My roots are strong and deep: an ongoing grow log

I think the final breakdown of the 10 plants I have flowering is:
4 male DLA 5.3,
1 female DLA 5.3,
and the ESBs are either 4 female/1 male or ALL female which would be nuts.

It’s funny, you do the math in your head and figure, there’s no way I would have 5 regs all turn up female, it’s only 1/32 probability. But then I’m like, in the huge number of events that take place in nature each day, 1/32 probability events happen all the time! So maybe I shouldn’t be so surprised if I get 5 ESB females lol. There will be space for them what with all the males I got out of that half pack of DLA haha.

On that note, I’m having fun watching them stretch. The DLAs are noticeably more vigorous than the ESBs, probably cuz they’re mostly male! And it’s funny, the one DLA that I’m pretty sure is female is the runt of the whole bunch I think. So it goes. Here’s a pic of her (:crossed_fingers:):

You can see how the ESB right behind is a good 6 inches taller.

Now here are my stud candidates:




All of them are pretty vigorous, although #2 probably wins in that category. Not a fair comparison though because that’s the only one that got topped. It was getting too damn tall compared to the others. I would like to have that kind of vigor in the progeny, so it’s a strong candidate. #1 I think has the stickiest stem rub. #3 is in last right now because it’s being all fussy and shit after going into the EB Jr. Burnt tips and such. I guess being a light feeder has advantages, but the way I grow I need stuff that doesn’t fuss. I’m liking #4 quite a bit but probably not as much as 1 and 2.

I’m torn about how to handle the pollen collection. Part of me really wants to just keep my selected stud in the tent and let him splooge all over everything. I want to see a full male lifecycle and even try consuming one, possibly in some kind of hash. But on the other hand, I want to experience these new strains sin semillas as they say. Of course, if I were doing it right I would clone everything and grow those out for bud I guess. But keeping clones and mothers is not something I’m really up for, and I already have accumulated more seeds than I will likely be able to grow in the next 10 years.

Ope, I did the wall of text thing again! Thanks for reading if you made it this far! May you all get just the right amount of high this weekend :sunglasses:


Make more seeds and OverGrow the world!

Looking good, brother @HeartOfDankness !

Loved the write up. It’s cool seeing into how you work your garden.

If I knew how to ship clones in soil, I’d send you my 5 DLA females and you could open pollinate…



Haha appreciate the offer, man! Don’t worry, I’m happy popping seeds and lord knows I’ve got a stash to work through. Speaking of, I had that Bodhi restock all teed up and was ready to drop $185 on MOAR SEEDS then my wife asked me to grab the baby and I took it as a sign. I could flower out 5-10 new seed plants every few months continuously for at least 5 years and still not run out lol. Not that I’m swearing off buying seeds but I’m gonna make myself wait until Black Friday at least. Buying hobby stuff IS fun as much as I hate to admit it and contribute to consumer culture.

Anyway, I was gonna put the Ortega into jars today and unfortunately most of it did not pass mold inspection. I had seen the mold on one cola a couple weeks prior to harvest and foolishly thought I had put it to bed. Of course it was already growing in the others by then. Pretty much everything bigger than a golf ball looked great on the outside but moldy as fuck on the inside. No huge loss as I’ve got plenty of other bud to smoke and strains to grow. It is annoying to think that the space could have gone to a more mold resistant plant. Nothing else molded thus run (I got all up in all my other stuff with a 60x loupe after this episode lol).

Been vaping the fresh farmers daughter quite a bit. It’s nice! Excited to try more of the stuff. Should be able to post some pics from the tent tomorrow. Cheers!

I miss your old avatar.

I apologize for intersecting in y’alls conversation, but you may find this tutorial useful in the future.

It’s so easy too with that Amazon credit card. That’s how they got my ass.


@Mr.Christmas, no worries at all. As one of my most loyal readers, please feel free to comment wherever the heck you want!

Someday I want to order some clones just to see what we really mean by “elite” when we say “elite cuts.” But I wanna really dial in my setup first. I kinda wanna get one of those short tents to use just for clones. Better yet, I would make a little cabinet type thing but I just don’t have the time for projects like that right now. I do have the 2x2 for veg and a tray of clones, but as I’m about to show it’s now going to serve as my pollen collection area! And after that’s done I think I’m just gonna flower out some more stuff in there because it’s fun and I don’t need to be able to do long veg times anyway. Yield schmield!

Anyway, I “selected” a male yesterday. This plant had roots poking out the bottom of it’s starter pot well before the others when they were babies. It’s plenty vigorous and has a pleasant stem rub. Ever so slightly fruity and funky I suppose. If you believe about half the breeders I’ve heard on the Potcast, stem rub isn’t reliable anyway as far as what would show up in the progeny. But if I had to say honestly how I selected it, it was “vibes” and the fact that it has big ass fan leaves! They just spoke to me lol. Here are some pics before and then after extracting the male from the EB to move into the 2x2.

He’s quite a strapping young lad, isn’t he? He was sad about being transplanted 6 days into flower (can you blame him?), but has perked back up pretty quick. Hell yeah, that’s the kind of vigor I want!

With all the males cleared out I had space to throw these two sad clones that were sitting in the 2x2. Ortega (I think the same one I just had that molded, but maybe a sister) and DTH (a sister of the one I just harvested). I also might just pop some fem freebies to stick in the corners because variety is the spice of life, dammit!


Just for you @Mr.Christmas , we will bring back Kurt Russell! :wink:

On a real note thank you for that post, great read and excellent way to transport clones!

@HeartOfDankness looking excellent, brother!
Picking plants on instinct and traits YOU like is all that matters in my opinion. I enjoy reading how much fun you are having!
Shows that you kept the little kid in you alive all these years!
Keep it up man!


Amazing! If we can get @Mr.Christmas to go back to his old avatar, we would have Swayze, Ethan Hawke, and Jolly Old St. Nicholas himself represented in this thread. 3 absolute A-listers!

The male was looking droopy again this afternoon so I gave him some water. He’s in a 2 gallon fabric pot by himself in the 2x2. I’ve never used soil in fabric pots, so I’m trying not to overwater like a n00b ya know? I peeked in the big tent and everything is looking great. That lone DLA female had pretty much no stretch. She’s getting outcompeted for light big time amidst two very robust ESBs. Should have time to get some pics tomorrow. I do most of my plant care between bullshit emails and meetings on days I work from home, which is every day except Wednesday.

I got everything into jars on Monday. The Janis wasn’t my thing at all smell-wise in flower. Very old lady perfume. But after drying it’s got a little 7up thing going on almost that I dig very much. Looking forward to trying that one. I would do it now, but I’ve already had a little weed today and I find that the effects get muted and harder to differentiate as the day goes on.

Today was day 9 I suppose. I saw someone on RIU who has harvested some DLA5.3 already. I think he said he chopped most of them around 60 days. That would be a nice quick flower time! We shall see what happens…


Wow what a day! So many stupid meetings, so little time to hang out with my plants while periodically checking email lol.

Got some pics this afternoon. Here’s the tallest ESB lady:

A couple views of the lone DLA female. It’s barely half the height of the plant above. I hope it’s dank!

Here’s the whole flower tent. Still wanna put some fem freebies in there, but haven’t gotten around to picking them out and all that shit.

Finally, my sole male heir:



Oh, I thought it was Seann William Scott lol. Regardless, solid avatar. I believe it suits ya well.

I would but, I’m afraid of change…

giphy (2)

I don’t think I much enjoy the floral perfume type profiles either. The Night Terror OG I harvested had that profile at the start of cure, but it’s becoming more sour smelling as time goes on.

RIU? That’s a funny way of spelling “Not OG”.

Your plants are looking beautiful dude. It’s sick that you get to work primarily from home. I also pretty much just stay home all the time as I attend college virtually. I love it.

Cheers parcero!


@HeartOfDankness looking good brother!
If you find the ESB’s are getting too tall for the DLA, super cropping is an excellent training technique to help manage a more even canopy.

What are those ESB’s?
Look to be sativas?

@Mr.Christmas too funny brother.
I think it’s from the early 90s but there’s a movie called Captain Ron played by Kurt Russell, which is where the pic is from. Considered a family movie but still some solid laughs.


Supercrop you say?

I like supercropping because it makes me feel like a real confident grower. Like, lemme just grab this plant and bend the crap out of it. Who cares if I lose a top? Whereas my first few grows I would’ve been hesitant because “waaa I don’t wanna lose any weed.” That is not an issue these days haha. I wonder if I have over a pound of dried herb yet. Probably close!

Here’s the description of ESB from the FDM site:

Originally bred by Oldtimer, an old-school English grower dedicated to adapting landrace sativas to indoor environments. Oldtimer combined a selected Nigerian Skunk to DJ Short’s original ’96 vintage Blueberry to create this tamed sativa, ready in 8-9 weeks indoors. Up sativa head, good buzz but no anxiety like many sat-doms. Musicians love this.

I fancy myself a person who could’ve really made it in music if I’d applied myself. As it is I’m a very average guitar and piano player who never practices. I don’t have time to do much of anything these days, much less things that generate noise. But someday I hope to get back to noodling on the guitar a few times a week. It’s super fun after a few puffs. A lot of people like to be all contrarian like, “Weed doesn’t actually make you more creative or whatever, you just feel that way because you’re HIGH ya fuckin’ STONER!” I think it’s real. More neural pathways firing or firing differently, etc. So anyway I found that line about musicians very appealing. Also always on the lookout for some good giddy-up weed.

Got some rare me time on a Saturday and just vaped a bowl of Janis for the first time. Me likey! The potency is definitely there. Feeling it mostly in my head right now. Feel more coordinated while typing. Oh yeah!

Couple more pics from yesterday:

Shit, I missed the part about Kurt Russel. My bad, I guess I just wanted him to be Swayze because I love Point Break so damn much. I should rewatch that while super baked soon!


I just want someone to look at me like Keanu Reeves is looking at that golden retriever of a man.

On one of my first grows, I accidentally snipped a branch and started bugging out. After googling what to do and not really finding anything, I lost all hope and left the plant for dead.

Good times.

Plants are looking real nice dude. That male has a fantastic looking leaf morphology too.