all that word vomit about photos leads to…I’m gonna try to make the photos I put up here a little better than shitty screenshots when I can. I’ve been messing with GIMP to resize so let’s see how this looks. For my own reference, this thing was a 12.3 MB JPG shot with my DSLR, edited and exported in GIMP to 92% quality. Exported file size is 3.7 MB according to Finder.

I could go on about my Ortega saga lmao. This will be my third grow from this pack. I had a hell of a time getting the other 2 to show any amber. I waited til day 70 with the first and day 82 for the 2nd one. That second one was just getting cloudy with the only amber on sugar leaves! According to FDM this should be a 8-9 weeker under 12/12, and I’m on 10/14 partially for this reason. I think that I had my light turned down too low and was feeding too light on my previous grows of this. It seems to be filling out much better with the light at 100% and all these yummy organic nutrients. Maybe later today or tomorrow I will get in there with the loupe and check to see where we’re at. Day 56 is on Thursday! Might have to chop off a little tester nug to shove in the toaster oven.

I have more pics from this morning of my other plants that I will try to get prepped quick and posted here. Slow day at the home office today haha.


Here’s the Durban-Thai Highflyer. Original photo 11.4 MB, exported at 92% to give a 2.7 MB image for upload.

I can’t emphasize enough how much better she looks than her last flower with promix, salts, low temps, and what I now realize was probably not enough light. I’ve been smoking that harvest at the end of my working day as my “daytime smoke” and I’ve gotta say it’s not really uplifting in any discernible way. It gets me high but it’s a generic weed buzz and honestly a little lethargy. As the parent of two very young children, I don’t need any help falling asleep, so zippy weed has always sounded really good to me. This strain was supposed to be that for me, so hopefully when grown better the effect lives up to the name.


“It’s not a problem of mine
but it’s a problem I find
living a life that I can’t leave behind”

Bizarre Love Triangle is such a good song it’s outrageous. It’s one of those ones that I heard a lot on the radio growing up in the 90s and 00s, but never knew the song or artist. I also feel like they probably favored a shortened version for the radio cuz I don’t remember it slapping nearly as hard as the Spotify version does. Anyways, damn now that dang algorithm threw on “What Difference Does It Make” - we love it folks!

I never intended to go 13 days between updates, but then again it was inevitable given the whole small children thing and work/etc. Plants are getting close. Mostly milky trichs on all of them with amber so far only on the Pineapple Chunk. Not sure what day it is today. At least some of the plants will get harvested this coming week. First organic harvest incoming! I’m excited. It’s gonna be soooo much better than smoking salts bro! Terpz bro! <-----this is sarcasm and I’m high

My other jam the past few days is “Not Ready to Make Nice.” Fuckin banger. I don’t listen to music while baked NEARLY enough!

Anyway, I sadly noticed some mold on the THICCEST Ortega cola earlier this week. I cut the whole branch off and disposed of it. The rest of the bud looked clear and I’ve thrown another fan in that tent to keep this shit dry yo. I’m feeling good about it. I’m just growing for myself and always double check any bud I’m trimming or smoking for mold.

A different Ortega cola got too heavy to support itself above the SCROG and was ready to drop to the floor. I harvested it this afternoon.

One of the thiccest I’ve ever harvested in my brief growing career! If I were growing for weight, I’d be psyched out of my mind about this. This should be good night night bud, but I’m gonna have so damn much. I think I’m gonna make a shitton of bubble hash out of it. Oh yeah…

Crappy close up of some trichs on that bud. Still a lot of clear in there haha. And a ton of white pistils. But I think this will still be pretty potent. The other Ortegas I’ve had are all very strong even though they didn’t get hardly any amber. This is part of what puzzled me before and made me to to 10/14 and lower my light intensity. Maybe it’s an LED thing or something.

If I have a slow morning this week I will try to get some better pics up! Later alligators


Got decent shots of each plant yesterday. Day 67 for Ortega and DTH, day 63 for the Pineapple Chunk, Farmer’s Daughter, and Janis.
Farmer’s Daughter:



Pineapple Chunk:


The harvest is imminent. I’m within the breeder’s recommended harvest window for all of these. Not a ton of amber on them, but I’m very impatient to get my next run started. Also, tester nugs from over a week ago have plenty of potency. I’ll probably chop everything except maybe the DTH by the end of this week. Yay more weed!


Beautiful plant man :muscle:
Love the color on the farmer D


Bro those buds are looking chunky as hell


They really are! The Ortega and Pineapple Chunk both yield big. Just smoked a pinner of that Ortega from a tester nug cut about 10 days ago. I’m decently baked :crazy_face:. So the stuff I chopped today should be plenty potent.

@Ras-T thanks! I chopped that one today. So easy to trim! Good modern OG/cookies type stuff…not that I have much experience with those.


Yes i love this little type of nugs loaded with resin

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The harvest is in! Here is one of the colas from the Pineapple Chunk. No shortage of bud here!

I decided to flip on Labor Day because it would be easy to remember. So today was day 2 of 11.5/13.5 for these 10 plants. There are 5 each of DLA 5.3 from Bodhi and ESB from Fleur Du Mal.

I’m stoked to try some new stuff! I grew Ortega and Durban-Thai two consecutive grows which was a good learning experience I think, but also I’m gonna get tired of Ortega. And make a shitload of it into hash. I’ve begun experimenting with dabbing from some small batches of hash I’ve been learning on. Have the cheapest quartz banger and bubbler you can get from Grav. I kind of love it - I get why some people start dabbing almost exclusively. It’s crazy how much more clear headed the high seems to be. Dabs for breakfast is a program I could really get on board with lmao.

Here are some close ups of some of the DLA 5.3 @CaptainRon

And lastly here’s a close up of one of the ESBs. Very narrow leaves! I’m hoping for something really cerebral. I’ve got no shortage of relaxation/sleepy weed.

I’m updating this thing even less than I had thought I would. But I think I’m gonna keep at it anyway so that this can be a resource for people growing any of these lines now or later. I’m also gonna try to do some quick vape/smoke reports of the 5 strains I just harvested the past couple weeks. Catch ya later!


That’s my intent too.

I like that ESBs leaves, super appealing.


Thank you for taking the time to do all this my brother, @HeartOfDankness !

How are you liking those earthboxes?

The one furthest to the left looks like she may be getting a little too much water.
I found that a little on the drier side with the 5.3 is the sweet spot, at least for my batch.

The leaves in the third photo are so interesting! Minimal serrations and looks smooth.

I had two plants with this heavy serration,

But both turned out to be male… :woozy_face:

Looking good, brother :purple_heart:


Thanks, Captain! :saluting_face:
I like the Earthboxes very much. They seem to somewhat idiot-proof my application of top dresses. I just got this configuration of 1 classic EB, 2 EB Jrs set up late last week and most of these plants were rootbound and sad when I transplanted them. They rebounded so fast it’s crazy! Hydro-like growth in organic soil, what’s not to like? My dream would be to grow weed outside in the dirt or in beds. But as long as I’m indoors, EBs seem to be a good compromise.

This was day 4 of 11.5 hours light. The males are starting to show, so now I get to pick a stud! This is fun. Just doing this for the hell of it, so I’m just going to pick based on some arbitrary combination of vigor, stem rub, and stickiness. One of them is noticeably stickier than the others already, and he was also one of my most vigorous in veg. So he’s probably the leader in the clubhouse right now.

I’ll try to grab some pics tomorrow.


Hell yeah brother, so glad you’re having fun over there!
Looking forward to see your project unfold!
I haven’t made seeds yet, but hopefully my next run I’ll be able to open pollinate a pack of seeds to make more to look through.

Will be taking notes :memo: :purple_heart:

Have a great day brother