NEW LOWER prices most per 2 seed orders - SAVE more with 20% off 3

I’ve dropped price per by $1-3 on most listings. Due to FAKE orders being placed on single seed orders that aren’t paid for, I had to make it a 2 seed minimum, but I’ve lowered the average you pay for 2, plus when you add 1 more you save 20% on each additional seed in your cart. The bigger the order, the more extras and bonuses you receive. Custom seed pucks are ready to send in. I’m hoping to get a last month push here before the bills are due. So come get the CripXmas A2 or some Pressure Skunk fems beans, save money GET MORE sent FAST! Remember, supporting me, also supports OG :wink::pray::facepunch::smiling_face:

Tampa Crippy BX2 F6 will be coming next month but again seed will be limited